Trevonte Citizen injury considered serious [Sep 23 - *may* return this year]

First thread title request change - [is hurt]
Nah fam, this is getting merrrrrrrrrged

Who gets more snaps this season Citizen or Nelson
time house GIF
Our RB room all of a sudden looks like a weakness vs. what started out as a strength

Don - strong good runner. Lacks some vision and unfortunately lost explosiveness with the injuries. Also doesn’t add an out of the backfield passing threat element

Parrish - good change of pass back who can hit holes hard and make some guys miss. But lacks size, some vision and long speed. Also is not a threat out of the backfield in the passing game at all

Ajay Allen - a lot like Parrish, shifty, a little bit better long speed, can find a crease and capitalize on it. But lacks size and blocking ability.

And what might be Our two best all around RBs are injured in Fletcher and Citizen

Maybe we see CJ get more snaps soon because we need a playmaker at RB