UM hires former Miami Northwestern receiver Harris as GA

Peter Ariz

All American
Jun 12, 2012

The University of Miami football program has added former Miami Northwestern and Louisville receiver Michaelee Harris as an offensive graduate assistant, a source told CanesInSight. Harris spent last season on the Illinois staff as an offensive analyst.

The former four-star prospect from the class of 2010 was recruited by Miami but chose Louisville.


I remember him at MNW, he was a beast & helped us win a state title...

He ended up signing with LVille to play with Bridgewater & Eli Rogers, but he spent most of his college career injured.

And yeah, he was coached under Dugans, so that's where the recommendation comes in.

Congrats to him!
Hey Pete, since Flaherty got hired at Bucknell, is Harris basically going to be doing the same job?
Im pumped for the players! It's probably a great feeling to bring another SOFLA coach to learn from. How many is that now? Richt, Manny, Cooney, Rumph and now Harris on staff. Lots of SoFLA in the room.
Nice GA hire for Miami. Mike Harris has local connection, learned under Dugans at Louisville, under Lovie at Illinois, and now will take the next step in his coaching development at the U. Love to see local guys on staff. Should help re-establish our Bulls pipeline. GoCanes!!
Chess not checkers. Another good hire by Richt.

Question: Was he involved with the recruitment of JT Money to Illinois?
He better be very connected socially down here, or he's useless. These are the types of hires that need to be very strategic for recruiting.

I'm not so sure he chose Louisville over UM, but, if he did, then he's already behind the 8 ball with me.
Im pumped for the players! It's probably a great feeling to bring another SOFLA coach to learn from. How many is that now? Richt, Manny, Cooney, Rumph and now Harris on staff. Lots of SoFLA in the room.

Got to figure each has unique connections with SoFl football community and bring a youthful connection to recruits. SoFl is where we make our money and if you can have reputable coaches from the same areas as the families they are visiting, it means something to those families.