Too Bad UVa Isn't a Recruiting Threat

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This thread itaelf is what divides people and social media made this **** explode. Aint no going back.....its the age of if u disagree with someone its the end of the world

Come tf on... since when is Black lives matter movement considered racist?... you don't even know the meaning of the movement. Don't you think it's crazy how after multiple black people have been murdered by the police most of them have not been convicted?.... I mean come on. That's what people are protesting against the unfair justice system amongst other things. Philando Castile was murdered for saying he has a registered gun and saying he was grabbing his registration . Tamir rice, Sandra bland, Trayvon martin and the list goes on...

BLM is most certainly racist. You're black so you wouldn't understand. Also racism was at an alltime low under Bush & poof under Obama it explodes. Dave Chapelle brought whites & blackes together in this country through comedy while Bush was president. He's a true hero in my eyes.

The KKK is marching right now, americas original domestic terrorist group is alive and based on the Charlottesville rally VERY strong... that doesn't concern you?

How can black people be racist? Did they enslave(torture and lynch etc) a population and hide behind religion to justify doing so? No... There is fear in this country, anyone saying racism doesn't exist is just crazy to me man

Oh your one of those people who thinks blacks can't be racist. I'll just save my breath then. Have a good one Brock.
We need to address these issues. I'm a young guy, 23 years old but I don't think I have ever seen this amount of blatant racism in this country ever. It seems as if has only been heightened since trump has been selected.It's saddening to see. I asked my dad today who has served in the the marine core and he said he has never seen this amount of blatant racism going on in the country. It's really crazy man

It's not like that in the northeast. Honestly. The south much be much worse because I just don't see racism up here the way it's talked about down where you guys are at.
The majority of racist people are just poor under educated people looking for someone to blame. Stay out of ghettos, trailer parks, rural areas and you'll be fine.
Only a matter of time before you see it in AL and LA. Trump and Sessions have them emboldened.

I have no problem if we executed every racists in the country White, black, brown and any other color which would leave us with less than half the population in this country. But Blaming Trump and Sessions is BS. I've met Sessions, some of his best friends are black and have had his back since day one. Such BS! The ***nut Obama gave 221 million to a crazy *** terrorist state of Palestine his last day in office. Gave billions to the terrorist country of Iran while our cities go to ****. Obama did nothing about Flint, I can't stand that piece of ****s white side.

Also added 10 trillion in debt = to all presidents combined. Trump gave Flint MI 100 million to fix the lead in water problem as soon as he gets in office. 57% black, 37% white, no racist would do that IMO. So the racists in here go *** yourselves. I'm white I have more respect for most black people than I do whites, they have become ****fied. Racists come in all colors! I agree with Dwinstitles, delete this piece of **** thread.

I'd love to have a discussion a Trump voter without them mentioning:

1. Hillary
2. Obama
3. The Mainstream Media/ Fake News

Trump is the president now. Not Obama. Not Hillary. Not George Soros or whatever other Liberal Booeyman is the Infowars target of the week. The chronic case of "what-about-sism" whenever Trump's shortcomings are mentioned is at an epidemic level right now. It's okay to criticize your guy and still support him. We do it ALL the time with the team we're all here to support (except those closet Nole and Gator fans we have running around).

As for Sessions? I think I will blame him. One of his first acts as Attorney General was to dismantle and gut the civil rights division as well as funding to combat white nationalism, which Trump STILL will not say by name, something that I find hilarious bc he chastised Obama and Hillary (do I get points for bringing them up!?!?) for not calling the enemy by the name and saying "radical islamic terrorism", but today, a terrorist act was committed by a white nationalist within our borders (not the first since he's been elected) exactly like the ones he was so quick to condemn in France and the UK when they were committed by Muslims, and all of a sudden it's "yeah, well, many sides do it."

As for your other claims...

Regarding Flint, No! That wasn't Trump.
Did President Trump Bestow $100 Million Upon Flint, Michigan?

Don't get me started on the flaw of your 10 trillion dollar number, but I can assure you, through no fault of his own, it's only going to continue to rise under Trump as that's just the trend, but, I will ask you this: Does Obama get credit for taking the unemployment number from 10 to 4? Or for the stock market going up 200 %? Or for dropping the price of gases? Or for deporting more illegal immigrants than any other president in history (including his first 6 months in office faster pace than Trump is)? The things Trump INHERITED and is bragging about these days? Fact check all of those things, my man, before you answer.

Iran? What was the last terrorist act committed by Iran against the US? I'll wait... Saudi Arabia, on the other hand -- y'know, the country where Bin laden and most of the 9/11 hijackers are from -- are still the largest financiers of terrorism in the world and just got a huge weapons deal from your guy whom they gave a heroes welcome to. So much for fighting terrorist nations. And in all fairness, Obama sold them weapons, too, which he shouldn't have, but you see how easy it is to criticize leaders you support?

Anyway, I have no doubt you're not a racist. But you're fooling yourself if you think Trump, with a staff full of guys like Steve "We Are The Platform For The Alt-Right" Bannon, "Dr." Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller, aren't dog whistling to these individuals who I'm sure we ALL abhor. How hard is it for the president to simply say I condemn white nationalism and neo-***** as opposed to deflection.

It's all love, brother. God Bless you. God Bless America and God Bless the Canes.
Only a matter of time before you see it in AL and LA. Trump and Sessions have them emboldened.

You see the video on twitter with all the antifa flags and communist flags? Those ain't Trump supporters!

You're better than this Liberty. What about the black panthers standing outside voting area's for Obama? What about Obama going to a racist church for 15 plus years? (CNN) - Hillary Clinton criticized Barack Obama at Tuesday night's debate for not directly rejecting the support of Louis Farrakhan. Should we have blamed Obama for Farrakhan support because he's a know racist? Come on, you are way the *** better than this. I sure and **** hold him responsible for being a member of a racist church though. Nobody can control who supports them. I go by someone's actions all the rest is BS. Again, you are my favorite poster, but you are way better than this BS. I'd stand side by side with you to fight these ***ers if I was there. This is one of the neg things we have to deal with freedom of speech.
I'm better than what?

What you're doing is a complete false equivalency because you don't wanna call a spade a spade.

I'm not a Liberal or a Democrat, but to equate Obama to anything going on with this is completely asinine.

This was a rally for a Civil War statue that is going to be torn down, the people who showed up to this rally were hardcore racists, Klan members, Neo-****'s & other Alt-right groups.

It's pretty **** simple, if you're not a racist then it should be easy to condemn what they're doing & what they stand for, no need to make excuses for them, they don't deserve it.

People are always quick to try to deflect & conflate the issue, tell it like it is, Idc what you think about Obama or Black people in general, those of y'all who consider yourselves Right wing conservatives have to deal with this, if y'all don't think that what those racists are doing is wrong then thats a bigger problem.

I appeciate that you respect me as a poster, I respect you as well, but I'm also a Black man in America, I'm not blind to the issues that have & continue to still plague our country.

As Canes fan, there should be no gray area for us when it comes to this stuff, we ain't the SEC & the legacy of our program is filled with Great Black, White & Latino players alike, everyone can disagree politically, but racism should be an easy topic regardless of politics that all of us can agree on.

**** thats a savage post
BLM is most certainly racist. You're black so you wouldn't understand. Also racism was at an alltime low under Bush & poof under Obama it explodes. Dave Chapelle brought whites & blackes together in this country through comedy while Bush was president. He's a true hero in my eyes.

The KKK is marching right now, americas original domestic terrorist group is alive and based on the Charlottesville rally VERY strong... that doesn't concern you?

How can black people be racist? Did they enslave(torture and lynch etc) a population and hide behind religion to justify doing so? No... There is fear in this country, anyone saying racism doesn't exist is just crazy to me man

Oh your one of those people who thinks blacks can't be racist. I'll just save my breath then. Have a good one Brock.
We need to address these issues. I'm a young guy, 23 years old but I don't think I have ever seen this amount of blatant racism in this country ever. It seems as if has only been heightened since trump has been selected.It's saddening to see. I asked my dad today who has served in the the marine core and he said he has never seen this amount of blatant racism going on in the country. It's really crazy man

It's not like that in the northeast. Honestly. The south much be much worse because I just don't see racism up here the way it's talked about down where you guys are at.

I personally stay in the suburbs just south of Atlanta and go to school in the city. I currently don't really experience racism tbh but I'm very awoke and I watch the news a lot and closely watch everything going around in the country. Maybe it's just where I live but maybe in South Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and some parts of Florida I'm sure there is plenty of it. Some can be tool where I'm from. Can never put nothing past anyone
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Only a matter of time before you see it in AL and LA. Trump and Sessions have them emboldened.

Who is emboldened ?

Youre not dumb And no, youre not a racist if you voted for Trump.

But if YOU ARE a racist like these losers... well who do you th8nk they voted for? David Duke eas at the rally this morning saying it fulfills Trumps promises.

Not making it a Trump is racist thing, just saying you can expect to see more of this. Id be shocked if he ever condemned this kind of stuff. Its a blind cosign.

He doesn't have to condemn anything even if he doesn't agree with it. Even though what he preaches is absolutely asinine and is ignorance at it's worst, we still have to respect that they like everybody else have the right to hold rallies, just like ANTIFA and all the other nonsense that goes on in the states because this country believes in freedom of speech. Being Politically correct is a just a tool created to limit it.

If a group of Muslims with assault rifles marched on a campus shouting "Death to America" and then incited violence the next day, and then drove a car into a crowd and killed someone, how much you want to make a bet he'd LOUDLY condemn it?

I know in the other thread you said you were a fire fighter, right? Thank you for your service.

I wonder where I seen that uniform worn before.
But but but Miami is a cesspool!


First, welcome back. I haven't seen you post in a while.

Second, I live just over an hour from UVA. While I often agree with you, if you're trying to associate UVA and/or the City of Charlottesville with these white supremacist dirtbags, you're dead wrong on what's happening there. Pick on UVA for the campus rape shît that was occurring all you want as that was a problem there but this atrociousness, which is a whole bunch of white scumbag racists, is mostly coming from elsewhere.

Charlottesville itself is a very progressive, liberal place with fairly genteel, wel-mannered people. I know enough of them personally. Don't put this shît on them. They don't want it there and I hope enough protesters show up to counter this.

You're approaching this from too fair and reasoned a position, bro! I'm familiar with Charlottesville too and everything you say is corrrect. My posts like this are always from a point of view in how Miami is often portrayed and a pushback of that nonsense. The same nonsense you'd probably hear parrotted by the bow-tie wearing pricks in the UVa fanbase about us. Soooo of course I'm not being fair or even accurate here BUT it is how the recruiting propaganda game is played........and you'd never actually see this in Coral Gables. Maybe Davie.

The real rednecks are rooting for ****** Tech. VT games are unsafe. UVA games are family friendly. They're total corny nerds coming out on horses with swords, saying that's another Cavaliers 1st down while pointing in unison and swaying arm and shoulder while singing their alma mater song. Its some seriously ghey, cringeworthy shît.

Um they jingle their keys at vtech. Seriously, jingling keys is supposed to be intimidating, and that's much cornier than the 1st down thing.

I've been to the game @ UVa 2 times and people are super nice and it's a beautiful area, but I'm totally down with making fun of them because any type of protesting within 100 miles of Miami is obviously because all the players are criminals. The rest of the country does this sht to Miami so I see no reason to be fair with them...even when I know better.

They jungle their keys because it's a "key down" as I've been told here by an alumnus and huge VT fan I know in Richmond.
Only a matter of time before you see it in AL and LA. Trump and Sessions have them emboldened.

I have no problem if we executed every racists in the country White, black, brown and any other color which would leave us with less than half the population in this country. But Blaming Trump and Sessions is BS. I've met Sessions, some of his best friends are black and have had his back since day one. Such BS! The ***nut Obama gave 221 million to a crazy *** terrorist state of Palestine his last day in office. Gave billions to the terrorist country of Iran while our cities go to ****. Obama did nothing about Flint, I can't stand that piece of ****s white side.

Also added 10 trillion in debt = to all presidents combined. Trump gave Flint MI 100 million to fix the lead in water problem as soon as he gets in office. 57% black, 37% white, no racist would do that IMO. So the racists in here go *** yourselves. I'm white I have more respect for most black people than I do whites, they have become ****fied. Racists come in all colors! I agree with Dwinstitles, delete this piece of **** thread.

I'd love to have a discussion a Trump voter without them mentioning:

1. Hillary
2. Obama
3. The Mainstream Media/ Fake News

Trump is the president now. Not Obama. Not Hillary. Not George Soros or whatever other Liberal Booeyman is the Infowars target of the week. The chronic case of "what-about-sism" whenever Trump's shortcomings are mentioned is at an epidemic level right now. It's okay to criticize your guy and still support him. We do it ALL the time with the team we're all here to support (except those closet Nole and Gator fans we have running around).

As for Sessions? I think I will blame him. One of his first acts as Attorney General was to dismantle and gut the civil rights division as well as funding to combat white nationalism, which Trump STILL will not say by name, something that I find hilarious bc he chastised Obama and Hillary (do I get points for bringing them up!?!?) for not calling the enemy by the name and saying "radical islamic terrorism", but today, a terrorist act was committed by a white nationalist within our borders (not the first since he's been elected) exactly like the ones he was so quick to condemn in France and the UK when they were committed by Muslims, and all of a sudden it's "yeah, well, many sides do it."

As for your other claims...

Regarding Flint, No! That wasn't Trump.
Did President Trump Bestow $100 Million Upon Flint, Michigan?

Don't get me started on the flaw of your 10 trillion dollar number, but I can assure you, through no fault of his own, it's only going to continue to rise under Trump as that's just the trend, but, I will ask you this: Does Obama get credit for taking the unemployment number from 10 to 4? Or for the stock market going up 200 %? Or for dropping the price of gases? Or for deporting more illegal immigrants than any other president in history (including his first 6 months in office faster pace than Trump is)? The things Trump INHERITED and is bragging about these days? Fact check all of those things, my man, before you answer.

Iran? What was the last terrorist act committed by Iran against the US? I'll wait... Saudi Arabia, on the other hand -- y'know, the country where Bin laden and most of the 9/11 hijackers are from -- are still the largest financiers of terrorism in the world and just got a huge weapons deal from your guy whom they gave a heroes welcome to. So much for fighting terrorist nations. And in all fairness, Obama sold them weapons, too, which he shouldn't have, but you see how easy it is to criticize leaders you support?

Anyway, I have no doubt you're not a racist. But you're fooling yourself if you think Trump, with a staff full of guys like Steve "We Are The Platform For The Alt-Right" Bannon, "Dr." Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller, aren't dog whistling to these individuals who I'm sure we ALL abhor. How hard is it for the president to simply say I condemn white nationalism and neo-***** as opposed to deflection.

It's all love, brother. God Bless you. God Bless America and God Bless the Canes.

Without Trump that money would have never been given period, wake up! I know the whole story I've read it many times. Obama didn't do **** to help, instead he chose to give the Crazy *** country of Palestine 221 million of our tax dollars, he could have helped Flint. Trump got the job done Obama didn't.

When Bush took over we had a little over 5 trillion in debt, when he left it was a little over 10 trillion, when Obama left it was 19.5 trillion or so, that is the bottom line. And about your Unemployment BS, it was at a record high with 95 million out of the work force. That unemployment number today is BS too, as Trump has stated. Food stamps almost doubled under Obama 47.6 million. Disability went up 1.5 million because of no good jobs. Bush was a jag too. Stock market didn't go up 200% from the Bush highs and he spent almost 10 trillion in that period of time. Didn't know a bit about how to create jobs or stop them from going over seas, TPP for example. That's what you get when you hire a guy that never had a real job, kind of like Bernie.

Iran has been promoting terrorist acts for decades, I agree with you on SA, I think every single one of the Muslim countries are whackjobs. Why in heavens names why would we let people in who will never work or assimilate. 91% will be on gov assistance for life. Obama tried to flood the country with them. And idiot liberals fought Trump with this. Take a walk through Dearborn MI and tell me that's America?

Trump said he condemns all violence on both sides, I have no problem with that. IMO, all 3 groups should be taken down. It looked like mostly stupid white people fighting and walking down the middle of streets, arrest every one of them. When the Soros people and BLM shut down the Trump rally in Chicago, crickets. Let's be fair, there are whack jobs on both sides.
Only a matter of time before you see it in AL and LA. Trump and Sessions have them emboldened.

I have no problem if we executed every racists in the country White, black, brown and any other color which would leave us with less than half the population in this country. But Blaming Trump and Sessions is BS. I've met Sessions, some of his best friends are black and have had his back since day one. Such BS! The ***nut Obama gave 221 million to a crazy *** terrorist state of Palestine his last day in office. Gave billions to the terrorist country of Iran while our cities go to ****. Obama did nothing about Flint, I can't stand that piece of ****s white side.

Also added 10 trillion in debt = to all presidents combined. Trump gave Flint MI 100 million to fix the lead in water problem as soon as he gets in office. 57% black, 37% white, no racist would do that IMO. So the racists in here go *** yourselves. I'm white I have more respect for most black people than I do whites, they have become ****fied. Racists come in all colors! I agree with Dwinstitles, delete this piece of **** thread.

I'd love to have a discussion a Trump voter without them mentioning:

1. Hillary
2. Obama
3. The Mainstream Media/ Fake News

Trump is the president now. Not Obama. Not Hillary. Not George Soros or whatever other Liberal Booeyman is the Infowars target of the week. The chronic case of "what-about-sism" whenever Trump's shortcomings are mentioned is at an epidemic level right now. It's okay to criticize your guy and still support him. We do it ALL the time with the team we're all here to support (except those closet Nole and Gator fans we have running around).

As for Sessions? I think I will blame him. One of his first acts as Attorney General was to dismantle and gut the civil rights division as well as funding to combat white nationalism, which Trump STILL will not say by name, something that I find hilarious bc he chastised Obama and Hillary (do I get points for bringing them up!?!?) for not calling the enemy by the name and saying "radical islamic terrorism", but today, a terrorist act was committed by a white nationalist within our borders (not the first since he's been elected) exactly like the ones he was so quick to condemn in France and the UK when they were committed by Muslims, and all of a sudden it's "yeah, well, many sides do it."

As for your other claims...

Regarding Flint, No! That wasn't Trump.
Did President Trump Bestow $100 Million Upon Flint, Michigan?

Don't get me started on the flaw of your 10 trillion dollar number, but I can assure you, through no fault of his own, it's only going to continue to rise under Trump as that's just the trend, but, I will ask you this: Does Obama get credit for taking the unemployment number from 10 to 4? Or for the stock market going up 200 %? Or for dropping the price of gases? Or for deporting more illegal immigrants than any other president in history (including his first 6 months in office faster pace than Trump is)? The things Trump INHERITED and is bragging about these days? Fact check all of those things, my man, before you answer.

Iran? What was the last terrorist act committed by Iran against the US? I'll wait... Saudi Arabia, on the other hand -- y'know, the country where Bin laden and most of the 9/11 hijackers are from -- are still the largest financiers of terrorism in the world and just got a huge weapons deal from your guy whom they gave a heroes welcome to. So much for fighting terrorist nations. And in all fairness, Obama sold them weapons, too, which he shouldn't have, but you see how easy it is to criticize leaders you support?

Anyway, I have no doubt you're not a racist. But you're fooling yourself if you think Trump, with a staff full of guys like Steve "We Are The Platform For The Alt-Right" Bannon, "Dr." Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller, aren't dog whistling to these individuals who I'm sure we ALL abhor. How hard is it for the president to simply say I condemn white nationalism and neo-***** as opposed to deflection.

It's all love, brother. God Bless you. God Bless America and God Bless the Canes.

I would chill out about talking about people you don't know. I have family in government that actually knows Sebastian Gorka and he's a very giving guy...don't believe everything you here
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Oh my god....


Th*s is ******* disgusting. I can't rock with anyone who voted for that clown.... Especially with him being endorsed by David dukes... Man our country is going through it right now

I voted for him and nobody who knows me considers me racist. I am voting for him again in 2020. To me it looks like 3 racist groups are fighting each other there. The Nationalist or whatever, BLM,and Antifa. All 3 are equally at fault. The reason we are so divided right now is because of the actions of the last administration over the last 8 years. We need to come together and find some common ground.

Oh **** off. Voting for Trump doesn't make you racist, but blaming this somehow on Obama and on "all sides" does. This was a ****/white supremacist march, and 90% of the counter protestors were locals/UVA students. There is no common ground with ***** in America. They just need to die or leave.

Maybe Bama or Miss St would be a better fit for you. Don't try bringing that pro-white supremacy **** here. Miami has always been a progressive school and the city itself is obviously very diverse. You are pretty out of place on a Miami message board, and I can't imaginehow uncomfortable actual games must be for you.

You gfys. I support that particular issue. That statue should not have been taken down in my opinion. I don't think Robert E Lee even owned slaves.I never said I supported the people who showed up to protest it. They did have a right to do so however according to the constitution. They won a court battle if I remember correctly. The other 2 groups only showed up to cause trouble.Had they not shown up there would have been no issues. Therefore, they share the blame for what happened today. I don't support BLM either because it seems like the only time they protest is when a white person is involved- doesn't that seem racist ? Thousands of black people killed by blacks and no protest...odd. I don't support Antifa or the nationalist either but they each have their right to free speech, like it or not. I have no issues with anyone based on their skin color. I decide whether I like you or not based on your actions and your character. Can you say the same ?
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Oh my god....


Th*s is ******* disgusting. I can't rock with anyone who voted for that clown.... Especially with him being endorsed by David dukes... Man our country is going through it right now

I voted for him and nobody who knows me considers me racist. I am voting for him again in 2020. To me it looks like 3 racist groups are fighting each other there. The Nationalist or whatever, BLM,and Antifa. All 3 are equally at fault. The reason we are so divided right now is because of the actions of the last administration over the last 8 years. We need to come together and find some common ground.

Oh **** off. Voting for Trump doesn't make you racist, but blaming this somehow on Obama and on "all sides" does. This was a ****/white supremacist march, and 90% of the counter protestors were locals/UVA students. There is no common ground with ***** in America. They just need to die or leave.

Maybe Bama or Miss St would be a better fit for you. Don't try bringing that pro-white supremacy **** here. Miami has always been a progressive school and the city itself is obviously very diverse. You are pretty out of place on a Miami message board, and I can't imaginehow uncomfortable actual games must be for you.

You gfys. I support that particular issue. That statue should not have been taken down in my opinion. I don't think Robert E Lee even owned slaves.I never said I supported the people who showed up to protest it. They did have a right to do so however according to the constitution. They won a court battle if I remember correctly. The other 2 groups only showed up to cause trouble.Had they not shown up there would have been no issues. Therefore, they share the blame for what happened today. I don't support BLM either because it seems like the only time they protest is when a white person is involved- doesn't that seem racist ? Thousands of black people killed by blacks and no protest...odd. I don't support Antifa or the nationalist either but they each have their right to free speech, like it or not. I have no issues with anyone based on their skin color. I decide whether I like you or not based on your actions and your character. Can you say the same ?

Only 1% of the U.S population ever did...and Yes, Robert E. Lee is on the other side of that 1%

Mr.David Duke thinks that Trump represents his people I wonder why. Is Trump being misunderstood by racist?

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and plenty of other racists and terrorists are buddies with Obama, even visited him at the White to add this to the discussion as well?

LOL when did Jesse and Al become racist? I don't like the guys but I love to hear this. Lets hear the storm front talking points.

Mr.David Duke thinks that Trump represents his people I wonder why. Is Trump being misunderstood by racist?

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and plenty of other racists and terrorists are buddies with Obama, even visited him at the White to add this to the discussion as well?

LOL when did Jesse and Al become racist? I don't like the guys but I love to hear this. Lets hear the storm front talking points.

Storm front?
**** your gonareah laden mom with an AIDS infested ****.
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