This is the guy licking every drop of Al Golden’s ******* until the bitter end btw. Cvnt04 or frick02 or some ****. Some admin .
Ok anonymous, lonely internet guy.
Ok scrip91
Nice design by Richt right there.
I know negativity gets annoying as ****. But I got a superstition that each time I bish I the opposite don't mind me lol
Too bad Herndon is a Sr
Lol go take your miserable divisive anti Miami propaganda **** and ruin it for someelse you worthless sack of retired wetnurse arriolas. I hope you get food poisoning tmrw and have horrific diahharrea so your weekend is ruined but you gotta get back to the Hecht on Monday regardless because unimaginative mark doesn’t give vacation days.
Too bad Herndon is a Sr
Rosier answers. Difference between him and Kayaa right there, literally in how they react to being hit in the mouth.
That said, ****ing **** he gives me a heart attack.