UM athletics getting a nutritional staff

It's called the ACC and revenue sharing....
I thought Golden mentioned he put this nutritional thing in place when he was hired. I heard RS had hard time getting money to do anything. Times have changed, we can afford to pay our OC $500,000.

I thought Golden mentioned he put this nutritional thing in place when he was hired. I heard RS had hard time getting money to do anything. Times have changed, we can afford to pay our OC $500,000.

He changed some things but no actual staff was hired. There's things you aren't allowed to do nutritionally unless its specified by a professional so yeah this is a big step.

Sad it took this long, but still a big step.
Yes, it's been needed for a decade or so but the kick in the pants to me was when Andre Johnson got his NFL physical and they realized he needed glasses. That should have been a wake up call right there. In my time I saw many players on the Hurry Cane shuttle get on with Burger King bags et al.
Yes, it's been needed for a decade or so but the kick in the pants to me was when Andre Johnson got his NFL physical and they realized he needed glasses. That should have been a wake up call right there. In my time I saw many players on the Hurry Cane shuttle get on with Burger King bags et al.

I didn't know that about Dre. Wow.

And yeah I remember the Papa Johns diet DVD and many others were on.
You have to look at this both ways...the guys in the 80. 90s and early 200s never needed a Nutritional guru ...but I assume this all part of Als program for long term success
You have to look at this both ways...the guys in the 80. 90s and early 200s never needed a Nutritional guru ...but I assume this all part of Als program for long term success

Yeah its just another brick, but it is an important one. Eating better can give you an edge in he weight room so why not?

Part of what I like about Golden is he is smart as **** but wise enough to look around at others successes and borrow from their plans. Something we lacked for a while here.
Swasey has been pushing for something like this for a while of course Randy didn't see this as to important


Easily the best photo I have ever seen!
The Wendy's and Panda Express on campus are going to lose half of their customers due to this. It's about **** time.
As I said for a while before being banned on TOS, Al Golden telling kids "eat this" and "make sure they eat breakfast every day" didn't count as a nutritional staff.

I was roasted on ****stime a few years ago for telling people we didn't have this.
I was under the impression Golden already hired a nutritionist?

Either way, getting that diet right is every bit as important as putting in work in the weight room, as any bodybuilder ever will tell you.

I was roasted on ****stime a few years ago for telling people we didn't have this.

Same here on either that site or CI. I even emailed the chick that people claimed to be the nutritionist, and she said 1) she would meet once or twice in season with the team to give them a lesson on good eating and 2) there was no legit individualized nutrition program.
Ever since Golden has taken over, UM's athletic department has taken a HUGE jump forward. That's not all Golden either, but you know he was one of the people pushing for a nutritional staff and I'm sure Coach L was too. We've got the Schwartz center being built and Chris Freet has been one of the best hires the UM AD has made in ages. And Raising Canes is one of the best things the AD has ever done, too. We're finally catching up to the 21st century and going beyond it. If Golden wins a lot of games this year, we're in for a great ride.

I hope they've already been hired...having them here for UTough and the summer would be great.
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I thought Golden mentioned he put this nutritional thing in place when he was hired. I heard RS had hard time getting money to do anything. Times have changed, we can afford to pay our OC $500,000.

LULZ. Whipple made more than that. And Shanntard didn't get anything done because it was important enough to him to make it happen.
Great, hopefully this helps our players look actually built and toned. Tired of seeing puny sticks and SUVs out there.
I thought Golden mentioned he put this nutritional thing in place when he was hired. I heard RS had hard time getting money to do anything. Times have changed, we can afford to pay our OC $500,000.

Excuses made by Randy's sheep followers. Dude just had no vision to even try to get one in place. Our kids weren't even eating breakfast before workouts under him. How much money did he need to make sure kids were at least eating breakfast?

I remember Aldarius saying to lose wait he just ate a bunch of McDonalds. Next thing you know Aldarius looked fat and slow LOL That type of stuff is on Randy and no one else.
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WOW!!! I can't believe we didn't have this in place years ago! I just assumed we did. This idea has been around for 20 years, how the **** are we just starting this?!?!? This will make a huge difference in strength and conditioning without a doubt!

Golden and staff are playing catch up as far as the OVERALL PROGRAM is concerned.

Ill say it again: Golden walked into a total rebuild even without Shapiros BS dropping. A 5 year rebuild. No more no less. It will be 2014 before the defense is finally stocked from the previous decade of neglect.

That being said, a 10 win season would put us way ahead of the game.