Who cares what you think, if you're a True Cane you'd understand. And dont place crock berlin in the same sentence as jacory harris ever again, cause obviously you dont know football if you do. If you put j70 on any team that dorsey was on, especially against ohigho fake the luckeyes would've gotten blown out and run off the field like they should have. Put j70 on any team crock berlin was on and he would've thrived, with all those targets crock had to throw too along with those o-lines crock and dorsey had, j70 would've punished teams.
So here's some advice to you, take yo crock berlin luvin sensitive *** somewhere, STFU, reread my other post until you learn to understand it, and once you do, only then will you be considered a Cane fan, otherwise that crybaby **** you just posted up top, will be how you are continually viewed.