Tyler Baron - Part 2

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Well he's not starting over Bain or Mesidor so yeah he's a backup here.
Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce
An assistant from Knox Catholic HS told me its a done deal to Miami. Announcement today or tomorrow.

He also told me info weeks ago that seems like it was wrong related to his should injury.
Good intel. Was the assistant there when Baron was? Local, hometown connections got scoop, no doubt. Just curious if he coached Baron in HS.
Good intel. Was the assistant there when Baron was? Local, hometown connections got scoop, no doubt. Just curious if he coached Baron in HS.
Yes. That's why I'm cautious with his shoulder regardless of what has been looked into. He's a Tennessee alum and homer too so he's probably got some butt hurt left from him leaving.
Yes. That's why I'm cautious with his shoulder regardless of what has been looked into. He's a Tennessee alum and homer too so he's probably got some butt hurt left from him leaving.
Well fi UHealth evaluated the shoulder and gave the green light then we are good to roll hot. They will throw a shoulder harness on him and he will be aight.
Just hope to get this wrapped up so we'll have a 100% set roster so we know who we're going to war with this fall
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