UM offers 2022 CB Jaheim Singletary

The bama game is a big deal just because but the north carolina game is the one that should be circled on the schedule.. several times. Outside of curb stomping fsu, that's by far the most important game on our schedule imo. Getting beat by bama wont make me flop on the floor like a fish but getting beat by the ******* heels or holes **** sure will.

The game was discussed and then finalized in August/September of 2017. Before Richt’s 2nd season. Really can’t win with this fanbase. Play FAMU, it’s too easy. Play Alabama, it’s too difficult. Play Michigan State, we don’t recruit Michigan, dumb game. Just impossible.
Yeah I know. This is wouldn't be my scheduling philosophy. Even in 2017 odds are Alabama was going to be a juggernaut in 2021. Maybe I'm a *****.

That said, I hope Manny has his kids ready to run through a brick wall and I'd give my left nut to shock the world next month.

But, and I'm not being negative, but if the odds play out and we lose, I just pray this staff can keep the team playing hard for the ACC schedule and keep the recruits engaged. As a Miami fan, we all know, that we get up for big games but when we lose early we sometimes throw in the towel.
The bama game is a big deal just because but the north carolina game is the one that should be circled on the schedule.. several times. Outside of curb stomping fsu, that's by far the most important game on our schedule imo. Getting beat by bama wont make me flop on the floor like a fish but getting beat by the ******* heels or holes **** sure will.
wont matter imo especially at DB
The bama game is a big deal just because but the north carolina game is the one that should be circled on the schedule.. several times. Outside of curb stomping fsu, that's by far the most important game on our schedule imo. Getting beat by bama wont make me flop on the floor like a fish but getting beat by the ******* heels or holes **** sure will.
It will be North Carolina’s 7th straight game and they lost a lot of talent. We will be off of a bye week. They will also feel super confident considering the last 2 games.

No excuses
It’s OK to be realistic and not get your fan card pulled. Can Miami beat Alabama? Sure. Will I be cheering for them to do so? **** yes. Do I think, realistically, that it’s going to happen? Probably not. I mean that’s the difference between being a fan and just being a blind homer. What I will not do is throw in the towel and start bashing everyone associated with the program if they fail to defeat the defending national champs. Which is something a handful of people here are salivating at the opportunity to do.
Completely agree. What's crazy is even if we do get bullied by Bama, it isn't really a true indication of where we stand anyways. Ohio State got boat raced in the championship game to the tune of 52-24 and most people would agree Ohio State is in the upper echelon of college football teams talent wise. I'm not writing anyone off after that game regardless of the outcome. How we play in the games following will tell me more about this team than game 1 IMO.
The bama game is a big deal just because but the north carolina game is the one that should be circled on the schedule.. several times. Outside of curb stomping fsu, that's by far the most important game on our schedule imo. Getting beat by bama wont make me flop on the floor like a fish but getting beat by the ******* heels or holes **** sure will.
At this point i just want us to show up. Tired of being in these Prime time games looking like we dont belong. Have some Pride and compete!
I disagree with that logic. If someone thinks we’re going to get beaten handily (mauled) by Bama, that doesn’t make them less of a Canes fan than you, let alone a Bama fan, unless they want us to get beaten by Bama and they’re hoping for a loss.

They’re less of a homer for certain. We’re 18 or so point underdogs in Vegas so it seems their sentiment reflects reality.

Mauled, beaten handily… same thing. This idea that someone either slurps or they’re a ****** fan is what’s maddening to a good portion of the rest of us about the words and mindset of the opposite end of the mope spectrum.
Even if you recognize getting smoked is likely and a win is far less likely you don't just say unequivocally we gettin smoked if you are a good fan. You gotta believe that the outlier game is possible or else why even watch.

I think buddy was lamenting more about defeatist fans aka mopes; the most insufferable ***** to deal with when you are an optimistic fan. To optimists, even realistic ones, there is always hope that something goes down to put us in position to win. We aren't a scrub team. We got dudes. We also got big weaknesses. How the game plays out isn't written in stone. A w is possible so why as a fan latch on to the worst possible outcome just because it is the most likely.

CIS doesn't give out brownie points or 100 dollar bills for correctly GUESSING who wins a game. So why bother with that sort of statement. Any poster with sense will be watching the game hoping to win, expecting to lose, and praying we don't get mauled. Good fans should not just concede the worst possible scenario cause it is the most likely they should still exhibit some measure of hope. If they don't then at best they are a ****** fan.
To think people try to connect recruiting to wins and losses and one fuqin game shows u they know nothing about recruiting. Bama beats us these kids still come here.....what fuqin retards. I though alot of our fans were retarded but these guys take the cake. Kids sit there develop relationships watch bama beat us and say ok I'm helping that secondary next season. Why do fans think one game changes kids minds? I'm still trying to figure that out.
Winning does have a little to do with recruiting, too kids want to be able to compete and show their talents on the biggest stages
At this point i just want us to show up. Tired of being in these Prime time games looking like we dont belong. Have some Pride and compete!

That all I ask for... I know going up against Bama doesnt give us all the warm and fuzzies but I just want to see this team punch and counter punch...not just lay against the ropes and get destroyed
wont matter imo especially at DB
I can't disagree, my comment was more of a general statement about the bama game and people being upset that some of us see Miami getting beaten in the first game of the year. Of course I'll be mad if we lose but I wont cry about it unless we get mauled and come out looking totally unprepared.
Even if you recognize getting smoked is likely and a win is far less likely you don't just say unequivocally we gettin smoked if you are a good fan. You gotta believe that the outlier game is possible or else why even watch.

I think buddy was lamenting more about defeatist fans aka mopes; the most insufferable ***** to deal with when you are an optimistic fan. To optimists, even realistic ones, there is always hope that something goes down to put us in position to win. We aren't a scrub team. We got dudes. We also got big weaknesses. How the game plays out isn't written in stone. A w is possible so why as a fan latch on to the worst possible outcome just because it is the most likely.

CIS doesn't give out brownie points or 100 dollar bills for correctly GUESSING who wins a game. So why bother with that sort of statement. Any poster with sense will be watching the game hoping to win, expecting to lose, and praying we don't get mauled. Good fans should not just concede the worst possible scenario cause it is the most likely they should still exhibit some measure of hope. If they don't then at best they are a ****** fan.
So how much did put down on the under?
I disagree with that logic. If someone thinks we’re going to get beaten handily (mauled) by Bama, that doesn’t make them less of a Canes fan than you, let alone a Bama fan, unless they want us to get beaten by Bama and they’re hoping for a loss.

They’re less of a homer for certain. We’re 18 or so point underdogs in Vegas so it seems their sentiment reflects reality.

Mauled, beaten handily… same thing. This idea that someone either slurps or they’re a ****** fan is what’s maddening to a good portion of the rest of us about the words and mindset of the opposite end of the mope spectrum.

The issue is fans are not suppose to be logical, rational, objective, or realistic. The very definition of fan means that you have faith in your team's ability to win, even against all odds. The national prognosticators & odds makers, are the ones who should remain objective at all times. This is precisely why this fanbase has garnered the reputation of being a fair weather contingent. Their support of the program hinges entirely on the performance of the team. Whereas fans of other programs provide much more consistent support regardless of W/L records. So from this standpoint, it's not even a question or debate about whether slurpers & homers are bigger fans than everyone else. It's obviously the case, even though I may not necessary put myself in that group
It will be North Carolina’s 7th straight game and they lost a lot of talent. We will be off of a bye week. They will also feel super confident considering the last 2 games.

No excuses
I think they're more our competition right now than bama and will tell us more about where we are and what the last round of coaching changes did for us. Beating bama is a want, beating the heels is a ******* demand.
Even if you recognize getting smoked is likely and a win is far less likely you don't just say unequivocally we gettin smoked if you are a good fan. You gotta believe that the outlier game is possible or else why even watch.

I think buddy was lamenting more about defeatist fans aka mopes; the most insufferable ***** to deal with when you are an optimistic fan. To optimists, even realistic ones, there is always hope that something goes down to put us in position to win. We aren't a scrub team. We got dudes. We also got big weaknesses. How the game plays out isn't written in stone. A w is possible so why as a fan latch on to the worst possible outcome just because it is the most likely.

CIS doesn't give out brownie points or 100 dollar bills for correctly GUESSING who wins a game. So why bother with that sort of statement. Any poster with sense will be watching the game hoping to win, expecting to lose, and praying we don't get mauled. Good fans should not just concede the worst possible scenario cause it is the most likely they should still exhibit some measure of hope. If they don't then at best they are a ****** fan.
@Dwinstitles said we’re getting mauled by Bama. Dude loves the Canes. There’s no connection between thinking Bama is gonna be a big loss and not loving the team.
Man as UF and Ole Miss showed last year, yall just have to block Bama up front and plays are their to be made against them in the passing game. Mainly the interior OL have to do their part and the WR’s just have to catch bc they’ll get open. Mallory has to have a huge game as well. It’s not IMPOSSIBLE
The issue is fans are not suppose to be logical, rational, objective, or realistic. The very definition of fan means that you have faith in your team's ability to win, even against all odds. The national prognosticators & odds makers, are the ones who should remain objective at all times. This is precisely why this fanbase has garnered the reputation of being a fair weather contingent. Their support of the program hinges entirely on the performance of the team. Whereas fans of other programs provide much more consistent support regardless of W/L records. So from this standpoint, it's not even a question or debate about whether slurpers & homers are bigger fans than everyone else. It's obviously the case, even though I may not necessary put myself in that group
I don’t subscribe to the strict constructionist Webster’s definition of what constitutes a fan. To me a fan is someone who loves and supports a team through good and bad. That fan can have an honest assessment of where their team stands on an abilities scale compared to the top team, find his team’s abilities to not be at the top level and still love his team.