Travis Benjamin making noise for the Browns

And to think we never really got to use Travis to his fullest potential because we had a QB who could only punt during his time here...

I see Im not the only guy seeking out the old heads in the stands, I see you D$

Was just gonna post this, would have loved to see him with Morris as Full time QB. I still remember TB senior year against Duke, Morris threw about a 60 yard bomb that TB dropped in the end zone. Would have been nice to see him on a few 9 routes with Morris.

I just got invited to the dolphins browns game, al expenses pain even air fair. that would be sw3eet to show up in a benjamin cane uni
His ceiling is def a #2 receiver on someones squad. Hes still really learning the game. Like Sam Shields his first few years. Was never a good route runner. Once he works on his craft I have no problems saying he could be a poor mans Mike Wallace.

The problem with TB3 here at UM was that he topped out too early. Buddy was the **** his True freshmen year here! People were saying he could be as good if not better then Santana! But he just never got that much better after that. Wasnt his fault really because very few players in that era got better while at UM.

Dmoney, I was at that game too. Traz Powell Stadium. TB3 blew by that MNW defense like it was standing still. GC would have gotten manhandled that day if it were not for him.
Always loved Benjamin but it's shocking to me how good he is doing in the NFL in the RETURN game. He was never really a great returner here IMO. Obviously blinding speed, but he didn't have the wiggle or the quick cuts like most good NFL return guys. He is kicking *** though.

He definitely needs some help from Weeden though this year, that guy was awful.
He's so fast he was always under thrown on go routes during his career here. I wonder how many TDs it cost him.
From what I remember, he was balling last year before he got hurt. It's not like AJ or Megatron is in front of him on the depth chart. I can see him as a #2-3 receiver, definitely.
From what I remember, he was balling last year before he got hurt. It's not like AJ or Megatron is in front of him on the depth chart. I can see him as a #2-3 receiver, definitely.

I think gordon will eventually be their #1, kid had a decent rookie season.
Benjamin is definitely an example of a guy that was lucky Golden and staff came through when they did. He put up good numbers each year but I think most sane fans would agree that he didn't seem like he was putting in the work to improve his middle seasons. He seemed to lack toughness and the desire to take his game up a notch after being impressive early.

We talked about it a lot his senior year but he really opened up his game IMO. He showed the grit and toughness he would need to play at the next level. The talent was never an issue so it seemed he got his mind right just in time and has continued that.

Just my 2 cents.

  2. The restriction for the passing team starts with the snap. The restriction on the defensive team starts when the ball leaves the passer’s hand. Both restrictions end when the ball is touched by anyone.
  3. The penalty for defensive pass interference is an automatic first down at the spot of the foul. If interference is in the end zone, it is first down for the offense on the defense’s 1-yard line. If previous spot was inside the defense’s 1-yard line, penalty is half the distance to the goal line.
  4. The penalty for offensive pass interference is 10 yards from the previous spot.
  5. It is pass interference by either team when any player movement beyond the line of scrimmage significantly hinders the progress of an eligible player of such player’s opportunity to catch the ball. Offensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is snapped until the ball is touched. Defensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is thrown until the ball is touched.

    Actions that constitute defensive pass interference include but are not limited to:

    (a) Contact by a defender who is not playing the ball and such contact restricts the receiver’s opportunity to make the catch.

    (b) Playing through the back of a receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball.

    (c) Grabbing a receiver’s arm(s) in such a manner that restricts his opportunity to catch a pass.

    (d) Extending an arm across the body of a receiver thus restricting his ability to catch a pass, regardless of whether the defender is playing the ball.

    (e) Cutting off the path of a receiver by making contact with him without playing the ball.

    (f) Hooking a receiver in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that it causes the receiver’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving.

DPI can not be called on a defender until after the pass is thrown. This does not mean that other illegal actions cannot be called (e.g., holding, blocking below the waist, illegal block in the back, clipping, personal fouls, etc.). This is why holding (and not DPI) is sometimes called on the defender during a play in which the pass was thrown to the receiver who was held. More than likely, the holding occurred before the pass was thrown.

There are six types of DPI and in college they must all involve contact that obviously impedes (or restricts) the receiver's ability to complete the catch. The six types are as follows: 1) contact by defender not playing the ball, 2) defender playing through the back, 3) defender grabs the receiver's arm, 4) defender "arm bars" the receiver, 5) defender cuts off the receiver, and 6) defender "hooks and turns" the receiver. On many plays, the defender and/or receiver will have their hands on their opponent as they run down the field primarily to keep track of where the opponent is while looking for the ball. This action is referred to as "chicken fighting" and is ignored if they do not obviously restrict the opponent's ability to complete the catch.
He might be the only 2008 class kid to actually play in the league with Streeter likely to get cut by Baltimore.

The statistical odds that so many of those kids would bust was so small, and yet they all pretty much did.