UM Practice Day 3 Updates

Everyone wasn't aware of Golden being a fat POS while he was here. On the contrary I remember the majority slurping him and covering for his every flaw and douche move that was anti-UM's best interest as well. Where are all these guys now??? I'll tell U how to spot them. They are same dudes that ALWAYS no matter the coach, have thrown the players under the bus in situations where we fans don't know the whole story of football related incidents and indiscretions. Despite the fact that they wouldn't be Canes fans if it wasn't for the only constant of our success and championships = our players, under 4 different coaches and numerous ADs, Presidents, board members, and administrators. But for these Corporate Cane fan types the benefit of doubt is always with the paid employee over the very foundation of Cane football...the players. Whenever Golden thru our kids under the bus or suspended them, it was always the players fault 100%, U can still spot them posting this same false narrative that our recruit need accountability somehow as if their lives thus far have been a breeze and privileged. Total reversal of reality in their convoluted minds. The never question authority and the elite, which is what the Canes players did in the 80's and 90's to establish this legacy that U attach yourself to but subconsciously hate. Being a Cane fan for these types must be a very weird experience of split personality and cognitive dissonance.

These kids don't owe US anything especially not those who show zero loyalty to them but demand 100% loyalty from 18 year Olds during a new shady game of recruitment that has been monetized and sensationalized by the corporate types and elites U have 100% too. This attitude is audacious an utterly ridiculous on infinite levels. One being that these kids have also built almost every building on campus, and made numerous administrators and coaches filthy rich. This is an open question: what facilities/infrastructure (hospitals, banks, schools, community centers, grocery stores, retirement housing) initiatives has UM directly funded in the urban communities that has served as our recruiting ground for 40 years? I'm ignorant of this, so let me know. It seems to be a one-sided relationship being advocated for by the Corporate Cane types. Only one side is being held accountable to certain aspects of it. These kids could go wherever they want to play football and get to the league for the most part, but they do and have chosen UM.

These types of delusional rants are borderline bullying where the facts are concerned. Our recruit are thinking business just like the people yall look up to and never question have been for the last 40 years. It's being expressed in a harmless symbolic trolling way by some teens, and yall feel emboldened to tongue lash them. U can't have it your way, in every way. U are spoiled by them and have lost your appreciation for what they've provided U. Ridiculous. For any recruitor former player that reads here: We love and appreciate all that have and will do for this U, and the burden of proof is with the paid employees of UM, you've earned the benefits of doubt until the facts of any matter removes it! Go Canes!!!

Way too many Canes fans choose to qualify their Canehood by who they hate (Gayturds and Semeholes) rather than and over who they love...our players.
What some of you guys don't understand, is that true Miami Hurricanes (fans, alumni, past and current players, coaches) don't accept any form of cuckery under any circumstances... When a player such a Jobe displays publicly to the world the disrespect for MY MF University of Miami, he is no longer respected nor given the benefit of the doubt. Mike Harley did the same thing and he got fcking blasted on here, not because we thought he wasn't coming, but because of his behavior towards this U during most of his recruitment.

5*s 6*s or 10*s doesn't matter. A Cuck is a cuck no matter who it involves. And the worst part of all, is that these diva kids always pick our most hated enemies to try *** with us. The Gaytors or the Noles...Now I realize that some of you will not give a **** about this behavior and chuck it off to immaturity and the nature of recruiting.

But let me break it to you guys, talent alone doesn't win championships. Kids with hearts and right attitudes who don't quit on teammates like Henderson, are the kids you want on your team when times get tough... Jobe not doing enough to graduate on time or get into Miami simply means he has quit on himself on acomplishing the bare ***king minimum academically. That's quiting on himself, his teammates, and family. Is that someone you want on the field at the end of the game? Someone who quits? His talent is out of this world, but what doesn't show on tape is heart and work ethic (at practice and in the classroom) and common sense.

Why do you guys think Golden was able to bring in talented guys but couldn't win? that fat POS excuse for a coach lacked the Cojones to be a leader at the U. His soft *** couldn't tell which players had heart, toughness, that dog in them, savages that grew up with a "death before dishonor" mentality from the softies who throw a fit if they don't get the start.

Cane dynasty and a few others get it. You guys who don't can talk all the **** you want. But on the Internet, or in real life, I won't allow people to disrespect the green and orange. It's that ***king simple and that ***king serious.

PS: fck the turds

SMH wow
Im starting to suspect some here arent really fans, yall jump to conclusions anout kids without really knowing the story behind their actions you just assume what is going on, how do yall know that he is trolling UF? Or that hes messing with someone? Or someone messed with his twitter? I get it we got screwed by kids with golden and yall are scared and shook with all the games these kids did to the last staff , but to jist lash out calling the kid names is just straight retarded
What some of you guys don't understand, is that true Miami Hurricanes (fans, alumni, past and current players, coaches) don't accept any form of cuckery under any circumstances... When a player such a Jobe displays publicly to the world the disrespect for MY MF University of Miami, he is no longer respected nor given the benefit of the doubt. Mike Harley did the same thing and he got fcking blasted on here, not because we thought he wasn't coming, but because of his behavior towards this U during most of his recruitment.

5*s 6*s or 10*s doesn't matter. A Cuck is a cuck no matter who it involves. And the worst part of all, is that these diva kids always pick our most hated enemies to try *** with us. The Gaytors or the Noles...Now I realize that some of you will not give a **** about this behavior and chuck it off to immaturity and the nature of recruiting.

But let me break it to you guys, talent alone doesn't win championships. Kids with hearts and right attitudes who don't quit on teammates like Henderson, are the kids you want on your team when times get tough... Jobe not doing enough to graduate on time or get into Miami simply means he has quit on himself on acomplishing the bare ***king minimum academically. That's quiting on himself, his teammates, and family. Is that someone you want on the field at the end of the game? Someone who quits? His talent is out of this world, but what doesn't show on tape is heart and work ethic (at practice and in the classroom) and common sense.

Why do you guys think Golden was able to bring in talented guys but couldn't win? that fat POS excuse for a coach lacked the Cojones to be a leader at the U. His soft *** couldn't tell which players had heart, toughness, that dog in them, savages that grew up with a "death before dishonor" mentality from the softies who throw a fit if they don't get the start.

Cane dynasty and a few others get it. You guys who don't can talk all the **** you want. But on the Internet, or in real life, I won't allow people to disrespect the green and orange. It's that ***king simple and that ***king serious.

PS: fck the turds

Everyone wasn't aware of Golden being a fat POS while he was here. On the contrary I remember the majority slurping him and covering for his every flaw and douche move that was anti-UM's best interest as well. Where are all these guys now??? I'll tell U how to spot them. They are same dudes that ALWAYS no matter the coach, have thrown the players under the bus in situations where we fans don't know the whole story of football related incidents and indiscretions. Despite the fact that they wouldn't be Canes fans if it wasn't for the only constant of our success and championships = our players, under 4 different coaches and numerous ADs, Presidents, board members, and administrators. But for these Corporate Cane fan types the benefit of doubt is always with the paid employee over the very foundation of Cane football...the players. Whenever Golden thru our kids under the bus or suspended them, it was always the players fault 100%, U can still spot them posting this same false narrative that our recruit need accountability somehow as if their lives thus far have been a breeze and privileged. Total reversal of reality in their convoluted minds. The never question authority and the elite, which is what the Canes players did in the 80's and 90's to establish this legacy that U attach yourself to but subconsciously hate. Being a Cane fan for these types must be a very weird experience of split personality and cognitive dissonance.

These kids don't owe US anything especially not those who show zero loyalty to them but demand 100% loyalty from 18 year Olds during a new shady game of recruitment that has been monetized and sensationalized by the corporate types and elites U have 100% too. This attitude is audacious an utterly ridiculous on infinite levels. One being that these kids have also built almost every building on campus, and made numerous administrators and coaches filthy rich. This is an open question: what facilities/infrastructure (hospitals, banks, schools, community centers, grocery stores, retirement housing) initiatives has UM directly funded in the urban communities that has served as our recruiting ground for 40 years? I'm ignorant of this, so let me know. It seems to be a one-sided relationship being advocated for by the Corporate Cane types. Only one side is being held accountable to certain aspects of it. These kids could go wherever they want to play football and get to the league for the most part, but they do and have chosen UM.

These types of delusional rants are borderline bullying where the facts are concerned. Our recruit are thinking business just like the people yall look up to and never question have been for the last 40 years. It's being expressed in a harmless symbolic trolling way by some teens, and yall feel emboldened to tongue lash them. U can't have it your way, in every way. U are spoiled by them and have lost your appreciation for what they've provided U. Ridiculous. For any recruitor former player that reads here: We love and appreciate all that have and will do for this U, and the burden of proof is with the paid employees of UM, you've earned the benefits of doubt until the facts of any matter removes it! Go Canes!!!

Right! And playing for Golden was a horrible business decisions for many who still endured his incompetent tenure and signed with UM out of loyalty and despite their best interest. Our recruiting base just needed to see UM at least provide a competent coach to the relationship...****!! UM has finally obliged and renewed it's commitment to our recruiting base and now we see a renewed interest in being reciprocated from the kids and their families. It was disingenuous and disloyal to hire a coach like Golden and take on and accept a philosophy like Shalala's but then to demand or ask our best homegrown talent to go into a relationship with Us. So who really required an accountability wake up call??? I'm sure Richt would agree, that's why he is exhausting all efforts to reach out to the community and mend this one sided relationship cancer, entitled, corporate culture of dealing with our foundation.
What some of you guys don't understand, is that true Miami Hurricanes (fans, alumni, past and current players, coaches) don't accept any form of cuckery under any circumstances... When a player such a Jobe displays publicly to the world the disrespect for MY MF University of Miami, he is no longer respected nor given the benefit of the doubt. Mike Harley did the same thing and he got fcking blasted on here, not because we thought he wasn't coming, but because of his behavior towards this U during most of his recruitment.

5*s 6*s or 10*s doesn't matter. A Cuck is a cuck no matter who it involves. And the worst part of all, is that these diva kids always pick our most hated enemies to try *** with us. The Gaytors or the Noles...Now I realize that some of you will not give a **** about this behavior and chuck it off to immaturity and the nature of recruiting.

But let me break it to you guys, talent alone doesn't win championships. Kids with hearts and right attitudes who don't quit on teammates like Henderson, are the kids you want on your team when times get tough... Jobe not doing enough to graduate on time or get into Miami simply means he has quit on himself on acomplishing the bare ***king minimum academically. That's quiting on himself, his teammates, and family. Is that someone you want on the field at the end of the game? Someone who quits? His talent is out of this world, but what doesn't show on tape is heart and work ethic (at practice and in the classroom) and common sense.

Why do you guys think Golden was able to bring in talented guys but couldn't win? that fat POS excuse for a coach lacked the Cojones to be a leader at the U. His soft *** couldn't tell which players had heart, toughness, that dog in them, savages that grew up with a "death before dishonor" mentality from the softies who throw a fit if they don't get the start.

Cane dynasty and a few others get it. You guys who don't can talk all the **** you want. But on the Internet, or in real life, I won't allow people to disrespect the green and orange. It's that ***king simple and that ***king serious.

PS: fck the turds

LOL at this hardcore former Golden supporter trying to rewrite history. The ex-Golden supporters are the worst always trying to prove how big of a Miami fan they are. Golden was bring in a bunch of 3*s in dumb nuts and the Golden girls were talking about how much more heart and hunger these 3*s had then the 4* and 5* divas Bama and FSU were getting.
What some of you guys don't understand, is that true Miami Hurricanes (fans, alumni, past and current players, coaches) don't accept any form of cuckery under any circumstances... When a player such a Jobe displays publicly to the world the disrespect for MY MF University of Miami, he is no longer respected nor given the benefit of the doubt. Mike Harley did the same thing and he got fcking blasted on here, not because we thought he wasn't coming, but because of his behavior towards this U during most of his recruitment.

5*s 6*s or 10*s doesn't matter. A Cuck is a cuck no matter who it involves. And the worst part of all, is that these diva kids always pick our most hated enemies to try *** with us. The Gaytors or the Noles...Now I realize that some of you will not give a **** about this behavior and chuck it off to immaturity and the nature of recruiting.

But let me break it to you guys, talent alone doesn't win championships. Kids with hearts and right attitudes who don't quit on teammates like Henderson, are the kids you want on your team when times get tough... Jobe not doing enough to graduate on time or get into Miami simply means he has quit on himself on acomplishing the bare ***king minimum academically. That's quiting on himself, his teammates, and family. Is that someone you want on the field at the end of the game? Someone who quits? His talent is out of this world, but what doesn't show on tape is heart and work ethic (at practice and in the classroom) and common sense.

Why do you guys think Golden was able to bring in talented guys but couldn't win? that fat POS excuse for a coach lacked the Cojones to be a leader at the U. His soft *** couldn't tell which players had heart, toughness, that dog in them, savages that grew up with a "death before dishonor" mentality from the softies who throw a fit if they don't get the start.

Cane dynasty and a few others get it. You guys who don't can talk all the **** you want. But on the Internet, or in real life, I won't allow people to disrespect the green and orange. It's that ***king simple and that ***king serious.

PS: fck the turds

Post like this is the reason Golden had such a huge following. You need a reality check for real. Lots of fantasy and false reality's in this post. lol
^^The false narrative go-to talking point aimed at insulating and justifying the exploitative and Master-Morality Friedrich Nietzsche spoke of. Speak on your own kids, if they need more discipline and accountability then so be it and handle your business. But U can't every recruit and their assumed parenting dynamics your personal "stuff".
When a thread gets hijacked by a multi-band political zealot with an agenda of turning every board into his own political soapbox.

Eventually ruining every thread with his delusional political double-speak.

Not to be the one to say it, but mods need to take note. This porster is a virus that infects every board with his political agenda.
"Not to be the one to say it" lol! It's all U ever say and do when U can't match wits or deal with a dissenting viewpoint than your own.

Again it's weak and cowardly. Please stay on topic (which is Canes related) and stop the personal insults that are your *daily* MO on this blog.
Everyone wasn't aware of Golden being a fat POS while he was here. On the contrary I remember the majority slurping him and covering for his every flaw and douche move that was anti-UM's best interest as well. Where are all these guys now??? I'll tell U how to spot them. They are same dudes that ALWAYS no matter the coach, have thrown the players under the bus in situations where we fans don't know the whole story of football related incidents and indiscretions. Despite the fact that they wouldn't be Canes fans if it wasn't for the only constant of our success and championships = our players, under 4 different coaches and numerous ADs, Presidents, board members, and administrators. But for these Corporate Cane fan types the benefit of doubt is always with the paid employee over the very foundation of Cane football...the players. Whenever Golden thru our kids under the bus or suspended them, it was always the players fault 100%, U can still spot them posting this same false narrative that our recruit need accountability somehow as if their lives thus far have been a breeze and privileged. Total reversal of reality in their convoluted minds. The never question authority and the elite, which is what the Canes players did in the 80's and 90's to establish this legacy that U attach yourself to but subconsciously hate. Being a Cane fan for these types must be a very weird experience of split personality and cognitive dissonance.

These kids don't owe US anything especially not those who show zero loyalty to them but demand 100% loyalty from 18 year Olds during a new shady game of recruitment that has been monetized and sensationalized by the corporate types and elites U have 100% too. This attitude is audacious an utterly ridiculous on infinite levels. One being that these kids have also built almost every building on campus, and made numerous administrators and coaches filthy rich. This is an open question: what facilities/infrastructure (hospitals, banks, schools, community centers, grocery stores, retirement housing) initiatives has UM directly funded in the urban communities that has served as our recruiting ground for 40 years? I'm ignorant of this, so let me know. It seems to be a one-sided relationship being advocated for by the Corporate Cane types. Only one side is being held accountable to certain aspects of it. These kids could go wherever they want to play football and get to the league for the most part, but they do and have chosen UM.

These types of delusional rants are borderline bullying where the facts are concerned. Our recruit are thinking business just like the people yall look up to and never question have been for the last 40 years. It's being expressed in a harmless symbolic trolling way by some teens, and yall feel emboldened to tongue lash them. U can't have it your way, in every way. U are spoiled by them and have lost your appreciation for what they've provided U. Ridiculous. For any recruitor former player that reads here: We love and appreciate all that have and will do for this U, and the burden of proof is with the paid employees of UM, you've earned the benefits of doubt until the facts of any matter removes it! Go Canes!!!

View attachment 43762

Should have read it Al.....would have made you understand what the F we were all talking about
Really not interested in every thread being turned into someone's personal agenda to spread their brand of politics. It's like spam.

There's a realistic discussion to be had about the recruit.

One thing to discuss a recruit and whether he has the right stuff or not, another to turn every thread into someone's own political megaphone. That's not what CIS is for, I would think.
What some of you guys don't understand, is that true Miami Hurricanes (fans, alumni, past and current players, coaches) don't accept any form of cuckery under any circumstances... When a player such a Jobe displays publicly to the world the disrespect for MY MF University of Miami, he is no longer respected nor given the benefit of the doubt. Mike Harley did the same thing and he got fcking blasted on here, not because we thought he wasn't coming, but because of his behavior towards this U during most of his recruitment.

5*s 6*s or 10*s doesn't matter. A Cuck is a cuck no matter who it involves. And the worst part of all, is that these diva kids always pick our most hated enemies to try *** with us. The Gaytors or the Noles...Now I realize that some of you will not give a **** about this behavior and chuck it off to immaturity and the nature of recruiting.

But let me break it to you guys, talent alone doesn't win championships. Kids with hearts and right attitudes who don't quit on teammates like Henderson, are the kids you want on your team when times get tough... Jobe not doing enough to graduate on time or get into Miami simply means he has quit on himself on acomplishing the bare ***king minimum academically. That's quiting on himself, his teammates, and family. Is that someone you want on the field at the end of the game? Someone who quits? His talent is out of this world, but what doesn't show on tape is heart and work ethic (at practice and in the classroom) and common sense.

Why do you guys think Golden was able to bring in talented guys but couldn't win? that fat POS excuse for a coach lacked the Cojones to be a leader at the U. His soft *** couldn't tell which players had heart, toughness, that dog in them, savages that grew up with a "death before dishonor" mentality from the softies who throw a fit if they don't get the start.

Cane dynasty and a few others get it. You guys who don't can talk all the **** you want. But on the Internet, or in real life, I won't allow people to disrespect the green and orange. It's that ***king simple and that ***king serious.

PS: fck the turds

LOL at this hardcore former Golden supporter trying to rewrite history. The ex-Golden supporters are the worst always trying to prove how big of a Miami fan they are. Golden was bring in a bunch of 3*s in dumb nuts and the Golden girls were talking about how much more heart and hunger these 3*s had then the 4* and 5* divas Bama and FSU were getting.

Look man, don't start something you have no idea about. Find one post of me supporting golden.
Really not interested in every thread being turned into someone's personal agenda to spread their brand of politics. It's like spam.

There's a realistic discussion to be had about the recruit.

One thing to discuss a recruit and whether he has the right stuff or not, another to turn every thread into someone's own political megaphone. That's not what CIS is for, I would think.
I'm not interested in seeing multiple threads bashing cane commits either. No real cane fan would want that on here
Really not interested in every thread being turned into someone's personal agenda to spread their brand of politics. It's like spam.

There's a realistic discussion to be had about the recruit.

One thing to discuss a recruit and whether he has the right stuff or not, another to turn every thread into someone's own political megaphone. That's not what CIS is for, I would think.
I'm not interested in seeing multiple threads bashing cane commits either. No real cane fan would want that on here

Calling out and bashing are two separate things. You think even the slightest negative thing is bashing.

It's fair to question a recruit and his motivations if he gives reason to. Otherwise, why have a message board.
Really not interested in every thread being turned into someone's personal agenda to spread their brand of politics. It's like spam.

There's a realistic discussion to be had about the recruit.

One thing to discuss a recruit and whether he has the right stuff or not, another to turn every thread into someone's own political megaphone. That's not what CIS is for, I would think.

You read it and there's a lot of truth to it. Its a mirror that you scared to look into and don't claim his post is some agenda driving BS when you patrol this board and post like some over zealous hall monitor and feel the need to comment on every **** thing.
So U don't consider calling a Cane commit a "******", his dad crazy/crooked, and questioning legitimacy of his upbringing as bashing a recruit???? Now, U are intellectually dishonest. Not to mention that the dude wass band for saying these things AND YOU upvoted the post in which he stated these bashing statements about Jobe. Facts! Go figure.