He went to UGA cause his mom pimped him out for bags plain and simple
Wait - UM sells the expensive private school education. Implying your degree in Sports Enthusiasm is worth more if it's from UM.
My daddy always told me, "don't EVER leave any money on the table."
The major programs got the first Indoor Practice Facilities - guess what? We finally got ours because? Because everyone else in major football did/was doing it.
It costs a lot of money to send and keep a kid in college - not counting Tuition. Clothing - he's gotta have transportation - a little spending money for this and that.
So a family is offered an additional benefit - could be having the rent paid - could be a nice car that will last three or four years while in college - and will enable him to reliably and safely come home to visit -
Is a kid and his family supposed to turn down some help while the young man is in school?
The Alabama quarterback's family was MOVED to Alabama - got jobs - close to their son. How much did that cost? Since he's leading Alabama once again to a National Championship - not really that much.
And it's no single booster who has an angle to enrich himself who is helping the Alabama program. It's a lot of folks who together commit assistance to get the kid to play football for Alabama. Not some a-hole with an angle - and who's already crooked as can be!
You pool enough money each year to help get four or five players
that you really need that happen to be five stars - by Year 3, you're on your way - unless you have an Administration and AD that are dead between the ears and can't understand basic economics.
Dummies that won't take care of their end - getting a great coaching staff and paying them to perform and stay.
But if you can find someone who came in cheap, UNDER SANCTIONS, and still managed to assemble the greatest college football team of all time, while doing so with a 31 scholarship reduction - how many times do you roll the dice with others who are UNPROVEN?
I like Manny, but Manny has a few lessons yet to be learned. I hope he learns them quickly, and without much pain.