Trend in HS football to use fast LBs in D line

I liked the films but back in that area were HS O-linemen as well skilled in pass protection as they are now? The prolific passing games of the last 10 or so years have made teaching pass blocking technique to OL very important

True. in my last years of coaching as a JUCO coach after retiring from HS football. I saw the trend of going after large HS TE's that maybe did not have the speed and or hands to play TE at the next level and converting them to OL-men especially at the tackle position as they were usually far more athletic than many of the pure HS O-Lmen coming out as far as footwork and quickness was concerned. Also, quite a number of the big TEs were blocking TEs in HS so were not all that unfamiliar with what was needed in the T position.
