Not to speak for UnitedCanedom, but here are some statements I found from ****ey:
"I went there and visited my freshman and sophomore year, and was just like whatever, to a point where Oregon was nowhere near my top five," said ****ey. "But when they announced the new coaching staff, that put them at the top of my list and my No. 1 school."****ey-Oregon-Ducks-187083566/
"And just in the beginning, I didn't feel as comfortable. I felt like they just treated me like, however. I really felt like I was treated like somebody I shouldn't have been treated (like that) because as I said the platform that I wasn't on plays a big part in it. Now it's just like one of the platforms that I am then like other coaches show me love but where was that before?
Junior Adams always had love for me no matter what. Even before all of this, he's a real one so that's why I'm sticking to it..."****ey-Oregon-Ducks--189522592/