Tracy Howard now rubbing our faces in it

Just lime I don't put up with **** no matter how hot a ***** is, i just don't see the staff putting up with this level of **** no matter how much he plays a position of need
Well how in the **** does Saban deal with these types of kids???? Urban??? We need to swallow our pride a little and woo these kids a little better. You have to play the game. Gone are the days where we can just tell a kid "This is Miami, pal...either sign right now or GTFO", or "you wanna be a Hurricane?...just take extra classes and you can be a part of the "U"". I'm sorry, guys...that **** just doesn't fly with these "new types". We've sucked **** on the field for years now and the only way we get back to being this arrogant (as it pertains to recruiting) is to land our fair share of studs...BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

You do whatever it takes. I'm just being real. I love Miami, but these b1tches (UM) have cheated the football program for years now and it's starting to catch up with us. Where did all of that money go when we were bashing b1tches heads in??? Right. Building up the institution as a whole.....but when we need you, you can't return the favor and scratch our backs by allowing us to bring kids in that can get in at , say, an Alabama???? You mean to tell me that we can't afford a 50,000 dollar annual stipend to grease the pockets of the top talent locally??? You mean to tell me that a bunch of SEC hicks are smart enough to pay kids....without as much as a scratch, but we are somehow too stupid/high and mighty to figure out how to make this happen???? FCK ME, why are we playing nice in a nasty world??? ****, even if Al has to come out of his own damned pockets, he needs to figure out a way to get this done. ****, we are RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS ****, It cannot be that hard to pay someone you trust to pal around with these kids and their family members...I refuse to believe you can't find a savvy ****d brotha and pay him to be "sweet" on a recruit's mom/dad...grease their a light respect someone that "looks out" for their family. Fck, pay me 100k a year and I'll do that ****- NCAA be damned-them b1tches doing REAL GOOD if they catch the kid. To be completely honest, It wouldn't surprise me one bit if we found out that certain SEC programs employ former players from Florida to do EXACTLY what I'm talking about....

Sorry for the rant fellas, but we've got to get in the game. This **** is getting ridiculous...... I think we've allowed the media to turn us into a bunch of politically correct puzzies with that "thug u" we are breaking our necks to be "the good guys", totally sucking, while other programs are DOING -THEY-MUTHA-FUCC'G-THANG!, stealing all of our swagger in the process!!! And SMH @ these clowns who justify losing a recruit...It's a sad state of affairs, fellas....a sad state of affairs indeed..........

That's EXACTLY the thinking that crashed our program a decade ago.

That's EXACTLY why we're under investigation right now.

Look, these wavering, self-promoting candy-asses that blow with the wind - I don't give a tinker's **** how many stars they have - fug 'em. And forget them.

Start winning games with good, hard working kids who are motivated, and THEN we can get picky.

I'd agree that this back and forth **** is for the birds.

Let's do it right. You never get burned in the long run when you do things right.
I sort of agree with you Archer. Last time we were down we built back up with great evals (Reed, Wayne, Moss, etc), it wasn't with top 5 classes. Of course we had Butch who has a knack for evaluating HS players. Hopefully Golden and staff have the same type of eye. When you start winning then you attract the top kids.

I know one thing, Golden and staff will work their asses off to get their type of players.
When we were winning we racked in top 5 classes with ease. See 2001, 2002, 2003 for examples. The problem was recruiting the right numbers at specific positions to ensure depth (and competition) and more importantly motivating that talent to develop and perform.

We have been irrelevant for 8 years. Irrelevant is irrelevant and I'm actually surprised at how well our recruiting has actually gone despite our mediocrity.
Miramar (FL) High School CB Tracy Howard says the Hurricanes "are recruiting me hard."

And he says that "I'm seriously considering Miami."

He talks regularly with Miami defensive backs coach Paul Williams.

"He tells me about Miami, regular stuff," Howard said. "We have a decent relationship, it's cool."

Williams has taken an in-home visit with Howard - "It went well," Howard said. "He answered all our questions well."

Howard said he hasn't talked to coach Al Golden recently but said "He called - I haven't had a chance to get back with him yet."

Howard says he's being recruited by Miami, LSU, Alabama, Florida, FSU and USC.

"I'm just staying open, want to do what's best," Howard said. "I don't want to have a leader and lose sight of the other schools. I'm weighing my options so far."

He's taken visits to FSU and West Virginia so far and has other trips set to Alabama and LSU.

"I don't know about the last visit yet - it'll be out of Florida, Miami and USC for that," Howard said. "I'll see. Miami will probably be an unofficial visit."
It's really sad how much fame we give 17-18 year old high school kids.

But that's the world we live in I guess.
Not getting Bush or Howard when we are so desperately in need is such an eye-opening slap in the face.

Anyone still in denial about where we stand with high school kids, just take a look, and I am definitely one of the more optimistic guys when it comes to recruiting.

Of course nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like it will take a miracle.
Not getting Bush or Howard when we are so desperately in need is such an eye-opening slap in the face.

Anyone still in denial about where we stand with high school kids, just take a look, and I am definitely one of the more optimistic guys when it comes to recruiting.

Of course nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like it will take a miracle.

When you suck for a decade, this is what happens.

We won't be getting the Tracy Howard's for a few more years. Gonna have to wait on that one. Ol boy hasn't even given us a shot from jump street.

Deon Bush is a ++ athlete, but nothing special in high school...not downplaying him at all, he'd be our best defensive back recruit sans PJ Williams (should the ole Bakas switcheroo not occur)...just saying he's not on Howard's level, IMO.
The U desperately needs to get that last official visit from Howard somehow. desperately. Hopefully he doesn't commit to LSU or Alabama beforehand (gotta uneasy feeling that he will).
The Tracy Howard thing is kinda interesting to me. I think we need to revisit the Cam Newton saga to fully educate ourselves. Newton's parent received illegal benefits without Cam's direct knowledge. Hmmm?? Now look at Tracy howard. The kid talks about UM, leans towards UM, yet its his momma who is pushing him to "look around, eplore options, etc..." Does anyone else see a connection here?
There is zero chance that Cam didn't know about the Money. absolutely zero.
Not getting Bush or Howard when we are so desperately in need is such an eye-opening slap in the face.

Anyone still in denial about where we stand with high school kids, just take a look, and I am definitely one of the more optimistic guys when it comes to recruiting.

Of course nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like it will take a miracle.

When you suck for a decade, this is what happens.

We won't be getting the Tracy Howard's for a few more years. Gonna have to wait on that one. Ol boy hasn't even given us a shot from jump street.

Deon Bush is a ++ athlete, but nothing special in high school...not downplaying him at all, he'd be our best defensive back recruit sans PJ Williams (should the ole Bakas switcheroo not occur)...just saying he's not on Howard's level, IMO.

FSU has sucked for that long and it doesn't seem to hurt them.
FSU sucks, gets high rated class, and still sucks.

Tells you something about those highly rated players that comprise that highly rated class. They suck. Miami's classes of highly rated scrubs and clock punchers should tell us all we need to know about star rankings and their worth.

Sure, there is a correlation to success, but an overall causation? Don't see it. Couple that with the curtain of star rankings being opened...meh @ star rankings.
Not getting Bush or Howard when we are so desperately in need is such an eye-opening slap in the face.

Anyone still in denial about where we stand with high school kids, just take a look, and I am definitely one of the more optimistic guys when it comes to recruiting.

Of course nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like it will take a miracle.

When you suck for a decade, this is what happens.

We won't be getting the Tracy Howard's for a few more years. Gonna have to wait on that one. Ol boy hasn't even given us a shot from jump street.

Deon Bush is a ++ athlete, but nothing special in high school...not downplaying him at all, he'd be our best defensive back recruit sans PJ Williams (should the ole Bakas switcheroo not occur)...just saying he's not on Howard's level, IMO.

FSU has sucked for that long and it doesn't seem to hurt them.

Exactly. It'll be a huge failure on Golden's part if he can't bring in impact talent especially a so called need positions.

Huge fail for a guy who's supposedly suppose to lock down south fl.
Not getting Bush or Howard when we are so desperately in need is such an eye-opening slap in the face.

Anyone still in denial about where we stand with high school kids, just take a look, and I am definitely one of the more optimistic guys when it comes to recruiting.

Of course nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like it will take a miracle.

When you suck for a decade, this is what happens.

We won't be getting the Tracy Howard's for a few more years. Gonna have to wait on that one. Ol boy hasn't even given us a shot from jump street.

Deon Bush is a ++ athlete, but nothing special in high school...not downplaying him at all, he'd be our best defensive back recruit sans PJ Williams (should the ole Bakas switcheroo not occur)...just saying he's not on Howard's level, IMO.

FSU has sucked for that long and it doesn't seem to hurt them.

Exactly. It'll be a huge failure on Golden's part if he can't bring in impact talent especially a so called need positions.

Huge fail for a guy who's supposedly suppose to lock down south fl.

Jesus Christ we will get some and lose some. Even When Miami was on top from 2000-2004 kids still got away. Also whats this Miami hasn't been good for a decade talk Miami from 2000-2003 Greatest team ever in 2001, 2002 robbed, 2003, Won a BCS game against FSU played in 4 straight BCS bowl games and played for two NC. 2004 Finished in the top 10 of the polls. 2005 One **** up game against Calvin Johnson and GT for playing in the ACCCG and National championship we were number 3 in the country then and had the path to the NC game after blasting number 2 VT on the road. Miami still finished in the top 20 that season. 2006 was the start of the downfall at Miami so Miami has been down for a good 5 or 6 years but defintely feels longer. Meanwhile FSU hasn't finished in the top 10 since 2000.
There is zero chance that Cam didn't know about the Money. absolutely zero.

So you're telling me that I couldnt receive a one time, six figure cash payout from another person without my son knowing about it?? I think thats nonsense. I can easily see a parent soliciting a bribe without the child's knowledge then leaning heavily on their child to sign with a certain school.
The FSU thing is a mixed bag.

Larry hit on a few points but at the same time Jimbo blows the doors off the guys we've been trotting out there as far as recruiting. Give Golden some time.

I remember reading camp write ups from Bakas years ago where he would talk about kids and he would also mention who was represented there. FSU always was, and Jimbo was always around. We were slacking and they weren't.

Its not the whole story, but its important to note.
Not getting Bush or Howard when we are so desperately in need is such an eye-opening slap in the face.

Anyone still in denial about where we stand with high school kids, just take a look, and I am definitely one of the more optimistic guys when it comes to recruiting.

Of course nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like it will take a miracle.

When you suck for a decade, this is what happens.

We won't be getting the Tracy Howard's for a few more years. Gonna have to wait on that one. Ol boy hasn't even given us a shot from jump street.

Deon Bush is a ++ athlete, but nothing special in high school...not downplaying him at all, he'd be our best defensive back recruit sans PJ Williams (should the ole Bakas switcheroo not occur)...just saying he's not on Howard's level, IMO.

FSU has sucked for that long and it doesn't seem to hurt them.

Exactly. It'll be a huge failure on Golden's part if he can't bring in impact talent especially a so called need positions.

Huge fail for a guy who's supposedly suppose to lock down south fl.

FSU South FL commits - 1

UF South FL commits - 0