Thomas USC Visit

If you read the football board, Dodger's a good dude. Smart as ****.

And obviously a massive USC homer.

Not worried about this trip for a second.
Looks like Kiffin is throwing out the entire ****nal @ 6 and the rest of the recruits on that OV:

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Michael Hutchings Tweets
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Yesterday 8:56 AM

Michael Hutchings Tweets


I got this from Facebook page since I do not have a Tweeter account. Thought I would share since the whole Manti thing happening this week

@CaliHutch_17: These girls in the quad at USC are out here tanning in bikinis looking beautiful..Might as well let me sign this letter of intent right now

Fight On young man Fight On!

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If you read the football board, Dodger's a good dude. Smart as ****.

And obviously a massive USC homer.

Not worried about this trip for a second.

Pretty sure he's the dude who has crazy betting knowledge. I'm just ******* with him.
Looks like Kiffin is throwing out the entire ****nal @ 6 and the rest of the recruits on that OV:

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Michael Hutchings Tweets
Cardinal Supporter
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Yesterday 8:56 AM

Michael Hutchings Tweets


I got this from Facebook page since I do not have a Tweeter account. Thought I would share since the whole Manti thing happening this week

@CaliHutch_17: These girls in the quad at USC are out here tanning in bikinis looking beautiful..Might as well let me sign this letter of intent right now

Fight On young man Fight On!

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Wasn't it just in the 30's n 40's
Looks like Kiffin is throwing out the entire ****nal @ 6 and the rest of the recruits on that OV:

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Michael Hutchings Tweets
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Yesterday 8:56 AM

Michael Hutchings Tweets


I got this from Facebook page since I do not have a Tweeter account. Thought I would share since the whole Manti thing happening this week

@CaliHutch_17: These girls in the quad at USC are out here tanning in bikinis looking beautiful..Might as well let me sign this letter of intent right now

Fight On young man Fight On!

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Wasn't it just in the 30's n 40's

That's the point. Extra hard nipples. Dip em in ink and sign that LOI.

P.S. **** *****in. That ship's sinking, and anyone dumb enough to jump on it deserves to drown.
That's what they do on visits.

I'm sure his Momma will let him know how long the plane ride is.

Probably something like: "Boy, you staying home, I ain't flying all the way out here to watch you play and not even get some free peanuts" - Slaps him.
If you read the football board, Dodger's a good dude. Smart as ****.

And obviously a massive USC homer.

Not worried about this trip for a second.

Thank you Biscuits.

Funny thing, I can't win on the USC boards because they can't imagine an alum who roots more strongly for another team. But that's the case with me. I sat there in the Orange Bowl on Friday nights year after year as a kid. It was like an investment that paid off.

It doesn't feel awkward at all. Rarely any hint of conflict. Miami and USC haven't played since 1968. They seldom compete for the same recruits. When it happens, I root for Miami.

USC's campus and the surrounding area are a frequent topic on college football message boards. Everybody has heard a few things and thinks they know something. When it's a brief mention, I let it go. But approximately once per year I spot a lengthy arrogant post somewhere, mocking the school and acting as if daily student life is preoccupied with crime waves from every direction. At that point I launch a description of what it's really like at USC. Last year this came up on Canesport. I made a very similar post, in reaction to someone else, and it was quickly deleted by the administrators. Apparently they didn't like my description of game day at Sun Life and how it compares.
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If you read the football board, Dodger's a good dude. Smart as ****.

And obviously a massive USC homer.

Not worried about this trip for a second.

Thank you Biscuits.

Funny thing, I can't win on the USC boards because they can't imagine an alum who roots more strongly for another team. But that's the case with me. I sat there in the Orange Bowl on Friday nights year after year as a kid. It was like an investment that paid off.

It doesn't feel awkward at all. Rarely any hint of conflict. Miami and USC haven't played since 1968. They seldom compete for the same recruits. When it happens, I root for Miami.

USC's campus and the surrounding area are a frequent topic on college football message boards. Everybody has heard a few things and thinks they know something. When it's a brief mention, I let it go. But approximately once per year I spot a lengthy arrogant post somewhere, mocking the school and acting as if daily student life is preoccupied with crime waves from every direction. At that point I launch a description of what it's really like at USC. Last year this came up on Canesport. I made a very similar post, in reaction to someone else, and it was quickly deleted by the administrators. Apparently they didn't like my description of game day at Sun Life and how it compares.

Using Sun Life as a representation of the lifestyle the kids will live at Miami, can't be considered any thing more than a straw man argument. At the very most, kids will be at Sun Life 30+ times during their careers. They'll be in Coral Gables that many times in a month.