Turtle Thomas out at FIU


Nov 6, 2011
I am sure one of Jagr/Antwan's heroes. Wouldnt be a shocker at all if JD Arteaga ends up there.
Turtle got a raw deal here. Fell on the sword for Morris' over-recruiting philosophy.

Here's a list of our national titles since Turtle's last recruiting class:
Turtle got a raw deal here. Fell on the sword for Morris' over-recruiting philosophy.

Here's a list of our national titles since Turtle's last recruiting class:


And what has he done since leaving? LSU won his first year there and then what?
Turtle got a raw deal here. Fell on the sword for Morris' over-recruiting philosophy.

Here's a list of our national titles since Turtle's last recruiting class:

I'm amazed with this clown. One of the biggest, most negative trolls I have ever seen on any sports message board.

Never misses an opportunity to take a dump on the bb team and/or coaches.

Doesn't matter the topic, this ****drinker will work extra hard to find a connection to take a huge dump on the program.
One would think that among all the insults at least one person would have tried to refute my post, but that didn't happen.

Now I know how Hillary feels: always attacked, but always right.
Watch out with saying anything mean to jagr.

He gets a free pass to insult our players and coaches, but imurcane won't hesitate to ban you for calling out his bs. This has to be the only message board on the internet that hurts its web traffic by protecting trolls.
Watch out with saying anything mean to jagr.

He gets a free pass to insult our players and coaches, but imurcane won't hesitate to ban you for calling out his bs. This has to be the only message board on the internet that hurts its web traffic by protecting trolls.

This is an intellectually dishonest post. Any criticism I have leveled toward anyone has been purely about baseball. I do not take personal cheap shots at anyone on the baseball team or at any posters here. Do you dispute anything in my original post?

If insulting a UM coach was a bannable offense, we would no longer have a football board.
Watch out with saying anything mean to jagr.

He gets a free pass to insult our players and coaches, but imurcane won't hesitate to ban you for calling out his bs. This has to be the only message board on the internet that hurts its web traffic by protecting trolls.

You are funny. Misguided, but entertaining. You can call him out all you want, just as he can call #3 out all he wants. Its the personal insults that send it over the top. I have never given an infraction that wasn't warranted. Furthermore, MOST times I start with a warning.

But feel free to contribute to this great Cane community.
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Do you dispute anything in my original post?

Yes. The utter incoherence of it.

You say that Turtle Thomas fell on his sword for the recruiting practices of someone else and then turn around and say that we haven't won anything since Turtle Thomas stopped recruiting for us.

But if the recruiting practices weren't his and we've won plenty since he left then how do your statements make any sense?
Do you dispute anything in my original post?

Yes. The utter incoherence of it.

You say that Turtle Thomas fell on his sword for the recruiting practices of someone else and then turn around and say that we haven't won anything since Turtle Thomas stopped recruiting for us.

But if the recruiting practices weren't his and we've won plenty since he left then how do your statements make any sense?

Because like you have bent over backwards trying to explain for the last three months, Jim Morris lays out the plan for the program. Turtle Thomas was a recruiter. His job, like Gino's now, was to identify needs and recruit players. Turtle did that very well. But it's not the recruiter's decision to over-recruit and hope some kids don't show up. That kind of risk has to be signed off by the head man. He would have to say yes, let's take that chance.

Unfortunately (and I know that you know this), too many kids arrived on campus that year, and someone had to be told that there is no money for you. That kid's dad went to Tad Foote's office, and Turtle lost his job over the whole thing. But no one on earth believes that the head coach was in the dark about how many offers were on the table.
One would think that among all the insults at least one person would have tried to refute my post, but that didn't happen.

Now I know how Hillary feels: always attacked, but always right.

Well, you made a few decent arguments in the last week or so....then you compare yourself to a felon who has sold out the Country for personal enrichment and made every effort to cover up terrorist state funding all while keeping top secret government information available on a server about as protected as your mickey mouse laptop at your apartment in Pennsylvania.

That about sums up your progress....and explains quite a bit.

One would think that among all the insults at least one person would have tried to refute my post, but that didn't happen.

Now I know how Hillary feels: always attacked, but always right.

Well, you made a few decent arguments in the last week or so....then you compare yourself to a felon who has sold out the Country for personal enrichment and made every effort to cover up terrorist state funding all while keeping top secret government information available on a server about as protected as your mickey mouse laptop at your apartment in Pennsylvania.

That about sums up your progress....and explains quite a bit.


So you, too, have no thoughts on the topic? You're just here to pile on?
Troll cites analytics until we decimate his understanding of the topic. Then he makes the general statement that Morris is too old to understand it either.

In this thread, he is bashing for the sole purpose of bashing. First off, we know his real age, which means that he was 5 when they fired Turtle. I was 25 and know the full story, as do most other posters on the Board.

If Turtle was such a great recruiter, how did he fail so spectacularly in the baseball "hot-bed" of the nation, with a 4.87 scholarship advantage? At a minimum, win your sad-sack conference 2 out of every 3 years. Arteaga will make the Regionals consistently at FIU.

More about Turtle's failures...... LSU had to let him go and then Pat Murphy also had to let him go. Garcia knew he was lawless but a great recruiter and he failed at FIU as well.
You know my real age? That's funny.

Everyone knows the real story. I told the real story. And it's a fact that we have not won a title since Turtle was recruiting for us. Sorry that you have to make all of this personal.
Yeah, for sure Turtle is a great success. His performance over the years proves it.

Self-contradiction added to delusion is a bad combination, son.

Time for a reset. Next time try posting something that actually makes sense.
Yeah, for sure Turtle is a great success. His performance over the years proves it.

Self-contradiction added to delusion is a bad combination, son.

Time for a reset. Next time try posting something that actually makes sense.

Turtle's only failure was as a head coach. He won a title at Miami. He won a title at LSU. Smoke Lavall, not Turtle Thomas was the disaster at LSU. In his only year at Arizona State he went to the CWS. He had 19 straight Top 10 recruiting classes at three different schools.

You guys should at least read up on a topic before you completely blow it in writing.
...and then Pat Murphy also had to let him go.

"Though he will lead the Golden Panthers program in the future, Thomas will help coach Arizona State in its National Championship bid in Omaha, beginning Saturday against UC-Irvine.

"FIU is hiring the hardest-working coach I've ever been around," ASU head coach Pat Murphy said. "He's relentless and he's a good person. He is a legend in college baseball for his recruiting efforts and great coaching at winning programs."