Transfer portal watch thread!! (Versions 1.0 - 4.0 merged)

What a child!!! Your hysterical 8)

You might be the dumbest UM gradúate moron I’ve come across on this board and that’s saying something. Did you take too many shots to the dome with that leather helmet back when you played??

How in the **** you came up with me starting a new thread after the old one is derailed, and saying essentially to stay on topic, as insulting our players is insulting to whatever intelligence exists on this board.

You’re not qualified to downvote on CIS. You should be limited to observer status. Lord knows when you’re not flipping people off and on the rare occasion you actually say something, it just doesn’t go well.
It's not being cancelled. People just have to be more careful.

The real issue is people making the White Power sign in photos. In the entire history of photography, when people were posing side-by-side, about 4 people ever chose to make the "OK" symbol.

Now...inexplicably...lots and lots of...white people...are making the "OK symbol"...for no apparent reason.

Look, I don't really care what people do in pictures. I just find it comical that they refuse to own it afterwards, and they come up with ridiculously transparent explanations for why they just HAD to make the "OK symbol" in a photo.
ricky bobby idk GIF
The ok sign or the sign you made for the punching game as a kid now has a stupid meaning because of some twats. I didn’t even know that dumb **** to recently. I guess thumbs up will be canceled next.​
Thumbs up in Italy determines if you live or die so might at well add that too your list.
Just FYI I am friends with someone on staff from the school we are getting the CB from and he reads our boards.

I would avoid the guessing games before someone tips our hand and they get wind of it too soon.

Behind the scenes stuff can get ugly.
[deleted by Maude]
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Just FYI I am friends with someone on staff from the school we are getting the CB from and he reads our boards.

I would avoid the guessing games before someone tips our hand and they get wind of it too soon.

Behind the scenes stuff can get ugly.
I edited part of your post out. What you are saying is our biggest concern. My understanding is that the staff of that school does not know. It would really be best if it stays that way.