The Unintended Consequences

good points, but how does Miami recover its status as a top College when Leadership is so political, lacking, and confused.?
What recovery plan do we have to set this ship back on course.?

It can't be the AD announcement, nor the Coach, because the damage is getting lethal if the bleeding does not stop now.

I am convinced that there may be some of the BOT's that may not get their way so they ***** our U by presenting a picture of " total ineptitude ", and don't give a ****.
Admin and Frenk need to say anything, but we hear crickets.

I’ve called for a reorganization from The BOT for a while. The influence they wield is a bit concerning. Again, I’m not sure if these leaks r accurate or not, but it’s clear these sources are coming from w/in, whether it be directly or indirectly. It makes us look real bad; to mitigate this, we need to absolutely change the narrative by homerun hires at the AD & coaching. Anything short of a qualified, result oriented AD and hiring either Mario or Lane, bro….
September 25, 2021

Kirk Herbstreit decided to air his frustration towards The University of Miami, particularly it’s direction. Why? B/c The U was on a 4 game losing streak against P5 opponents, struggling against a G5 team at home, at the time of his rant. The rant questioned our dedication to winning, and for the first time, questioned the alignment of the decision makers of The U.

Results? It prompted a letter from The President’s office to refute such claims. It prompted a rehearsed statement by Diaz after a blowout win against a semi FCS school to defend The University. However something sinister happened; On October 23rd, 2021, before an ACC matchup against NCSt, Blake James provides an interview w/ a hand select few regarding Diaz’s job. That interview unveiled a complete chit storm showing, indeed, The University of Miami has zero alignment.

From that time onward, all we’ve seen is a school that’s been made to look more & more incompetent. Unfortunately, the media have been used as weapons of mass destruction. Whether the info leaked has merit or not is of no consequence to me; what it has been done is validate what Herbstreit said some 9 weeks ago.

I’m going to go out on a limb & say whether these reports are accurate or not, they are not being pulled out of thin air. I’m going to assume those w/in the dept are either accurately or deceptively leaking reports, all of which are sabotaging our reputation further. If it’s the former, then our direction of leadership is f’d; however, if it’s the latter, it shows our alignment & unity is disjointed af at The Hecht.

Look, I’m not an insider; I’m just a loyal fan for 3+ decades. I’m just a guy who’s made friends w/ some old school & current alums; but, what I will say is that regardless of how we may try to reason, spin, or justify what’s been going on, THIS IS NOT HOW A PROPERLY RAN UNIVERSITY OPERATES. I know business; I’ve been successful in it. I’ve worked for companies who lived on its past reputation w/o fwd thinking, and we were a complete chit show b/c of it. There was no alignment, too many chefs in the kitchen w/ huge egos. The results? Ppl w/ decision making influence jockeying for position no matter the end results vs. coming together to right the ship, A Reactive nature when JD Powers & Associates ripped us a new one vs. formulating a cohesive plan.
We’re seeing this type of chit happen before our very eyes, b/c we’ve been unveiled as a chit show.

Timeline & justifications:
-Blake James makes a statement on Diaz’s tenure before NC St game; James looks shady for coming out w/ said statement before a big game AND using certain media members, while excluding others (he would catch **** from both Diaz supporters & hurt feelings media members)

-Diaz after game makes statement to low key slight James

-James fired, causing a divide of some BOT members who loved him vs The Presidents office.

-Diaz allegedly on hot seat, but goes on a streak of winning 5 of 6 games.

-Allegedly an AD was supposed to have been announced two weeks ago. (Failed)

-Allegedly The University wanted to wait until Dec. 1st to make a decision to fire Diaz (Hasn’t come to fruition as of yet)

Hopefully we hire the right AD & coach, but between the academic tumbles, the COMPLETE athletic stumbles, and leaving a decision in the hands of a guy who yesterday had no interest in sports or cognizant of its affect on school revenue, doesn’t make me feel good.

I’ll just finish up w/ this; living in SC territory, there wasn’t nearly this much chit being talked about. Matter of fact, there were no leaks until it was time to pull the trigger. The only speculation was SC’s interest in Meyer (which he commented on) & Fickell (which a story was upon). Nothing else. Why? B/c SC has alignment from top to bottom. When the firing came of Swann, it was a unanimous decision. This power play that’s going on at Miami is not only tiresome, but worrisome.
Facts! Excellent post, @Rellyrell.

Too many posters on this site trying to ignore the total **** show that has been going on for nearly 2 decades, and now it’s gone full on radioactive. People trying to excuse it by telling others to “calm down” or trying to silence others for calling it out for what it is.

Some others are saying that as long as the end result is Mandy getting fired that it’s all good. Well, it isn’t “all good.” Not even close.

The one good thing about all of this is that finally the people that have been willfully blind as to what’s been going on at the Hecht for ages will have no choice but to wake the **** up.

I’ve been saying it for a very long time. Wholesale changes need to be made from the top to the bottom.
Steinbrenner was a chit show on steroids for decades. But the NYYs also won. I just want to win. I am okay with the popcorn show as long as we have winners in place in the end.

Jurich and Lane. Please.

I note that the old issues with funneling money to players via grants and parties or whatever will NEVER even need to happen. NIL. The more innovative and pro accepting the AD and HC the better.
September 25, 2021

Kirk Herbstreit decided to air his frustration towards The University of Miami, particularly its direction. Why? B/c The U was on a 4 game losing streak against P5 opponents, struggling against a G5 team at home, at the time of his rant. The rant questioned our dedication to winning, and for the first time, questioned the alignment of the decision makers of The U.

Results? It prompted a letter from The President’s office to refute such claims. It prompted a rehearsed statement by Diaz after a blowout win against a semi FCS school to defend The University. However something sinister happened; On October 23rd, 2021, before an ACC matchup against NCSt, Blake James provides an interview w/ a hand select few regarding Diaz’s job. That interview unveiled a complete chit storm showing, indeed, The University of Miami has zero alignment.

From that time onward, all we’ve seen is a school that’s been made to look more & more incompetent. Unfortunately, the media have been used as weapons of mass destruction. Whether the info leaked has merit or not is of no consequence to me; what it has been done is validate what Herbstreit said some 9 weeks ago.

I’m going to go out on a limb & say whether these reports are accurate or not, they are not being pulled out of thin air. I’m going to assume those w/in the dept are either accurately or deceptively leaking reports, all of which are sabotaging our reputation further. If it’s the former, then our direction of leadership is f’d; however, if it’s the latter, it shows our alignment & unity is disjointed af at The Hecht.

Look, I’m not an insider; I’m just a loyal fan for 3+ decades. I’m just a guy who’s made friends w/ some old school & current alums; but, what I will say is that regardless of how we may try to reason, spin, or justify what’s been going on, THIS IS NOT HOW A PROPERLY RAN UNIVERSITY OPERATES. I know business; I’ve been successful in it. I’ve worked for companies who lived on its past reputation w/o fwd thinking, and we were a complete chit show b/c of it. There was no alignment, too many chefs in the kitchen w/ huge egos. The results? Ppl w/ decision making influence jockeying for position no matter the end results vs. coming together to right the ship, A Reactive nature when JD Powers & Associates ripped us a new one vs. formulating a cohesive plan.
We’re seeing this type of chit happen before our very eyes, b/c we’ve been unveiled as a chit show.

Timeline & justifications:
-Blake James makes a statement on Diaz’s tenure before NC St game; James looks shady for coming out w/ said statement before a big game AND using certain media members, while excluding others (he would catch **** from both Diaz supporters & hurt feelings media members)

-Diaz after game makes statement to low key slight James

-James fired, causing a divide of some BOT members who loved him vs The Presidents office.

-Diaz allegedly on hot seat, but goes on a streak of winning 5 of 6 games.

-Allegedly an AD was supposed to have been announced two weeks ago. (Failed)

-Allegedly The University wanted to wait until Dec. 1st to make a decision to fire Diaz (Hasn’t come to fruition as of yet)

Hopefully we hire the right AD & coach, but between the academic tumbles, the COMPLETE athletic stumbles, and leaving a decision in the hands of a guy who yesterday had no interest in sports or cognizant of its affect on school revenue, doesn’t make me feel good.

I’ll just finish up w/ this; living in SC territory, there wasn’t nearly this much chit being talked about. Matter of fact, there were no leaks until it was time to pull the trigger. The only speculation was SC’s interest in Meyer (which he commented on) & Fickell (which a story was upon). Nothing else. Why? B/c SC has alignment from top to bottom. When the firing came of Swann, it was a unanimous decision. This power play that’s going on at Miami is not only tiresome, but worrisome.
Solid post. Thing is, we’ve known all of this for years. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the solution. Hiring an AD and a coach can hardly be the end of the changes that are needed.

This type of change was never going to occur without some figurative and political bloodshed. Absolutely no one should be surprised at what we are seeing right now. Let’s just hope it all comes out well in the end.

Lets also remember it’s taken years and multiple tries for USC to get where they are. That didn’t happen overnight.
Solid post. Thing is, we’ve known all of this for years. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the solution. Hiring an AD and a coach can hardly be the end of the changes that are needed.

This type of change was never going to occur without some figurative and political bloodshed. Absolutely no one should be surprised at what we are seeing right now. Let’s just hope it all comes out well in the end.

Lets also remember it’s taken years and multiple tries for USC to get where they are. That didn’t happen overnight.

Absolutely; USC also finally went away from hiring a “SC man” to hiring the best. Took them a minute, but they finally got it together. We need to stop looking for Miami ties, and just hire the best, period!
It seems apparent that this program is done. There is no way for a football program to operate successfully in this environment… it’s literally being sabotaged from within. There will be no appetite to purge BOT, and so this is what a new HC and AD will have to contend with. And they will fail.

So it begs the question…What are we, the fans, even doing supporting this? What are we loyal to…A logo? A memory? What’s the point?

If you acknowledge Miami is a mess today because of a dysfunctional BOT with a faction pushing bad ideas for years, what do you think the process of correcting the problems is going to look Iike? Not to be fatuous, but did you think that one day the bad idea group was going to wake up, acknowledge the error of their ways, and suddenly walk hand in hand with the group wanting to make structural changes?

Seems to me there are some individuals trying to sabotage it because the people who want Miami to return to prominence (the pro change /pro Mario crowd) realized the other side (pro Diaz) crowd was running the university into the ground and they couldnt sit on the sidelines anymore . The more the saboteurs squeal means they are becoming more desperate, and I believe the more it also shows the decision makers aren't listening to them.

You know with 100% certainty that the pro Diaz faction exists. So what do you propose the pro change faction should do right now ? Have the pro Diaz guys kidnapped and locked away until the decision is made? As nice as that sounds, unfortunately the law doesn't allow it.

I think the pro change faction has handled this as well as they can given the situation. They cut the pro-Diaz guys out of the decision making process. They told Frenk that Diaz has to go, that is non-negotiable. Then they quietly negotiated a deal with Mario, and a search firm answering only to Frenk (and the pro change faction) is quitely vetting AD candidates.

Some fans keep asking , "why doesn't UM put out a statement to control the narrative?“ Well, you tell me how it would look if Frenk sent out a statement saying "the plan is proceeding as expected and fans should be patient". Two things would happen. First, everyone would say hes just doing damage control and its all b.s. Second, the pro Diaz group would double down and spread more rumors to undermine the statement, making UM look even more like a clown show.

Given the entrenched power of the pro Diaz crowd and the way they are spreading disinformation, I think the right way to handle it , is the way it looks like it is being handled right now. Keep things quiet and close to the vest, don't let the pro Diaz group have any knowledge of what is going on, then blow everyone's mind with a surprise announcement.

I know UM doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt, but you don't need to look at it from UMs side only. With all the speculation about Mario, the big time coaching moves across CFB, etc and Kelly, Riley, and Tucker all getting 10+ million contracts, why hasn't Oregon announced a huge raise and extension for Mario already? It's the things that haven't happened elsewhere that should give you some hope, irrespective of whether you buy my interpretation of how UM is handling it.
September 25, 2021

Kirk Herbstreit decided to air his frustration towards The University of Miami, particularly its direction. Why? B/c The U was on a 4 game losing streak against P5 opponents, struggling against a G5 team at home, at the time of his rant. The rant questioned our dedication to winning, and for the first time, questioned the alignment of the decision makers of The U.

Results? It prompted a letter from The President’s office to refute such claims. It prompted a rehearsed statement by Diaz after a blowout win against a semi FCS school to defend The University. However something sinister happened; On October 23rd, 2021, before an ACC matchup against NCSt, Blake James provides an interview w/ a hand select few regarding Diaz’s job. That interview unveiled a complete chit storm showing, indeed, The University of Miami has zero alignment.

From that time onward, all we’ve seen is a school that’s been made to look more & more incompetent. Unfortunately, the media have been used as weapons of mass destruction. Whether the info leaked has merit or not is of no consequence to me; what it has been done is validate what Herbstreit said some 9 weeks ago.

I’m going to go out on a limb & say whether these reports are accurate or not, they are not being pulled out of thin air. I’m going to assume those w/in the dept are either accurately or deceptively leaking reports, all of which are sabotaging our reputation further. If it’s the former, then our direction of leadership is f’d; however, if it’s the latter, it shows our alignment & unity is disjointed af at The Hecht.

Look, I’m not an insider; I’m just a loyal fan for 3+ decades. I’m just a guy who’s made friends w/ some old school & current alums; but, what I will say is that regardless of how we may try to reason, spin, or justify what’s been going on, THIS IS NOT HOW A PROPERLY RAN UNIVERSITY OPERATES. I know business; I’ve been successful in it. I’ve worked for companies who lived on its past reputation w/o fwd thinking, and we were a complete chit show b/c of it. There was no alignment, too many chefs in the kitchen w/ huge egos. The results? Ppl w/ decision making influence jockeying for position no matter the end results vs. coming together to right the ship, A Reactive nature when JD Powers & Associates ripped us a new one vs. formulating a cohesive plan.
We’re seeing this type of chit happen before our very eyes, b/c we’ve been unveiled as a chit show.

Timeline & justifications:
-Blake James makes a statement on Diaz’s tenure before NC St game; James looks shady for coming out w/ said statement before a big game AND using certain media members, while excluding others (he would catch **** from both Diaz supporters & hurt feelings media members)

-Diaz after game makes statement to low key slight James

-James fired, causing a divide of some BOT members who loved him vs The Presidents office.

-Diaz allegedly on hot seat, but goes on a streak of winning 5 of 6 games.

-Allegedly an AD was supposed to have been announced two weeks ago. (Failed)

-Allegedly The University wanted to wait until Dec. 1st to make a decision to fire Diaz (Hasn’t come to fruition as of yet)

Hopefully we hire the right AD & coach, but between the academic tumbles, the COMPLETE athletic stumbles, and leaving a decision in the hands of a guy who yesterday had no interest in sports or cognizant of its affect on school revenue, doesn’t make me feel good.

I’ll just finish up w/ this; living in SC territory, there wasn’t nearly this much chit being talked about. Matter of fact, there were no leaks until it was time to pull the trigger. The only speculation was SC’s interest in Meyer (which he commented on) & Fickell (which a story was upon). Nothing else. Why? B/c SC has alignment from top to bottom. When the firing came of Swann, it was a unanimous decision. This power play that’s going on at Miami is not only tiresome, but worrisome.
We need leadership from the President's office... He's the one that can realign the AD and trustee board by being firmly involved in the process and demonstrating decisiveness about the direction of the University. He's responded to much-deserved criticism after handing athletics over to Blake James, and now seems to understand his responsibility as president at The []__[].

It looks like they're waiting for Mario and may seek his input on AD/structure of the football operations; just my guess. Nothing about how they're operating suggests they want Manny to come back.
September 25, 2021

Kirk Herbstreit decided to air his frustration towards The University of Miami, particularly its direction. Why? B/c The U was on a 4 game losing streak against P5 opponents, struggling against a G5 team at home, at the time of his rant. The rant questioned our dedication to winning, and for the first time, questioned the alignment of the decision makers of The U.

Results? It prompted a letter from The President’s office to refute such claims. It prompted a rehearsed statement by Diaz after a blowout win against a semi FCS school to defend The University. However something sinister happened; On October 23rd, 2021, before an ACC matchup against NCSt, Blake James provides an interview w/ a hand select few regarding Diaz’s job. That interview unveiled a complete chit storm showing, indeed, The University of Miami has zero alignment.

From that time onward, all we’ve seen is a school that’s been made to look more & more incompetent. Unfortunately, the media have been used as weapons of mass destruction. Whether the info leaked has merit or not is of no consequence to me; what it has been done is validate what Herbstreit said some 9 weeks ago.

I’m going to go out on a limb & say whether these reports are accurate or not, they are not being pulled out of thin air. I’m going to assume those w/in the dept are either accurately or deceptively leaking reports, all of which are sabotaging our reputation further. If it’s the former, then our direction of leadership is f’d; however, if it’s the latter, it shows our alignment & unity is disjointed af at The Hecht.

Look, I’m not an insider; I’m just a loyal fan for 3+ decades. I’m just a guy who’s made friends w/ some old school & current alums; but, what I will say is that regardless of how we may try to reason, spin, or justify what’s been going on, THIS IS NOT HOW A PROPERLY RAN UNIVERSITY OPERATES. I know business; I’ve been successful in it. I’ve worked for companies who lived on its past reputation w/o fwd thinking, and we were a complete chit show b/c of it. There was no alignment, too many chefs in the kitchen w/ huge egos. The results? Ppl w/ decision making influence jockeying for position no matter the end results vs. coming together to right the ship, A Reactive nature when JD Powers & Associates ripped us a new one vs. formulating a cohesive plan.
We’re seeing this type of chit happen before our very eyes, b/c we’ve been unveiled as a chit show.

Timeline & justifications:
-Blake James makes a statement on Diaz’s tenure before NC St game; James looks shady for coming out w/ said statement before a big game AND using certain media members, while excluding others (he would catch **** from both Diaz supporters & hurt feelings media members)

-Diaz after game makes statement to low key slight James

-James fired, causing a divide of some BOT members who loved him vs The Presidents office.

-Diaz allegedly on hot seat, but goes on a streak of winning 5 of 6 games.

-Allegedly an AD was supposed to have been announced two weeks ago. (Failed)

-Allegedly The University wanted to wait until Dec. 1st to make a decision to fire Diaz (Hasn’t come to fruition as of yet)

Hopefully we hire the right AD & coach, but between the academic tumbles, the COMPLETE athletic stumbles, and leaving a decision in the hands of a guy who yesterday had no interest in sports or cognizant of its affect on school revenue, doesn’t make me feel good.

I’ll just finish up w/ this; living in SC territory, there wasn’t nearly this much chit being talked about. Matter of fact, there were no leaks until it was time to pull the trigger. The only speculation was SC’s interest in Meyer (which he commented on) & Fickell (which a story was upon). Nothing else. Why? B/c SC has alignment from top to bottom. When the firing came of Swann, it was a unanimous decision. This power play that’s going on at Miami is not only tiresome, but worrisome
If the UM administration don’t punish this bad BOT behavior they’ll continue to be a 🍌 republic
The biggest reason, if not the only reason this appears to be a mess, is because WE, the base are involved. Our voices are being heard by one side and disregarded by another.
No other vacancy has garnered this much attention from their fan base. Coach search, one really cares. We currently dont have a coach vacancy. But that's because we dont have an AD to create one yet.
To me, this is only bad optics to the base and candidates for either position, but it's a temporary problem that can simply be solved with spending money. And that's what I think our ultimate focus and frustrations should be on. All this is bs until we see if the admin puts the resources in play to be competitive nationally, not just in the coastal.

But once you reach this (very rational) conclusion, there is no reason to keep up the vaginal belching histrionics that many people here seem to love. You just wait 3 days for the logical time frame to elapse and worry about more pressing matters (Italian or Mexican… for dinner).

For the life of me, I can’t understand why people are so hung up on the process as opposed to the results. I mean, if manny is here and there’s still no ad in a week (or whatever the time frame is)… pitchforks and torches for everyone. But until then all the bellyaching over the alleged ****show is just useless noise from a group of people with no real insight or knowledge, whose only gripe is change isn’t happening as fast as they want it to (which is more of a petulant tantrum than a gripe).
If you acknowledge Miami is a mess today because of a dysfunctional BOT with a faction pushing bad ideas for years, what do you think the process of correcting the problems is going to look Iike? Not to be fatuous, but did you think that one day the bad idea group was going to wake up, acknowledge the error of their ways, and suddenly walk hand in hand with the group wanting to make structural changes?

Seems to me there are some individuals trying to sabotage it because the people who want Miami to return to prominence (the pro change /pro Mario crowd) realized the other side (pro Diaz) crowd was running the university into the ground and they couldnt sit on the sidelines anymore . The more the saboteurs squeal means they are becoming more desperate, and I believe the more it also shows the decision makers aren't listening to them.

You know with 100% certainty that the pro Diaz faction exists. So what do you propose the pro change faction should do right now ? Have the pro Diaz guys kidnapped and locked away until the decision is made? As nice as that sounds, unfortunately the law doesn't allow it.

I think the pro change faction has handled this as well as they can given the situation. They cut the pro-Diaz guys out of the decision making process. They told Frenk that Diaz has to go, that is non-negotiable. Then they quietly negotiated a deal with Mario, and a search firm answering only to Frenk (and the pro change faction) is quitely vetting AD candidates.

Some fans keep asking , "why doesn't UM put out a statement to control the narrative?“ Well, you tell me how it would look if Frenk sent out a statement saying "the plan is proceeding as expected and fans should be patient". Two things would happen. First, everyone would say hes just doing damage control and its all b.s. Second, the pro Diaz group would double down and spread more rumors to undermine the statement, making UM look even more like a clown show.

Given the entrenched power of the pro Diaz crowd and the way they are spreading disinformation, I think the right way to handle it , is the way it looks like it is being handled right now. Keep things quiet and close to the vest, don't let the pro Diaz group have any knowledge of what is going on, then blow everyone's mind with a surprise announcement.

I know UM doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt, but you don't need to look at it from UMs side only. With all the speculation about Mario, the big time coaching moves across CFB, etc and Kelly, Riley, and Tucker all getting 10+ million contracts, why hasn't Oregon announced a huge raise and extension for Mario already? It's the things that haven't happened elsewhere that should give you some hope, irrespective of whether you buy my interpretation of how UM is handling it.
Bull’s eye.
I will say this and I hope it doesn’t come to it but i don’t think it will…

Remember the revolt from Tennessee when they though Schiano was hired… that’s all…
Big difference but UM and UT though....Tennessee is THE state university of the state of Tennessee...everyone universally supports that school, I mean they had politicians speaking on the schools HC hire.

UM is a small private school in Coral Gables there are AT LEAST 2 other big time universities that ppl align with in FSU and UF.

Our gift of being in Florida is also our curse when it comes to your proposition
Facts! Excellent post, @Rellyrell.

Too many posters on this site trying to ignore the total **** show that has been going on for nearly 2 decades, and now it’s gone full on radioactive. People trying to excuse it by telling others to “calm down” or trying to silence others for calling it out for what it is.

Some others are saying that as long as the end result is Mandy getting fired that it’s all good. Well, it isn’t “all good.” Not even close.

The one good thing about all of this is that finally the people that have been willfully blind as to what’s been going on at the Hecht for ages will have no choice but to wake the **** up.

I’ve been saying it for a very long time. Wholesale changes need to be made from the top to the bottom.

I believe that's happening, just not in the manner nor timeframe most people are comfortable with.
Last edited:
Absolutely; USC also finally went away from hiring a “SC man” to hiring the best. Took them a minute, but they finally got it together. We need to stop looking for Miami ties, and just hire the best, period!