TVD Staying at UM Mega-Thread (F off Nick and the local Miami media dreck)

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Yep. This was one of the first cases I learned about in law school. McDonald's was purposely brewing the coffee exceptionally hot because they believed it led to better flavor. They had also had prior complaints of customers burning themselves, so they were on notice of the issue.
Would anyone else like to see us go do this same **** to Bama right now and offer money they don’t want to pay to one of their key players at a position of need for us???

That’s like asking for SI to run another “Miami should drop football” cover. You know Bama rules aren’t the same as Miami rules.
i'm a good guy, but are they legitimate insiders with sauces?
yes. They all have inside info. @Gocanes1990 and @Ghandi have posted here alot of stuff that show they have some contac(s). @JustAFanHTX has inside info too with other programs..

and I know people here give him a hard time but @SWFLHurricane can also be on that list. When we have dm'd in the past a lot of the stuff he has said has been corraborated. People focus on his misses but crootin is fluid and changes by the second.
yes. They all have inside info. @Gocanes1990 and @Ghandi have posted here alot of stuff that show they have some contac(s). @JustAFanHTX has inside info too with other programs..

and I know people here give him a hard time but @SWFLHurricane can also be on that list. When we have dm'd in the past a lot of the stuff he has said has been corraborated. People focus on his misses but crootin is fluid and changes by the second.
i'll put the first three guys on the list but CIO k/n/a @SWFLHurricane i don't think so. he has french socialist knives in his kitchen which is suspect at best. plus, he gets all of his insider information from that guy that he was suppose to meat at titanic, so that's suspect also.
NEW: UM’s Van Dyke considering transfer because of NIL frustrations at UM & more $$ elsewhere, per Canesport. (And I've heard no denials on this.) Meanwhile, John Ruiz discloses his own NIL plans amid recent news reports:

Barry tweeting this garbage goes well beyond, "I'm a journalist", and into, "I'm actively spinning a story because I want to push a narrative, a narrative that will hurt the University of Miami". The actual story is, "Tyler Van Dyke asks for more money". Barry's story is, "Miami's NIL is falling apart". The proof that it's a spin is in the fact that now everything is OK and Tyler got paid. Which supports the actual story, not the spin.

It's been this way since the beginning of time but there are journalists and then there are people with information and an agenda. Those two are not the same.
UPDATED LIST of whose information is actionable and whose information is not actionable


@Da Jumbo Mutombo
@Gocanes1990 [@Udynasty vouches for his bona fides]
@Ghandi [@Udynasty vouches for his bona fides]
@JustAFanHTX [@Udynasty vouches for his bona fides]

@SWFLHurricane [application pending based on resolution of french socialist knives]


@rsa coral gables
@Empirical Cane
@Cryptical Envelopment
UPDATED LIST of whose information is actionable and whose information is not actionable


@Da Jumbo Mutombo
@Gocanes1990 [@Udynasty vouches for his bona fides]
@Ghandi [@Udynasty vouches for his bona fides]
@JustAFanHTX [@Udynasty vouches for his bona fides]

@SWFLHurricane [application pending based on resolution of french socialist knives]


@rsa coral gables
@Empirical Cane
@Cryptical Envelopment
btw.. who is PIEDRA😭😭
Isaiah Wong did a similar thing last year and people forgot pretty quickly when he played well and the team did well

it'll blow over if he balls out
That’s hoops. Multiple games. Not as big here

this is Miami. We know this fan base.
imagine he has a bad first quarter at home against aTm. We all know what will happen….
As he should be advised to do if he’s a projected high draft pick.
He probably will be advised to do that. Here is this years expected first round QB picks and the last several years. Not sure what your threshold is for “high” is, so I kept it to just 1st round.

Young - played
Stroud - played
Levis - played
Lawrence - played
Wilson - played
Fields - played
Jones - played
Burrow - played
Tagavoila - hurt
Herbert - played
Love - played
Murray - played
Jones - played
Haskins - played
Mayfield - played
Darnold - played
Allen - played
Rosen - hurt
Jackson - played
Trubisky - played
Watson - played

Richardson - sat
Pickett - Sat

I expect he will be in the second group. I get it, both sitting out and leaving a likely 7 or 8 win team are in one's own best interest which would be understandable, but not really common, and the expectation is more a reflection of how I see him as a teammate and leader than the norm or the precedent.

(Maholmes and Lance omitted as their teams missed a bowl game and had their seasons rescheduled, respectively)
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