UM Tours Today


Dec 22, 2013
What Schools and players were touring today? Is this something new to have whole teams visit or did Folden do the same? I for one like it.

Mater came by.

Believe a few American Heritage kids stopped by as well. this something that has always been happening? I feel like we did not have this many juniors consistently visiting like this in the past
Advertisement this something that has always been happening? I feel like we did not have this many juniors consistently visiting like this in the past

They did this with golden too

Thanks Brock. Had no clue Folden was doing this as well.

It does seem more public then, because I didn't know Golden had this many visitors either. Maybe the staff has been telling the kids to be more public about it and Golden didn't? /shrug
Advertisement this something that has always been happening? I feel like we did not have this many juniors consistently visiting like this in the past

They did this with golden too

Thanks Brock. Had no clue Folden was doing this as well.

It does seem more public then, because I didn't know Golden had this many visitors either. Maybe the staff has been telling the kids to be more public about it and Golden didn't? /shrug

There was an article awhile back talking about how interesting it was that Miami was being so public with who they were recruiting via social media, etc. Almost like how we say on this board, "We Miami!," and daring schools to recruit against us.

I think that's the difference between Richt and Golden. Golden wasn't sure he'd be able to hang on to recruits - heck, he was sure he wouldn't be able to hang on to a whiny, desperate girlfriend - where Richt has confidence in himself, in his staff, in the he's more public with what he's doing.

I don't know...just my $0.02...

Go 'Canes! this something that has always been happening? I feel like we did not have this many juniors consistently visiting like this in the past

They did this with golden too

I'd have to see video evidence, kids testify and a congressional hearing to verify Goldofrito did anything similar, other than a junior day kiddie camp attended by non Miami caliber guys, Golden offered for attending his little touch football camp.
wait, is the IMG visit to Miami during the Michigan practice week at IMG?? Is IMG on spring break at the same time as IMG?