" They don't know football "

Oct 3, 2017
Well tell me CMR if we fans don't know football as you say in interviews. How simple of a concept is it to know that if your OLine is not " executing " in other words stink at protection roll your **** Quarterback out more often. If you want to improve your running game pass on first down. And if you want to convert 3rd downs dont run when you have 4 yards to go.
How did I do ?

And one quick note if you think being at home CMR is a good thing your team will get booed off the field if you coaches don't figure it out.
That's the same line every ******* head coach who has ever under performed and received criticism over the last 75 years of organized football has ever said.

Sorry, but there are many fans who are intellectually capable of spotting garbage. For the love of God we've had 4 consecutive ****** coaching staffs....we've pretty much become experts at it.
If this **** play continues, and we have no signs that it will get better as of now, it is going to get ugly on Saturday night.
That's the same line every ******* head coach who has ever under performed and received criticism over the last 75 years of organized football has ever said.

Sorry, but there are many fans who are intellectually capable of spotting garbage. For the love of God we've had 4 consecutive ****** coaching staffs....we've pretty much become experts at it.
I still support Richt as the HC, but that was one of the dumbest and most defensive lines a coach could ever say. The moment you say something like that is the moment the fanbase starts to lose trust in you because you come off as defensive and unsure.

Not to mention his "we don't need explosive plays" comment during the BC game, smh
Homer and Jordan both said they need to execute better, weren't questioning the play calling. Guess they're drinking the kool aid too huh. Doesn't fit the narrative of a lot of porsters. DeeJay supports HC, but he doesn't count either I guess.
Gee...what a shocker. A current player not calling out his head coach in public.

I take back everything I've ever said about Coker, Shannon, Golden, and Richt.
Gee...what a shocker. A current player not calling out his head coach in public.

I take back everything I've ever said about Coker, Shannon, Golden, and Richt.
Yeah, Richt's doing awesome with his 30 year old playbook that the players cant execute and his handling of QB's along with his approach to recruiting. Nothing to complain about
The fans aren't necessarily saying they know football better than Richt. They're saying they've noticed that other coaches know football better than Richt.
The fans aren't necessarily saying they know football better than Richt. They're saying they've noticed that other coaches know football better than Richt.

At this point, I'd wager we have a good portion of our fanbase that actually does know more about football than Mork.
Just had a thought ... wouldn't it be funny as **** if Mork Richt's hydration specialist wife was named Mindy ? :zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg:
Homer and Jordan both said they need to execute better, weren't questioning the play calling. Guess they're drinking the kool aid too huh. Doesn't fit the narrative of a lot of porsters. DeeJay supports HC, but he doesn't count either I guess.

Lol have you ever seen a college player call out his coach while on the team?
The fans aren't necessarily saying they know football better than Richt. They're saying they've noticed that other coaches know football better than Richt.

F that! I’m saying I know more football than Richt at this point. Lol.