UM vs. Duke

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Al's got a binder of slogans. " Duke aint Duke of yesteryear." " Kids have been through a lot this season."
What else can that chunky used car salesman come up with?

You don't lose to. Duke this way or vetch horrible freaking teams this year and the acc as a whole. Fatty d needs to go
First time ever posting on the Gameday Board. I am speechless.................................People can say what they want. This is WORSE then the UVA "last game at OB loss". (Everyone KNEW we sucked. We just didnt want to believe it. We were not ranked in the top 10 at ANY POINT in that season) and its worse then the LSU Peach bowl loss. (We all knew after we lost the chance to get to the BCS that our players would check out. The season was a total failure. It was BCS or bust for them)

This loss is UNFORGIVABLE in my book. Al needs to fire someone JUST TO GET HIS RESPECT BACK. He has to sacrifice someone because I for one WANT A BODY. AND THE BODY I WANT IS DONOFRIO!
Stephen Morris is ecstatic right now.

he gets his reward! the post game Snickers bar!
All of the evidence suggests Golden can't coach his way out of a paper bag, actually can't analyze reality well at all, and is tethered to friends too closely that he's going to let it sink his ship. He is the WOAT regarding the latter two, based on personnel, in-game decision making, roster moves, etc.

Other than that, he's an awesome spokesman. A true Baghdad Bob.

Not sure he will ever change his passive style. Not trying to win a game when you know your defense is absolute trash is a huge red flag.

Butch suited up 51 players against FSU in 1997. Led by Dan Morgan, they never quit. I was in the OB in that last game against UVA and that team quit. This team has quit and will not win another game this season.
Duke's storming the field because what they beat was what was billed as the rebirth of the U. See also about 5 poster's sigs on this site.

Bring back Butch.
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