UNC-Georgia Commit - Next Level Hat Game

Check out who DGAF.

As much as I hate them, I don’t like the disrespect stuff because it’s my own values but I am a different generation raised by a different generation in a different era.

It just goes against how I was raised in terms of gratitude, appreciation and respect. Then there’s not burning bridges unnecessarily and Karma coming back
Respect and values is on life support my friend. One of the many reasons society is f’d.
It isn't even an original troll. It's been done for the last year or so with the exact same edit (including this kid to clemson on the 4th of July )

Id give it a little slack if its rival schools. Just more fuel for the rivalry. Like if a Bama recruit disrespected Auburn a bit, but bruh...UNC and Georgia?...and on top of that, the dude is literally from NC? Disrespecting your own state for what?
He may live to regret this, if he ever wants to transfer to UNC if things don’t go well at thUGA.
Although not a fan of this its completely acceptable for any recruits to do it to LSU after Brian Kelly grinds on them
And we care about this why 🤷‍♂️

Because UGA is stacking ungodly talent at the defensive tackle position between thier last few classes. Go take a look at who they signed, it's frightening how many athletic war daddy types they have.

Go Canes
As much as I hate them, I don’t like the disrespect stuff because it’s my own values but I am a different generation raised by a different generation in a different era.

It just goes against how I was raised in terms of gratitude, appreciation and respect. Then there’s not burning bridges unnecessarily and Karma coming back
I’m 34 and agree with you 100%. For 1 these people have poured countless hours into building a relationship with you and have spent lots of $ to do so. 2, you should never burn bridges like that. You never know what the future holds. If either of my sons did this I’d be ****ed.
As much as I hate them, I don’t like the disrespect stuff because it’s my own values but I am a different generation raised by a different generation in a different era.

It just goes against how I was raised in terms of gratitude, appreciation and respect. Then there’s not burning bridges unnecessarily and Karma coming back

The only way I’d do that is if they served me Mac and cheese with mayo in it and gave my family diarrhea on a visit.
I feel like some of you guys are more hurt than UNC’s staff is.

Miami and all the fans are now “above” trash talk?
telling your opponent your going to kick their ***, aka "trash talking", is a welcome time honored tradition that most all of us here adore. That shouldn't be confused with these 'purposeless' ****tin on a team that was recruiting you.

but you don't need to worry... all of us with old foggy attitudes realize we're out of touch.

We get that TV shows like "survivor", etc, that reward lying and backstabbing, are the best way for future success.

We're just all disappointed we're still stuck with being old or "old school".... although that is one of the best movies ever!!!

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I seriously doubt Mario would approve of this behavior. I don’t either. But this behavior has been cultivated by the enormous hype surrounding recruiting and the overall downfall of respect and consideration in society in general.

We’ve been disrespected for years and been on the other side of the “hat game”countless times so it’s difficult to take the higher ground when we win one or when one of our rivals gets played. The good news is there are many kids that do things the right way and should be recognized for their efforts that would hopefully encourage others to follow suit.