tour of the Schwartz Center for the U

Need to get players to win games. Schwartz Center will help in acquiring said players.

On a side note, we've signed our best players here when we weren't winning big. So, I'm not so sure that winning matters as much as having a great recruiting and evaluating staff matters when it comes to acquiring players.

It's a new day in the college football landscape. Miami has lost appeal with recruits; it's been too long. Winning is what matters and playing for championships. All the other stuff is window dressing. Miami needs to win, and win now. They can't keep falling short and expect to pull off the recruiting miracles of yesterday.

But yes, recruiters and developers are badly needed at Miami. Is Al the man to put it all together? Not sure he is.

You need to follow recruiting a little closer and stop throwing out empty catch phrases like "Miami has lost appeal with recruits". We're about to ink the best JUCO player in the land in about an hour and a half. Dude's been raving about Miami and Al and Carroll. Miami lost appeal because we had garbage running the program. Shanntard abdicated his responsibilities, keckeye. He quit recruiting, and his evaluation and closing skills were total garbage. He messed up relationships with local schools, and Al has repaired them.

I know you don't like Al as a corch, but he's ELITE as a recruiter, and that's been proven repeatedly. If a Notre Dame shill like Lemming calls him one of the top 3 or 4 recruiters in the game with Saban and Meyer, than that should tell you all you need to know about his ability to sell.

Now, Chise, I don't know you from the gum on the bottom of my shoe fella, but in one breath you say my phrase is emtpy but then proceed to say why Miami has lost it's appeal with recruits. Either it has or it hasn't. I'm going to believe it has until I see the complete transformation in recruiting. It just isn't there; no matter what the dopes with green and orange glasses say. It doesn't work that way in todays football world. Times have changed and so has recruiting. Plus, Miami has more to overcome than most schools do.

I think calling Al an elite recruiter at Miami is a bit much. He isn't anywhere close to elite at Miami. Elite should be reserved for those that earn it, he hasn't yet. He has lost more than his share to be considered elite. Not to mention, but I will, his game day approach opens up a whole different world of questions.

Landing a top JUCO putz doesn't change anything. Who did he actually beat out for the kid? ASU?

Maybe you should actually watch the games going on out there other than the Canes. Good luck in your journey.

I don't think recruits see Miami the same way you do, but that's to be expected a bit right now.

OK. You win. Al can't recruit.

I didn't say he can't recruit. I just don't think he is elite.

It's a new day in the college football landscape. Miami has lost appeal with recruits; it's been too long. Winning is what matters and playing for championships. All the other stuff is window dressing. Miami needs to win, and win now. They can't keep falling short and expect to pull off the recruiting miracles of yesterday.

But yes, recruiters and developers are badly needed at Miami. Is Al the man to put it all together? Not sure he is.

You need to follow recruiting a little closer and stop throwing out empty catch phrases like "Miami has lost appeal with recruits". We're about to ink the best JUCO player in the land in about an hour and a half. Dude's been raving about Miami and Al and Carroll. Miami lost appeal because we had garbage running the program. Shanntard abdicated his responsibilities, keckeye. He quit recruiting, and his evaluation and closing skills were total garbage. He messed up relationships with local schools, and Al has repaired them.

I know you don't like Al as a corch, but he's ELITE as a recruiter, and that's been proven repeatedly. If a Notre Dame shill like Lemming calls him one of the top 3 or 4 recruiters in the game with Saban and Meyer, than that should tell you all you need to know about his ability to sell.

Now, Chise, I don't know you from the gum on the bottom of my shoe fella, but in one breath you say my phrase is emtpy but then proceed to say why Miami has lost it's appeal with recruits. Either it has or it hasn't. I'm going to believe it has until I see the complete transformation in recruiting. It just isn't there; no matter what the dopes with green and orange glasses say. It doesn't work that way in todays football world. Times have changed and so has recruiting. Plus, Miami has more to overcome than most schools do.

I think calling Al an elite recruiter at Miami is a bit much. He isn't anywhere close to elite at Miami. Elite should be reserved for those that earn it, he hasn't yet. He has lost more than his share to be considered elite. Not to mention, but I will, his game day approach opens up a whole different world of questions.

Landing a top JUCO putz doesn't change anything. Who did he actually beat out for the kid? ASU?

Maybe you should actually watch the games going on out there other than the Canes. Good luck in your journey.

I don't think recruits see Miami the same way you do, but that's to be expected a bit right now.

OK. You win. Al can't recruit.

I didn't say he can't recruit. I just don't think he is elite.

OK. Sure thing.
Golden is making a dollar out of 15 cents, right now

It's that simple

No need to be over-critical

The guy is very Butch Davis-esque in this regard

the stuff he pulled off at the end of last years recruiting convinced me of that
Al is an elite recruiter IMO. We had a great class last year (#9 per Rivals) and what appears to be a great class this year with looming sanctions, a conference that isn't particularly appealing, an apathetic fan base, and a team that largely hasn't been successful since the early 2000s.

Imagine what he can do once the sanctions are complete and we have a few winning years (and bowl appearances) under our belt. Scary.