Tyrique Stevenson Visits Miami... Again

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What a fūcking *****.

Writes a book defending that shlthole redneck diploma mill in hogtown.

This site is infested with ****, FSU, Alabama, and just general SEC slurpers.

Tetratard is the den mommy of the **** and SEC slurpers.

Write another fūcking book defending UF’s honor, you reptile ******* guzzler.

Also are we really talking about engineering and medical degrees like that is the major of choice for these kids.

yea thats not good. Would love to hear his explanation about it though. Remember Stampussy also put in a CB for Nesta to flip to UF
yea thats not good. Would love to hear his explanation about it though. Remember Stampussy also put in a CB for Nesta to flip to UF
Crystal ball without explaination is meaningless, if it doesn’t have that then I dont Put much stock into it
Many months ago @dfagundo ...we agreed that I would let up on you, and as promised, I never again commented on (or emoji’d) any of your posts. But here you are...so maybe that let’s me out of my promise, no?

But, I’ll address it.

Though I fervently believe the SEC has the best football players (and may one day [soon?] get back to being the best football playing conference), I have never written or implied that SEC schools have the best academic institutions. What I object to are the fools who routinely question recruits decisions based on a “supposed” superiority of a Miami education or the certain inconsequence of an SEC one.

The RANKINGS do not bear that out. In fact, in engineering (which was what one of the posters referenced and why I listed the rankings in the first place), any kid concerned about an engineering degree -according to the rankings- should choose almost any school aside from Miami. In short, yes, other schools have something to sell; whether I (or supposed Miami fans like yourself) buy what they’re selling is irrelevant. (as @canesproponent and I discussed...ranking systems only count for so much. Quite a few schools’ engineering programs are “ranked” over several Ivies, etc but Google, Facebook will grab a “lesser” ranked Ivy degree over some “better” ranked state schools. And Miami is not an Ivy. It just is. Grow up.)

Also, when kids say “my education is important to me” they don’t always mean it like a non-student athlete; often times they are referring to the resources these schools bring to bear in terms of tutors, help, etc. for them to be successful even though there are a few who are “not there to play school”. So a meaningless degree/concentration on university endorsed parchment is not really going to help them versus another school UNLESS it’s a top school. And, well, again, according to the rankings...

If you and others don’t like that the University of Florida is ranked above The University of Miami you should commit yourself to doing more to counteract that. Like...I don’t know...giving more to the university of Miami. Supporting academic programs and/or chairs. But to deny reality, that UF is ranked over UM, is to ensure that Miami treads water or worse sinks - which it has because 2 years ago it was above UF and for the last two Miami is behind.

So, If anyone’s lips are being smeared with rectal matter...I’ve proven that it would have to be yours. Now, lick and get the rest of it off your chin.

I made it long on purpose. Many who will read (and those who will say they didn’t. LOL) need the practice.
My favorite part was when you talked about Tyrique Stevenson... oh wait never mind it’s about some pinky promise you made a few months ago better honor it then
We just can't fall flat on our faces on the field and I think we get Tyrique. UGA will take a step back this year on the field and lose a couple in the regular season. We have to stay neutral or trend up in record and we will be good with that.
I agree with everything tetra said however this site and members are not fond of objectivity.

its sad but true

its like the people who live near me who love mopar and swear its made im America even though its made in mexico they just wont or cant accept the object truth
Look man you guys can talk about that another time like when you tongue punch each other’s buttholes but the dude is notorious for derailing threads
Yea I do feel like that regardless u right until we close with NSD guys (the real NSD vs bama UGA etc) When we do then on those days I will feel more comfortable. Clean up SFLA no excuses or find people who can because the way back to where we want the U is through sfla.

D, I feel you 100%, but don't hold your breath waiting on that day to arrive. I don't think we will ever be at a point where we clean up all of the top talent of SFL. I think we will soon be back to perennial Top 10 status, but there are too many factors at play (as we already well know) that will sway some of the top guys each year to the big swinging bag schools.

We'll get our guys, just like Richt is doing presently. But I think we have to accept reality that each year there will be a few Jeudy/Jobe/TC occurrences. Our challenge is to keep that to a minimum of course, but more importantly show the CFB world that the U will vie for national championships year in, year out and pump large numbers of players into the NFL.

We do that and we can diminish the bag factor and land more top guys. BUT -- Don't get it twisted, we will lose a few each year for sure. It's just the way the SFL recruits roll.
Many months ago @dfagundo ...we agreed that I would let up on you, and as promised, I never again commented on (or emoji’d) any of your posts. But here you are...so maybe that let’s me out of my promise, no?

But, I’ll address it.

Though I fervently believe the SEC has the best football players (and may one day [soon?] get back to being the best football playing conference), I have never written or implied that SEC schools have the best academic institutions. What I object to are the fools who routinely question recruits decisions based on a “supposed” superiority of a Miami education or the certain inconsequence of an SEC one.

The RANKINGS do not bear that out. In fact, in engineering (which was what one of the posters referenced and why I listed the rankings in the first place), any kid concerned about an engineering degree -according to the rankings- should choose almost any school aside from Miami. In short, yes, other schools have something to sell; whether I (or supposed Miami fans like yourself) buy what they’re selling is irrelevant. (as @canesproponent and I discussed...ranking systems only count for so much. Quite a few schools’ engineering programs are “ranked” over several Ivies, etc but Google, Facebook will grab a “lesser” ranked Ivy degree over some “better” ranked state schools. And Miami is not an Ivy. It just is. Grow up.)

Also, when kids say “my education is important to me” they don’t always mean it like a non-student athlete; often times they are referring to the resources these schools bring to bear in terms of tutors, help, etc. for them to be successful even though there are a few who are “not there to play school”. So a meaningless degree/concentration on university endorsed parchment is not really going to help them versus another school UNLESS it’s a top school. And, well, again, according to the rankings...

If you and others don’t like that the University of Florida is ranked above The University of Miami you should commit yourself to doing more to counteract that. Like...I don’t know...giving more to the university of Miami. Supporting academic programs and/or chairs. But to deny reality, that UF is ranked over UM, is to ensure that Miami treads water or worse sinks - which it has because 2 years ago it was above UF and for the last two Miami is behind.

So, If anyone’s lips are being smeared with rectal matter...I’ve proven that it would have to be yours. Now, lick and get the rest of it off your chin.

I made it long on purpose. Many who will read (and those who will say they didn’t. LOL) need the practice.

Sorry, dude, the Turdslurper clause was activated in our contract that nullifies our agreement and allows me to say as I please

You can go back to putting on your lip stick and shmearing your knees with cocoa butter to help soothe that rug burn
No, YOU are notorious for derailing threads, just like you’re doing right now.

The real reason you, and @OriginalCanesCanesCanes and a few others are obsessed with me is because I have rubbed your noses in your own ******** several times this year because you never know what you’re talking about - and then want to attack because I’ve embarrassed you. I get it, and that’s why I mostly ignore y’all now. Well, that, and the fact that you have weak mods like @OBLIVION protecting y’all.
Exposed lol
Seen these long multi (100+) pages thread, many times before for many recruits since I joined. They are very interesting, but always get sidetracked 6 or 7 times. Always better when they stick to the thread!
Still feel good about Stevenson. Kid loves Miami but bags will be bags so who knows. Hope a mediocre season for UGA will get these kids to stop riding their ****
Keep in mind that bags are given to those that can influence the kid or the kid looks to for advice. Sadly enough, the kid might not even know he is being persuaded by someone of the take…
D, I feel you 100%, but don't hold your breath waiting on that day to arrive. I don't think we will ever be at a point where we clean up all of the top talent of SFL. I think we will soon be back to perennial Top 10 status, but there are too many factors at play (as we already well know) that will sway some of the top guys each year to the big swinging bag schools.

We'll get our guys, just like Richt is doing presently. But I think we have to accept reality that each year there will be a few Jeudy/Jobe/TC occurrences. Our challenge is to keep that to a minimum of course, but more importantly show the CFB world that the U will vie for national championships year in, year out and pump large numbers of players into the NFL.

We do that and we can diminish the bag factor and land more top guys. BUT -- Don't get it twisted, we will lose a few each year for sure. It's just the way the SFL recruits roll.
We havent been keeping it to a minimum imo....we losing big impact year one guys too many. If we miss one or two im ok but when its the same position how can u build depth? I dont think we can be elite without doing this. We won ten games and people for years would say it was about wins and losses and we still lost tc and other on nsd. The smart fans knew it wasnt about wins and losses. What would our early 2000 teams look like withput the great ST or DJ or Rolle.....those guys would most likely not be canes in todays age with bags houses and promises of family. The fan base doesnt just want a winner.....its wants to dominate the landscape and put out the best players the nfl has ever seen. Get those sfla studs and we will get back to that. I think we will have a great team this year and probably fall short again. The battle starts on the ground in sfla.....win that and u win saturdays.
It’s a shame that Georgia can come into SF and cherry pick kids with some bags
Many months ago @dfagundo ...we agreed that I would let up on you, and as promised, I never again commented on (or emoji’d) any of your posts. But here you are...so maybe that let’s me out of my promise, no?

But, I’ll address it.

Though I fervently believe the SEC has the best football players (and may one day [soon?] get back to being the best football playing conference), I have never written or implied that SEC schools have the best academic institutions. What I object to are the fools who routinely question recruits decisions based on a “supposed” superiority of a Miami education or the certain inconsequence of an SEC one.

The RANKINGS do not bear that out. In fact, in engineering (which was what one of the posters referenced and why I listed the rankings in the first place), any kid concerned about an engineering degree -according to the rankings- should choose almost any school aside from Miami. In short, yes, other schools have something to sell; whether I (or supposed Miami fans like yourself) buy what they’re selling is irrelevant. (as @canesproponent and I discussed...ranking systems only count for so much. Quite a few schools’ engineering programs are “ranked” over several Ivies, etc but Google, Facebook will grab a “lesser” ranked Ivy degree over some “better” ranked state schools. And Miami is not an Ivy. It just is. Grow up.)

Also, when kids say “my education is important to me” they don’t always mean it like a non-student athlete; often times they are referring to the resources these schools bring to bear in terms of tutors, help, etc. for them to be successful even though there are a few who are “not there to play school”. So a meaningless degree/concentration on university endorsed parchment is not really going to help them versus another school UNLESS it’s a top school. And, well, again, according to the rankings...

If you and others don’t like that the University of Florida is ranked above The University of Miami you should commit yourself to doing more to counteract that. Like...I don’t know...giving more to the university of Miami. Supporting academic programs and/or chairs. But to deny reality, that UF is ranked over UM, is to ensure that Miami treads water or worse sinks - which it has because 2 years ago it was above UF and for the last two Miami is behind.

So, If anyone’s lips are being smeared with rectal matter...I’ve proven that it would have to be yours. Now, lick and get the rest of it off your chin.

I made it long on purpose. Many who will read (and those who will say they didn’t. LOL) need the practice.
Bro it’s time for you to give up and make another account.
I just put a crystal ball in for TS to Miami bc I'm (all of us really) more qualified than Luke Stampini. There is absolutely no way he is going to CB a former Florida commit to Miami when he believes every Miami commit is a flip candidate
I would love to know what’s Georgia’s and Bama’s spending limit per cycle

Georgia's was obscene. Our CEO contributed over $100,000 per annum alone. He had his own private airplane....... The Head of Tax contributed up to $25,000. Her and her husband have not missed a 'Dawg game in 20 years and have been going to games for 45+.

Georgia Tech graduates hate the 'Dawgs and there are a multitude of obscenely wealthy YellowJackets that would never donate. The new Atlanta elite is not nearly as affiliated with the 'Dawgs as before, so when this generation dies out they will have to rely on their most recent graduates, whom are mainly truck drivers, WalMart cashiers and 9-to-5ers....

You should take a quick glance at the criteria for the US News rankings. I just did and was amazed the rankings have any credibility at all in the "real" world.

Here is a quick example:
The two largest components of the rankings are reputation and graduation/retention rates, each accounting for 22.5% of the total score. The reputation score is based on peer and high school counselor surveys. (BTW, in 2017, only 7% of the high school counselors responded to the survey.) Peers are "presidents, provosts and deans of admissions, or officials in equivalent positions, at institutions in the school's ranking category." (In 2017, 40% responded to the survey.)

O%, I repeat, ZERO PERCENT, of a school's ranking takes into consideration employers in the private or public sector aside from the academic institutions themselves! Aside from the top 15-20 schools, how does any of it carry any weight?? This is just one example of many flaws you can find in their criteria if you just skim through the provided link.

Without totally relinquishing my anonymity on this board, I can tell you that I am involved in recruiting and based on our experience with candidates, for my line of work at least, we would look more favorably upon the Miami graduate than the UF graduate. I say this as an alumnus of both UM and UF.
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