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The way you idiots praise morris one week then turn your back the next is why no one respects this fan base.

Maybe if Morris wasn't a total clown one play and then making NFL throws the next, that wouldn't happen. Jesus ******* christ stop cannibalizing the fanbase when the guy is inconsistent and it's patently obvious.
2nd and 4 and we do a SLOW developing play action pass again knowing they're pinning their ears back!
what.the.****. is happening? 1-4 UNC has gotten into the heads of a top 10 team. de pinga.

Well while we should not be having this much trouble on offense with a team like UNC, dont be fooled into thinking we are a top 10 team.....
The way you idiots praise morris one week then turn your back the next is why no one respects this fan base.

Which game did people "praise" Morris? He has been hurt all year and the game we actually need him to get hurt, he is staying in. You have to admit the INT in the red zone was 100% his fault and terrible and not throwing the ball out of bounds on the sacks was stupid. Great arm, yes. A smart QB, no way
The way you idiots praise morris one week then turn your back the next is why no one respects this fan base.

YOu must have been paying attention too much dude. The criticism of Morris has been consistent all season. The fact is he is NOT playing like a Senior QB with his talent should be playing like. HE has a great arm, but the kid just doesnt have it between the ears. HE makes a great throw one minute, then a boneheaded play the next. That inconsistency might let us skate by USF or FAU, but its not going to cut it against real teams.
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