The stadium heat (and a PSA)

The hottest I've ever been to was the NC State game (Dorsett game winner).

Holy **** if that hadn't been a back and forth game I would've dipped.
I was there and I agree. Not a cloud in the sky that day and zero breeze to boot. I remember, after leaving the concourse and getting out into the brutal heat and sun, thinking “Holy ****. There’s going to be no escape from this for the next 3.5-4 hrs.

My section in the upper deck had a loudmouth NC State fan that kept going back and forth with the Canes fans. After Dorsett scored the game winner, one of the Canes fans fell over the seats and into the floor of the aisle below his. All the Canes fans, upon seeing the guy on the ground, immediately turned around and glared at the NC State fan, assuming he must have knocked the guy out in anger. He didn’t though. Dude just passed out from heat exhaustion.
My suggestion would be all FCS and Group of 5 games in September/October start at 6pm or later. However, all P5 games go ahead and play at 12 or 3:30. The heat is uncomfortable, but it is a huge home field advantage for our guys as they practice in it.
I was there and I agree. Not a cloud in the sky that day and zero breeze to boot. I remember, after leaving the concourse and getting out into the brutal heat and sun, thinking “Holy ****. There’s going to be no escape from this for the next 3.5-4 hrs.

My section in the upper deck had a loudmouth NC State fan that kept going back and forth with the Canes fans. After Dorsett scored the game winner, one of the Canes fans fell over the seats and into the floor of the aisle below his. All the Canes fans, upon seeing the guy on the ground, immediately turned around and glared at the NC State fan, assuming he must have knocked the guy out in anger. He didn’t though. Dude just passed out from heat exhaustion.

Holy ****
Early afternoon in S. Florida first week in Sept = hot. What did suck big time were the fences put up around the F1 garages and viewing stands .... directing the flow of foot traffic into and around the stadium. Kind of really takes away from the fan experience ... stadium was always a lot more "fan friendly" before those 8' tall fences .... covered with black fabric .... were in place.
Maybe 2000 was hotter. Those noon games with a packed house were brutal (for fans)
Didnt want to be that guy, because THOSE games.. wooooosh.. Players were getting IV, fans were fainting, etc.. Atleast with canopy Fans on home side and the players on sideline are covered in shade majority of game, even players on field are in shade for percentage of games.. Its not the same with that direct sun hitting you.. Maybe the fans sitting on visitor sideline can feel that type of pain.. yesterday was definitely a burner tho, cotdam
It was brutally hot yesterday. Don’t think there will be much of a crowd next week for Southern Miss at noon. UM needs to do everything in their power for us not to have noon starts.
I thought it was hot yesterday, but not as bad as usual with the clouds and breeze.
Also you are allowed to bring in one unopened bottle of water per person - we walk in with frozen ones.
Hottest game ever UM vs the Gators in Tampa
It was brutally hot yesterday. Don’t think there will be much of a crowd next week for Southern Miss at noon. UM needs to do everything in their power for us not to have noon starts.

Agree, definitely expecting a lower crowd than yesterday. Don’t think you see the crowd grow again until UNC, even if we manage to beat TAMU MTSU will be weak also.

Heat outside the stadium WAS pretty rough ngl. Once inside it wasn’t so bad, but I was in 345 and enjoying the shade. I feel for those few souls that sat it out in the lower level on the other side.
Upper bowl was pleasant- I sat in shade the entire game and even got a little breeze.

(just sayin)
It was 110 at the Rose Bowl Saturday., a completely open, concrete bird bath. 112 on Friday and 108 today. Someone was commenting on UCLA attention and attributing small crowd to Big Ten Announcement. At least you don't have the humidity but I have found the lack of sweating actually allows the heat to sneak up on you. Just ask your Thanksgiving turkey.