Trajan Bandy - local recruiting influence?

Recruits can only act as a conduit for other croots...

Unless your staff is handing bags to a high profile recruit in order to recruit his teammate, then they don't have much (if any at all) influence on getting other kids on board.

The only thing they can do is tell other croots about the staff & give them the real about how the program works.

Also, if you payed attention, McFarland stated that Bandy was a huge reason as to why Miami is his #1 school...
He said Bandy is his guy & that he tells him everything he wants to know about the program & the Coaching staff.
Bandy has been a big part of Mac's recruitment.

The bandy stuff with mcf is all window dressing. Mcf has had a strong relationship with Richy and brown for a long time now - even while bandy was committed to OU
I didn't say he's the reason we landed him, I just stated that Mac has said that Bandy is someone who he communicates with regularly & does play a part.

I clearly said that recruits don't have any real influence on other recruits...

Same stupid **** every year. There's always some dude who is supposedly the Pied Piper of South Florida then all his closest friends go somewhere else.
Recruits having 'influence' is always overrated. Kids are gonna go where they wanna go and where they think its best for them. This is the same reason package deals almost never work out. On occasion there have been transcendent players that other recruits look at and say "i wanna be on that dude's team" but that is rare.

The last kid I remember having that type of influence was Chris leak for you guys a while back.

Yep. We got Leak and then a bunch of dominoes fell our way because of that. Tebow was the same but those are the only two in recent memory. And they were probably helped by the position they play and the fact they had been getting pub for 3 years as the next big things.
Yea right, I guarantee you if we landed jeudy then we would have cleaned up in recruiting this year. That was the biggest momentum killer is coming up short for him and it's gonna be tough to really land an elite class after that.
That "he's a local legend - kids will follow" line of thinking has been one of the bigger lines of BS I've heard in recruiting in the past 5+ years. Point blank - that kind of nonsense affects maybe 2% of recruits. We've recruited countless "local legends" and none has really yielded results.

Heard it with Jaquan, yearby and countless others.

Wasn't that what they said about Treon Harris?
The kids have next to zero influence when it comes to pulling other kids. Just like when they say they know who's coming. You're asking a 17 year old to predict what a 17 year old will do. Somehow it makes the predictions exponentially worse.

If you're relying on another commit to deliver you kids your crootin strategy sucks. Because it almost never works out that way.