To coach muschamp and staff

I hope Muschamp prepares his **** and got the most out of his previous recruiting classes. Golden's going to make it look like Muschamp is recruiting with one hand tied behind his back now.

I can't begin to imagine how our class would explode if we beat FSU and won the ACC

Not much room left to explode. At this point, I think its Moten, Dixon, Lane, Cook, and maybe Rudolph who are left on the board for us. Maybe Sony if he had a change of heart at the last minute. Id say if we add Dixon and Moten, with Wyche now on board, we will probably keep one spot open in case we can sway Rudolph, Lane or Cook. Other than that, we are calling it a day.

Take as many as we can.
Start a curling team and hand out 10 scholly's. Then start a snow skiing team and hand out 10 more.
