Tim Reynolds on NCAA

Someone do me a favor and post the "I ain't scared of you *****" gif, please.

Because whatever bull**** the NCAA hands down, that should be our answer.

The NCAA is in the midst of some awful press. I just can't see it being more than moderate sanctions for that reason alone.

Where the PR game goes, everything else will follow.

I'm still sticking with 9-15.
Laugh to keep from crying boys, quite cathartic I know. Let's hope for the best, either way the 2013-14 team will need our support.
I ain't worried bout nothin HANNNHHHHH. I think the NCAA ****ed this up so much that we won't be hit too hard. Then we use the momentum to go forward
Pretty clear why they canceled practice. UM doesn't want the players and coaches getting bombed with questions because UM knows the sanctions are going to be announced. They want to have one press conference to handle the ncaa **** and then get back to business. All the panicky fruits need to go pop some sedatives and sleep off their pvssy fits.


They wouldn't worry about it unless they knew they are Kentucky fried

Why is this hairbag allowed to post here.
Pretty clear why they canceled practice. UM doesn't want the players and coaches getting bombed with questions because UM knows the sanctions are going to be announced. They want to have one press conference to handle the ncaa **** and then get back to business. All the panicky fruits need to go pop some sedatives and sleep off their pvssy fits.

You could still practice, and put the kaibosh on media access that day. Have Goldens talk to the press afterwards.

This NCAA tomfoolery has cost us enough already. Why let it cost another session?

I'm in the reward camp. Coaching been saying how business-like they've been all camp.