Tied with FSU in academics!

Is that right? Not surprised at UM's rank, but I thought FSU was much lower than that.

Public schools seem to do well when the economy is doing well, as that results in higher tax revenues.
not going to read the entire thread but FSU is on the rise because it is getting hard to get accepted. its basically a trickle down from UF being virtually impossible to get into.
LSAT scores, bar passage rating, UNSWR rating. (And FSU law has always had a better UNSWR rating than Miami law-it’s not a one year fluke like this year’s undergrad ratings.) I’m sure that as a lawyer you know that your firm would hire FSU law grads before they’d hire Miami law grads- quit pretending otherwise.

It’s pretty common for the law schools at public schools to be better regarded than the undergrad programs are. Look at Alabama law for an even more extreme example. Their law school is #25 in UNSWR (ahead of Emory law), but their undergrad is ranked #153.
I'm not a lawyer, despite a kick *** LSAT score and admission to UM Law School. Life got in the way and data is so much more enjoyable. I hadn't heard anything about ratings since 1994 or so.
that’s where you lost me US News

When I went to UM in the mid-60s, all you needed to get admitted was a pulse and the tuition/fees. They gave me 70 credits when I transferred in from a series of schools up north; other universities I applied to only were talking in the 50-60 credit range. The U was undergoing a big building program then; only reason I can think of for the low standards of those "Sun Tan U" days.

First thing I bought at UM was one of those silver foil sun reflectors to maximize my tan at the new pool at the Student Union and Crandon Park. UM was expensive even then; around $3500 a year IIRC -- room and board included. You had to bring your own Jaguar XKE.

Maybe we should try to be the "WVU of the South." I guarantee our recruiting would improve. :):)
Miami was the top Florida major university in 2017. We have been sliding each year. FSU now being tied is the steady slide coupled with a crazy FSU rise. Hope we reverse the slide.

Schools have been accused of cooking the info in the past. I went to law school at Boston University. It received some claims of book cooking. Hard to believe anyone would actually pick FSU over Miami. But I am an old alum who wouldn’t have come to Florida to be at FSU in a million years. Maybe things have changed.
This ranking seems very suspect. First, UM and UF had been virtually tied for years and changes in the ranking were slow and incremental. Now UF has jumped almost 20 spots? That doesn't bode well for the methodology or criteria.

Ditto for FSU: they'd been hovering off the bottom for years, bottom of FSB schools that it. Now, they jump from the sewer into the 2nd quartiel? Yeah, BS.

I'll take the WSJ ranking.

Oh, and all of you foolz calling doom and gloom and naming Frenk - You're di****te clueless fuchs.

You can choose what you like, but as a volunteer admissions recruiter, I can tell you the desirable prospects look at US News. Go peruse College Confidential a bit; the students and a lot of parents are status conscience (See Huffman, Felicity, See Loughlin, Lori) and won't pay for a subpar school, especially one that charges as much as UM. I have seen first hand a real lack of focus at Miami on recruiting the best and brightest, with the expected

The fall after my children's Spring commencement in 2011, US News' 2012 issue had UM ranked #38. They had taken a chance on a school they believed in, this when it was outside the Top 50 in 2006, and worked hard to better it. They were able to parley a great U undergrad education into entrance at Top 10 rated institutions in the fields of medicine and business. Now, UM has dropped NINETEEN spots in only EIGHT years and I fear today's 'Canes may miss out on the opportunities the predecessors had less than a decade ago.

Yeah, this a sports board featuring the teams of a UNIVERSITY. It's a familar story: The U didn't invest to maintain its prowess off the field and it will take even more $$$ to fix it.

Something stinks in the South part of Coral Gables.
Latest US News University Ranking: Miami now tied at #57 with FSU!

As one earlier poster mentioned, everything is going in the wrong direction at The U.

Sounds like it's going in the right direction. When FSU was winning a few years ago their APR was in the dumpster and off the field crime was high and being covered up. We were great in the classroom and terrible on the field.

Now they're rising up the APR and terrible on the field. We just need to get a little more rowdy off the field and cover some **** up.
LOL at this. Who is USWorld and what was the criteria for the their ranking?? The WallSJournal just came out with the top 500 universities list last week and UM was at #49 even ahead of UVA @ #50....much more impressive I'd say. Congrats to the U.
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FSU is obviously ranked wayyy too high. These rankings are meaningless as many liberal arts colleges are not even listed. It just sells bc many parents are infatuated with this stuff. UM is a good school and has gottten better if not much better in the past 15 years BUT it is not top 40 or maybe not even top 50 once you throw in the liberal arts colleges like Williams, Wesleyan, Middlebury etc.
You can choose what you like, but as a volunteer admissions recruiter, I can tell you the desirable prospects look at US News. Go peruse College Confidential a bit; the students and a lot of parents are status conscience (See Huffman, Felicity, See Loughlin, Lori) and won't pay for a subpar school, especially one that charges as much as UM. I have seen first hand a real lack of focus at Miami on recruiting the best and brightest, with the expected

The fall after my children's Spring commencement in 2011, US News' 2012 issue had UM ranked #38. They had taken a chance on a school they believed in, this when it was outside the Top 50 in 2006, and worked hard to better it. They were able to parley a great U undergrad education into entrance at Top 10 rated institutions in the fields of medicine and business. Now, UM has dropped NINETEEN spots in only EIGHT years and I fear today's 'Canes may miss out on the opportunities the predecessors had less than a decade ago.

Yeah, this a sports board featuring the teams of a UNIVERSITY. It's a familar story: The U didn't invest to maintain its prowess off the field and it will take even more $$$ to fix it.

Something stinks in the South part of Coral Gables.

I'll take the WSJ ranking any day over US News, which is akin to People magazine. So the smarter, more desirable prospects will look at WSJ, while the FSU rank and file will celebrate their new found USNews celebrity.
I'll take the WSJ ranking any day over US News, which is akin to People magazine. So the smarter, more desirable prospects will look at WSJ, while the FSU rank and file will celebrate their new found USNews celebrity.



Two pages to Eight...You can take whichever listing you want, but it doesn't change the facts!
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Maybe some of the CIS posters pinching pennies to get a 7-day free trial on Hulu to watch the game can donate to the University.

Just reading over the comments. So one day, we brag about being a top 50 academic institution, ragging on other schools, using our academic status as a means to have an extra selling point and excuse as to y we don’t get certain kids.

Now that we’ve continually slipped and OP brought it up, it’s “why bring up something that has nothing to do w football?” Lol

Man, we gotta own this chit. My homegirl right now is at Miami finishing up her Law Degree and part of the reason she chose Miami was b/c of me bragging about The U, but the main reason was due to the school’s academic rep.

Frenk was supposed to be an ivy leaguer, right? How does this happen under his watch? Wondering how current students feel about the direction of the academic side and if they feel Julio is vested.
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FSU is obviously ranked wayyy too high. These rankings are meaningless as many liberal arts colleges are not even listed. It just sells bc many parents are infatuated with this stuff. UM is a good school and has gottten better if not much better in the past 15 years BUT it is not top 40 or maybe not even top 50 once you throw in the liberal arts colleges like Williams, Wesleyan, Middlebury etc.

Liberal Arts is a seperate category, US News follows the Carnegie Classification system.

As Rellyrell stylishly intoned, you can't have your cake and eat it too...Frenk needs to own this and fix it...Fast.
Liberal Arts is a seperate category, US News follows the Carnegie Classification system.

As Rellyrell stylishly intoned, you can't have your cake and eat it too...Frenk needs to own this and fix it...Fast.


Again, I’m asking, what happened? For all the grief we give Shalala regarding the state of our football program, we could at least brag about how we were a top 50 academic institution.

Since Julio has been here, we’ve continually slipped in our academic status AND we still suck at football! Wtf??!