This is why you recruit South Florida

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Cohen pushed Fletcher into the end zone while standing out of bounds. Is that legal?
Wish we would recruit Texas for QBs. I would take a 3 star developmental QB right now
Do you mean on the roster now or recruiting? Cuz, Judd is a low 3* developmental QB!
He thrived in the 100 mph Lashlee offense where there wasn't any time to overthink things. He's really struggling with his confidence in these static Gattis and Dawson offenses.
Now it's a static offense post-gtech! We all was slurping Dawson pre-gtech.. you're not a real fan if you can't take the good with the bad, bet you wanted Mario gone when we whiffed at DT recruiting didn't you? Don't lie it's the Lord's day.
The bottleneck on this team is the QB. That is a god **** shame and should never happen at this University. Even when we were trotting out Malik Rosier and Stephen Morris, they weren't the weakest link on the team.
Bro, a QB that went 40/89 45% with 500 yards with 3 TD’s and 5 INT’s with an average QBR of 37.3 during the most important stretch of a Miami season in 14 years at the time in his last 3 games of the season in 2017 isn’t the weakest link??? Revisionist history will revision, I guess. Yikes! 😳
Bro, a QB that went 40/89 45% with 500 yards with 3 TD’s and 5 INT’s with an average QBR of 37.3 during the most important stretch of a Miami season in 14 years at the time in his last 3 games of the season in 2017 isn’t the weakest link??? Revisionist history will revision, I guess. Yikes! 😳

Those three games were complete team meltdowns.

With that said, we worked around Rosier - literally one of TVDs offseason QB Coaches FWIW - and got the most out of him. He threw 3 picks v. VaTech and we still beat them. Then had 2 TDs and no turnovers in the biggest win Miami had in 20 years.

Your point is reasonable, but if you're also saying that TVD is as bad as Rosier was in 2017 that says a lot about TVD at the moment.

I also say this about TVD, knowing he is hurt and that is why he's playing this poorly.
Reuben Bain. Andres Borregales. Mark Fletcher. James Williams. Kam Kinchens.

Recruit nationally. But keep the difference makers home. They bailed us out today when our quarterback collapsed.

Overall, this was a lot of the same old stuff. But running the ball down their throat to win is different. And this is the second week in a row that has happened.

We’re on to NC State. Go ‘Canes.
Manny Diaz got 3 of them to commit to Miami 🤣🤣🤣
Do you mean on the roster now or recruiting? Cuz, Judd is a low 3* developmental QB!

Now it's a static offense post-gtech! We all was slurping Dawson pre-gtech.. you're not a real fan if you can't take the good with the bad, bet you wanted Mario gone when we whiffed at DT recruiting didn't you? Don't lie it's the Lord's day.
Judd isn’t from Texas. And he sucks. I mean a 3 star QB from Texas.
Idk that this is the correct message when we have Harrell and Davis and many more also from SFL. The message should be this is why you recruit blue chip players.
Am I crazy or did we just kick like 25 South Florida “cancers” off this team?
We are poised to lose our next two easily and UL if we keep this up. Never felt so deflated after a win. TBH @DMoney it feels like a loss. Seeing TVD continuing to self- destruct and sabotage this team is maddening.


Just a deflating game.

And from an offensive perspective, doesn’t give me much hope for the future. It’s just confirming all concerns about hiring Mario.

This offense is completely OL talent driven. From a schematic standpoint, everything it does holds the team back. It requires great talent to make anything work.

But we aren’t going to be able to rely on that year after year.

We will go into every game with the bunch the box bro style being worth negative points, and have to hope the talent can make it up. That’s the future. And that is just gutting right now.
He thrived in the 100 mph Lashlee offense where there wasn't any time to overthink things. He's really struggling with his confidence in these static Gattis and Dawson offenses.
Or maybe, in 2021 he was an unknown QB with no film. DC's didn't know how to game plan against him yet. Now in 2023, the film is out there, and every defensive coordinator in the conference knows he struggles with zone coverages.
Mark Fletcher Jr. had a great run On the walk off TD and that was obvious when I first saw it. After watching the replay of the game winning TD from the end zone angle, Cohen deserves his flowers because he was also amazing on that pay!

Cohen pulled across the line from RG, hit two Virginia defenders with his left hand (#20 & #7 for Virginia) while pulling behind the line, cleanly blocked another Virginia defender on the perimeter (#9 for Virginia) and then pushed the running back Fletcher 22 in the end zone. Amazing!