Tim Burns mom comments

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Why did he turn it down? Doesn't he want to progress in his career?
From my understanding his main point of emphasis was the first on recruiting budget to prioritize two elite national targets, when I'm his eyes he felt the way kids locally that were better fits for our system... That was what I was told and coincidentally they were both the last two kids I decided to help staff with. Won't happen no more while the same people make decisions like this. Just show we not committed to winning. We're committed to local bargain shopping.
Am I reading this correctly? He turned down the DC job twice but yet he is not allowed to make personnel decisions?
Yeah, once to richt and again to mandy. Point being? You have two dc currently on staff who aren't allowed to make personnel decisions either... Manny micromanage everywhere except tackle on his side of the ball.
I think you’re saying we know a bunch of things that appear to be accurate but let’s wait and see how it plays out.

I think he’s saying: people are up in their anti-Rumph, anti-Manny, Miami did nephew wrong, or other assorted feelings that they are throwing into those things you are seeing to lead us to 3-4 threads on Tim Burns...
Its hysterical how y'all twist everything into this same narrative each and everytime. Learn to separate one from the other. #1 nephew hasn't been brought up on here by me in a minute & won't be. He moved on and so did we. Is what it is. For whatever that's worth manny tried to get him to stay & he made his own decision to leave. Past that nothing I'm starting is anti mike as he's one of my closest friends thanks & nothing I'm stating isn't simply what occurs or continue to occur. No opinions involved. But I get it, you guys would love to believe you know what your talking about. Lol so carry on
What’s his personality? And not turning your head around has nothing to do with lack of development. There are guys in the nfl who don’t turn their head. Raymond is considered the best DB coach and I have seen lsu DBs not do it
He has a point though. Technique has definitely started to greatly diminish. I know this isn't what he teaching them, but it is definitely his job to develop his teachings... My own personal opinion is (hate to say this) but I think Mike is fed up. He gotta argue with kids and parents constantly & with staff too. I think we starting to see a disconnect. Where that's from frustrations with talent level of the kids, staff or sheer numbers who knows. But I think it's the case.
Its hysterical how y'all twist everything into this same narrative each and everytime. Learn to separate one from the other. #1 nephew hasn't been brought up on here by me in a minute & won't be. He moved on and so did we. Is what it is. For whatever that's worth manny tried to get him to stay & he made his own decision to leave. Past that nothing I'm starting is anti mike as he's one of my closest friends thanks & nothing I'm stating isn't simply what occurs or continue to occur. No opinions involved. But I get it, you guys would love to believe you know what your talking about. Lol so carry on
I am asking this as a genuine question, as you know more about CB technique than anyone on this board and 99.9% of the population, so please do not take it the wrong way. I agree 100% that the recruiting problems at CB go beyond Rumph, as well as many other issues. But from what I can see in my amateur view, our CBs have a **** of a time locating the ball, staying focused for 60 minutes, and really do not seem overly aggressive at the line. In some way I would think that at least the first two points come back to Rumph as their teacher and coach. I guess my question is, focusing on the coaching and development at CB, what are your thoughts on where we are falling short at CB.
I was ready to call out matt33 for his 35 posts, but they're all actually intelligent and informative...

I still can't believe Manny is this much of an idiot to do this, if that's what ends up happening. No way in **** all those dudes leave, even if they're salty for 24 hours.
I was gonna say something but I checked his post history, he knows ppl at MNW
This was her response to comments on the Miami Facebook page, there were lots of he doesn’t want to compete and must be grades comments.

It's sad that y'all come on here trying to Nash my kid because of something that he didn't create. He was the first one that committed to Da U from North western, so he was all in from the start. Clearly y'all minds so small that you would think that it's his fault, yet y'all come on here and try to bash him, his size, his grades & phucking stars, like who cares about stars?? Of y'all onew what my kid went through after he learned of what happened, you'd STFU and respect his decision. Anybody on here that knows my kid, knows he's never scared of competition no matter the size or the stars. Y'all sit and talk about him being bomb, but don't mention the interception he had in the end zone to stop a scoring drive, or the blocked field goal he had. Y'all screaming "I'm not impressed" Well who the **** are u that he has to impress? My son is fine, he's ok, my only wish is that he competes against Da U & make them pay for their decision
She better get thicker skin wherever her son plays. Every fan base has their share of douchebags who pop off at the mouth when they really have no clue what is going on.

Wait until he gets burned on a deep route in college...hope she isn't in the stands thinking certain Miami fans are the only ones that can be brutal.
Thats a Jason Marshall situation, at best. He'd commit, then UGA would drop a bag and then he'd say it was just a better fit. We all know that would have happened.
Keele reached out to us when he had every team in the country already offer him EXCEPT us. He came here twice on his own dime cause of that relationship & the fact he grew up a um fan. Like I said I get it though. People will continue to make excuses to send culpability or too accept sub par nonsense
Its hysterical how y'all twist everything into this same narrative each and everytime. Learn to separate one from the other. #1 nephew hasn't been brought up on here by me in a minute & won't be. He moved on and so did we. Is what it is. For whatever that's worth manny tried to get him to stay & he made his own decision to leave. Past that nothing I'm starting is anti mike as he's one of my closest friends thanks & nothing I'm stating isn't simply what occurs or continue to occur. No opinions involved. But I get it, you guys would love to believe you know what your talking about. Lol so carry on
It was a general post on people adding feelings to the details: some people don’t like Rumph, some people don’t like Manny, you appear to have issues with either Manny or others on staff (Cooney).

I’m not claiming to know anything about this other than categorizing the posts read in this thread or others here. To that end, you are more pro-Mike, anti-Manny and haven’t passed on an opportunity to throw a jab at Manny or the program lately (here, COVID-19 comments).

Those who pay attention know that the issue related to your nephew has been resolved with him leaving, with Manny wanting him to stay, but the issues with him not being with Manny, but rather with someone else not the WR coach because Likens is new. Perhaps your shade toward the program has nothing to due with your nephew and I believe that it you say it, but it is also my perception that people on the board may associate your negativity with that situation.

Personally I wish it worked out for nephew because I think he’d be good here and I had many more positive experiences than negatives at UM. That said, he has to do what he feels is best for him, now and down the road.
Why is there always drama with this program. SMH. Our biggest advantage is our location and relationships but a lot of times it turns into our kryptonite.

Well, at least part of the problem is that we have dramastic bytch fans, who like to jump on Facebook (Facebook?!) to talk shi!te about 17 and 18 year old kids.
Rumph pullin in a 5 star from out of state? Yea im not believing that one wouldve ever happened. Thats like when dudes leavin the club tell you man she said she wouldve came home iwth me if she didnt have to be at work early in the mornin! I dont believe in ifs and buts, but I do believe that Rumph doesnt pick who they send him to recruit

Dude wasnt landing Ringo...he would have a hard time getting his own son to commit.

It wouldve essentially been Jon Richt flying back n forth to oregon for no **** reason.

Rumph couldnt even get kids he coach to make a recruiting stop into coral gables...got**** Tyson Campbell made a trip to fiu to see another coach instead of a um recruiting visit lol
I am asking this as a genuine question, as you know more about CB technique than anyone on this board and 99.9% of the population, so please do not take it the wrong way. I agree 100% that the recruiting problems at CB go beyond Rumph, as well as many other issues. But from what I can see in my amateur view, our CBs have a **** of a time locating the ball, staying focused for 60 minutes, and really do not seem overly aggressive at the line. In some way I would think that at least the first two points come back to Rumph as their teacher and coach. I guess my question is, focusing on the coaching and development at CB, what are your thoughts on where we are falling short at CB.
Systematic, talent, & passion... Beyond that I was just stating I think Mike has become disconnected for many reasons.
If Rumph can't pick the kids he wants to recruit and can't recruit the kids that Manny wants. What's the point of having him on the staff? At this point Manny need to bring in someone that he trust and allow that person to do the job.
Now a after seeing all of this from @dsddcane

I apologize, Rumph. I like my crow fried with Crystal's hot sauce.

****, we really have a ****show
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