TOS poster/ insider says...

Too be honest, I think the NCAA should open up to paying these kids more. People have real life issues, and the money they making off these kids should be aleast trickled down a bit more to them.

Jimmy Johnson said it best, and I never really thought about it until he said it. The problem is Title IX. As SOON as you give football players some money, the women will come calling.

Too be honest, I think the NCAA should open up to paying these kids more. People have real life issues, and the money they making off these kids should be aleast trickled down a bit more to them.

Jimmy Johnson said it best, and I never really thought about it until he said it. The problem is Title IX. As SOON as you give football players some money, the women will come calling.

And every other NCAA sport. As long as we are under the illusion of college football being under the NCAA and tied to 'student athletes', you can't give more money to football teams without giving it to everyone. Also, as Miami fans, I would think we would not want more money to be going to the players, you think we cant compete with the SEC schools now, just think about what would happen if they could pay them whatever they want.
Too be honest, I think the NCAA should open up to paying these kids more. People have real life issues, and the money they making off these kids should be aleast trickled down a bit more to them.

Jimmy Johnson said it best, and I never really thought about it until he said it. The problem is Title IX. As SOON as you give football players some money, the women will come calling.

And every other NCAA sport. As long as we are under the illusion of college football being under the NCAA and tied to 'student athletes', you can't give more money to football teams without giving it to everyone. Also, as Miami fans, I would think we would not want more money to be going to the players, you think we cant compete with the SEC schools now, just think about what would happen if they could pay them whatever they want.
Southpark nailed it in my opinon....


I don't get excited about stuff like this, even when it's legit. As DMoney can attest to, I'd say over 50% of "silent" commits don't even stick. Probably an even higher percentage, really. Wake me up on signing day or at least a public commitment.