Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness


@ddann I know we have gone back and forth on this elsewhere. Do you believe Jesus was exorcising actual demons as mentioned in the gospels? If so, would it be fair to characterize demons (or angels) as non human intelligence?
Yes, absolutely, He was casting out actual demons. The NT consistently affirms this to be so (Matthew 4:23-24).

I suppose it’s fair to say demons or angels are “non-human intelligence.”

But then the question becomes: Are these recent modern reports of “non-human intelligence” actually due to interactions with angels or demons?
Yes, absolutely, He was casting out actual demons. The NT consistently affirms this to be so (Matthew 4:23-24).

I suppose it’s fair to say demons or angels are “non-human intelligence.”

But then the question becomes: Are these recent modern reports of “non-human intelligence” actually due to interactions with angels or demons?

that is the it plausible to consider it?
I'm reasonably certain that aliens aren't visiting. They probably roll up their windows and lock their doors should they ever venture into this neighborhood.


'The craft rotated slowly around its center while emitting an electrical-spark-like shower, always opposite of the direction of travel,' the defense contractor stated, 'but without a specific origin point.' The witness said he first attempted to film the UFO with two devices that he had on him, a Motorola cellphone and a Sony HD camera. But both devices behaved has if they were caught in 'a boot sequence,' failing to stay on while the craft was nearby, about 400 feet, leaving the witness to view the UFO more closely through the scope of his rifle.

The UFO moved in its slow rotating motion for approximately six or seven minutes, eventually allowing the defense contractor witness to film the event with his Sony HD camera, which yielded only static despite working before and after the event. The sighting ended with 'a similar lit craft' emerging on the horizon and both UFOs zipping off a 'at incredible speed.'

Calculated that the the craft had an approximate surface area of 3.1 million square inches, as he wrote to Powell and Leech, 'a minimum of 160MW (160 million watts)' of power would be needed to surround the craft in plasma. 'This amount of power is 33 percent of the 478 million-watt nuclear power plant in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska,' he said, but packed into an object a fraction of that size. 'Unquestionably this craft was the highest power density vehicle I have ever even imagined,' at least according to the defense contractor witness.

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