I have a general question: why does everyone think a kid is either an All American or a JAG in the portal, with no in between? Did you watch what the team was doing last year? We had every issue in the book, but one was that when our starters got hurt we were rolling out pee wee sized kids like Seymore and Denis to replace them. If we are serious about truly flipping the roster, than of course we need the top line guys like Cohen and Lee and Mauigoa...but we also need high end, grown man depth pieces like Brown and Gore and Deen. Look at SC last year. They did, for my money, the best job I have ever seen of flipping a roster using the portal. They had the obvious studs, but then they also had dudes like Austin Jones (backup running back) and Brendan Rice (#4 receiver) that just filled a role and made the team better.