UM v KSU Game Thread

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One minute left in the half, down 17 and they're running the play clock down to 7. Sure. Makes sense.
This is Golden and Fisch being pussies. Straight up. They didn't want KState to get the ball back.
I find it laughable when a fan ******* about players giving up, and then they say themselves they can't take it. Right now they are better than us. Who here really thought we were at their level coming into this game? Hopefully the players find something to rally around and make a game of this.
Can we see some downfield passes? Maybe use that big arm they say morris has?
LOL. Why would anyone feel the need to get tricky against our defense? Our secret weapon is to bore the opposition into a belief that absolutely anything will work. Reminded me of that McGahee halfback pass against Virginia Tech in 2002.

That was the highlight reel jump pass. They've already put the game in the "W" column.
Come on fellas

td here will help

10-24 going into the Half..

Even 6-24 we get the ball after the Half.

Score then stop


Then it becomes a new ball game.

We just need to get to the half and come out with some adjustments. Let's get behind our team and hope the coaches make adjustments.
Is this 97' or worse?

I was there for '97. At best it's a wash. But I definitely don't think we're better.

'97 doesn't lose to this team like this.

I don't know. They're both pretty bad. The '97 team got raped by Syracuse at the OB in similar fashion when dudes were dancing on the sidelines while McNabb was smashing our skulls in.

I was there. Vomit. At least that was McNabb.
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