Tyler Aronson, QB ‘24 | Page 4 | CanesInSight

Tyler Aronson, QB ‘24

Can he play on the sabbath? I keed, I keed. The kid looks fantastic. Best of luck to him. New nickname: "The ****** Bomber (sorry Mike Rossman)."
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I agree that he throws a good ball but many of those passes were non contested. Either the comp is weak or his receivers are too fast for the dbs. I'm going to go with weak defensive play.
Honestly, if this kid is a smart kid and develops into a good college prospect but probably not pro caliber, if I was his father I'd push him to a Stanford or a Vanderbilt or a Duke.
Unfortunately Julio Frenk is slowly hurting Miami's academic ranking (we are now ranked just a couple of spots ahead of FSU) and our "academics" that we were so proud of will be a thing of the past.
the throw at the 1:06 mark tells me a lot . he has a cannon but he also can put touch on passes. I really like that about any qb.
Yea, they’re Canes. We need to have our shît together but I’d think we have a good shot, all else being well.
He seems like he comes regardless unless Saban pulls the ultimate pitch and we are still pulling our pants up

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