I don’t know what kind of a job he’s done because I don’t listen to other people, especially on free message boards, about how to maximize my gains.
I’ve seen people lose their shirts listening to sector and other analysts that are paid hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars, per year, and do this for a living.
I’ve had friends who turned over their investment portfolio the people that do this for a living, fiduciaries pretty much all of them, and that had their portfolios underperform, and many times even underperformed basic market indexes.
I’m certainly not going to put much stock in a message board dilettante.
Eventually, these people are wrong, and then all **** breaks loose. I take personal responsibility for my investments and no one else’s.
Following blindly what someone else says is a recipe for disaster. There is no substitute for doing your own homework.
But none of the above had anything to do with the post you are responding to. I just thought I should get another shot in to his numerous responses, but I had shlt to do like make money so I stepped away, but it’s not a big deal - who cares right now