Transfer Portal watch

This kind of crap is going to ruin the college game. Give the kids money to live a solid life while in college, but giving them this kind of coin is going to throw everything off permanently. Even though we have deep pockets down here and huge economic opportunity, I’m not a fan and believe this needs to be regulated as it is going to throw off all sorts of competitive balance. The college game (which I have preferred more than the pros) is over as we know it until there is a better solution. Texas teams figuring out how to filter cash to players as pay-to-play is ultimately going to bring this down. Should be interesting to see. In the meanwhile, I hope that Mario can right our ship before it all comes to an end.
So you don’t like capitalism I take it?

I hope you had that same energy when it came to coaches like Saban getting his house paid for and the million analyst while the five stars got a mere fraction of that under the table.
He’s not that good I don’t understand all the hype. People are making it seem as if he’s the second coming at QB or something lol
So you don’t like capitalism I take it?

I hope you had that same energy when it came to coaches like Saban getting his house paid for and the million analyst while the five stars got a mere fraction of that under the table.
Did I say that? I said that I believe these kids deserve more than they had before, but to be compensated like this upfront is not going to be a good outcome for the college game that I love most. I believe they need to figure out a plan to regulate the manner in which the payments can be made, not eliminate this entirely. Was the Wild West a great place to live in spite of law and order? That’s what it feels like.

Perhaps a program that gives them a sum but not all of their earnings up front and a vesting schedule for later in life when they could rely on the assets could be more appropriate (while making sure that they eventually get every red cent with interest). The numbers of failed careers and flame outs is immense in this sport and perhaps releasing funds as income after college would benefit some of these kids that fall victim to injury or flame out who would be better when they have a better head in their shoulders.

The spirit of this program is in the right place but the practice of it to pay kids legally (from BOOSTER money) is downright wrong.

Do you not agree that this system is going to continue to bid up top talent? And in the model of capitalism, supply and demand ultimately causes the price to go up with demand being high and a limited supply of one being the finite value. Are the larger pockets not going to win every one of these battles? And what happens to the kid when he is already entitled leaving high school playing games with fans on social media when being recruited all for the purpose of attention? Now they have even more reason to spend more attention to their image than their school work. BTW, this is now leaching into high schools before kids are going to college. How are kids going to focus on scholastics that will drive 99.99% of their careers in the figure?

Where does it end? Yes, I like capitalism. But I also like college football of pre-COVID times and my point is that I would like a system that would allow for both. I also like the thought of not speaking Chinese someday too and believe that if we let this take over, we will be hurting our education system to the point of no return (I get this is far fetched but I don’t like the severity of the consequences).
This kind of crap is going to ruin the college game. Give the kids money to live a solid life while in college, but giving them this kind of coin is going to throw everything off permanently. Even though we have deep pockets down here and huge economic opportunity, I’m not a fan and believe this needs to be regulated as it is going to throw off all sorts of competitive balance. The college game (which I have preferred more than the pros) is over as we know it until there is a better solution. Texas teams figuring out how to filter cash to players as pay-to-play is ultimately going to bring this down. Should be interesting to see. In the meanwhile, I hope that Mario can right our ship before it all comes to an end.
Needs to be some type of cap. CFB isn’t even a team sport anymore. It’s a business and a me first mentality.
This kind of crap is going to ruin the college game. Give the kids money to live a solid life while in college, but giving them this kind of coin is going to throw everything off permanently. Even though we have deep pockets down here and huge economic opportunity, I’m not a fan and believe this needs to be regulated as it is going to throw off all sorts of competitive balance. The college game (which I have preferred more than the pros) is over as we know it until there is a better solution. Texas teams figuring out how to filter cash to players as pay-to-play is ultimately going to bring this down. Should be interesting to see. In the meanwhile, I hope that Mario can right our ship before it all comes to an end.

The game generates over $100M for major schools. This is just supply and demand 101. What we should do is establish a salary cap and pay players above board.
No idea how legit but someone just posted on Ferman’s site James Williams about to hit the portal. Supposedly per some chat/group with a bunch of former Cane players. Claiming NIL as possible reason.
it's like we all said this is Free agency u put your name in the portal they are negotiating for more money!! now head coaches gotta recruit their own players again!! not good for football!! dang shame!!
who to say tvd wouldn't put his name in the portal just negotiate some more money from miami or any other school!! I don't want that happen!! but we all would do that right???
I’m curious to see how Freeman does. In the last 4 seasons, BK had a total of 6 losses. There’s going to be an obvious drop off in terms of record. He’ll win the press conferences but I have a feeling he’ll lose the fans after 3 seasons of meh production.

I also think that offense is going to struggle hard. My buddy swears by Rees and says with BK gone he’ll be able to run the offense with no restrictions. But I just don’t see it with him.
Caleb Williams is over rated af.
Dude played well in parts mainly due to his raw athleticism but Riley benched him for Rattler in one of the later games.. that’s pretty bad.

Rattler’s decision making is equivalent to square peg round hole trying to slam it home relentlessly whilst drooling on himself. He is the most overrated QB in a looong time.
Dude played well in parts mainly due to his raw athleticism but Riley benched him for Rattler in one of the later games.. that’s pretty bad.

Rattler’s decision making is equivalent to square peg round hole trying to slam it home relentlessly whilst drooling on himself. He is the most overrated QB in a looong time.
This kind of crap is going to ruin the college game. Give the kids money to live a solid life while in college, but giving them this kind of coin is going to throw everything off permanently. Even though we have deep pockets down here and huge economic opportunity, I’m not a fan and believe this needs to be regulated as it is going to throw off all sorts of competitive balance. The college game (which I have preferred more than the pros) is over as we know it until there is a better solution. Texas teams figuring out how to filter cash to players as pay-to-play is ultimately going to bring this down. Should be interesting to see. In the meanwhile, I hope that Mario can right our ship before it all comes to an end.
I disagree they need to be paid. Most these kids don't go pro. Yet will suffer with cte and other bodily injuries for the rest of their lives. Get that bag.