Tyler Van Dyke - ESPN New 2020 Rankings

You guys really don't know anything, Just love to talk. I seen plenty of QBs
Stink it up, even trevor lawrence. but when it's time to play lights out in a game. The same way you drop him for poor performance at the open you promote him for his paradise performance. Bottom line game face.

You guys really don't know anything, Just love to talk. I seen plenty of QBs
Stink it up, even trevor lawrence. but when it's time to play lights out in a game. The same way you drop him for poor performance at the open you promote him for his paradise performance. Bottom line game face.
Bobby Knight wants to know what a "GameFace" looks like....
All I know is that I’ll take TVD all day, every day. Kid can make the throws, is accurate with the ball, and is a true athlete. He’s going to come in here in 2020 gunning for the incumbent starter. Not saying he will win out versus a Jr QB but he most definitely will not be intimidated by the talent level of the players around him.
He does, and I certainly do not haha

your old-time comment was logical based on facts before you at the time, but it serves as a reminder that star rankings and nfl mock drafts are fraught with peril.

there will be comments regarding Emory vs Rashada that will be just as interesting come year 2025 or so!