Just stuff im hearing around, its been noted that his grades are crap from here
People throwing sh*t around to see if it sticks. I wouldn't say that's definite
Go ask pete if you dont believe me, did you ever wonder why he didnt play all year??? Man some yall cant handle the truth sometimes even when its right there in front of you
Pete should probably stay away from pontificating on a guy's academic situation after the Gray debacle of two years ago.
You guys just know what you hear. And what you hear is speculation. Not a single guy on here has seen Mullins' transcripts. Not one. You're all playing the odds and acting like you know **** you don't know.
Furthermore, they spew it because it's a win-win. If he doesn't make it they come in here like Mighty Joe Young, pounding their chests, typing in all caps: "I TOLD YOU HE WASN'T GETTING IN". If they're wrong on the other hand, no one cares because everyone's just happy our recruit made it in. Classic hedging.