This Is A Reminder For Anyone In Or South Of Palm Beach


Rok if you don't show up I'm gonna destroy your precious little bicycle.

Hey I was at the Bethune game and I'll be there on Saturday. People like me aren't the problem. It's all these wiggers who will crawl out from under their Nissan Altimas and show up at the FSU game.
I'll be there and I can't wait. In years past this would be the classic Shannon let down game. Something feels different this time around........
I have to visit my sister up in college this weekend but after this weekend im going me plus 3 more to all the other games!
Flying 7000+ miles for the VTech game.... believing hard they will still be ACC contenders by then.
Calling/Facebooking/tweeting all my buddies still on campus double-checking they will be at the stadium on Sat.
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Flying 7000+ miles for the VTech game.... believing hard they will still be ACC contenders by then.
Calling/Facebooking/tweeting all my buddies still on campus double-checking they will be at the stadium on Sat.
Repped. 7000 mile flight? I'd like to see someone beat that.
Flying 7000+ miles for the VTech game.... believing hard they will still be ACC contenders by then.
Calling/Facebooking/tweeting all my buddies still on campus double-checking they will be at the stadium on Sat.
