The risk of benching Morris

Morris has Thrown 7 picks in the last 2 games. I would open the qb competition back up This week in practice. Best qb plays The game, simple as That.


Gotta jump in my time machine and let:
Brett Favre circa 1999
Warren Moon circa 1986
Joe Montana at Notre Dame
Tom Brady at Michigan
Alex Smith this year
Rich Gannon
Kurt Warner
Steve Beuerlein
John Elway 3x for INTs and fumbles

and countless others know-- you've been benched bro, there's no recovering from this.
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For everyone arguing about benching morris, please keep in mind that once you bench him there is no going back. By that I mean his confidence will never recover and he will never be a legitimate starter again. Sure backups come on all the time in CFB, but only under the following situations: injury, a running qb package vs a passing qb package, a blowout. If you bench him without any of those causes, without the promise of you'll come back when you're healed/next series/better team (respectively) it signifies you have lost faith in your qb. There is nothing more imperative to the position of QB than their confidence. It is everything.

Is morris injured?yes, it showed and that's why he had a bad game. All his interceptions came on pressure situations when he had to move his feet, even as much as taking a step backward. His plating ankle is injured so his planting is bad. A bad plant=a bad throw accuracy and power wise. That is why most of his picks were lofts and not the usual cannons he releases. However morris is a competitor, it is clear he wants to go out there and win, and won't let a nagging injury bother him. That is why the coaches have to pull a Deon Bush on him. Show him clips of his limping, and essentially pull a we love your heart but your clearly injured. Thus he is being benched for injury purposes with the promise to come back as soon as he passes some kind of test on his ankle: i.e. a shuttle drill or something. This will give him a defined goal to return, as well as no sense that he was wronged. The next game is wake forest, and then FSU. Let's heal him during wake and have him ready to battle Winston.

I agree with you. Golden has the perfect opportunity to start Williams against Wake. He can blame Stephens injured ankle and avoid any QB controversy with the media, fans and team. I would say that Williams is starting and that Stephen is available to play if needed but we want to rest him and heal the ankle to get ready for FSU.

Most would agree that Williams can handle Wake as a starter. Lets see how it plays out.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.
None of us know the lockeroom dynamic. Bench him and you could lose the team.

I'm sure the team is delighted to have a QB at the helm that threw 4 INTs last night and has turned the ball over at a prodigious rate this season(!)

Put the guys that give you the best chance to win out on the field and the locker room will follow.

You've obviously never been on a team like this
I agree Morris' problem is primarily between the ears, but I dont think you can discount the injury either. I think the injury in part has affect him mentally, and its affected his mechanics somewhat too. He seems very hesitant to step into the pocket and plant when he throws. I also think it has forced Coley to limit the plays under center, which is leading to so many of our slow developing run plays in the back field. He's also a total liability rolling out. So on top of the issues he's having throwing the ball, it limits what the OC can call because of his ankle.

Obviously the lack of ball control when he is throwing is not primarily becuase of the ankle, but it is certainly making things worse overall. I just dont think its that unreasonable to have this discussion and consider wether Williams might be the better option, for NOW anyway. And the reason is, I dont think last night was a fluke.

I mean he's already thrown MORE picks so far this year, than he did ALL of last season.

We have played 3 teams that can even be considered ANY type of competition. GT, UF and UNC. None of those are top level teams. He has thrown SEVEN picks in those 3 games.

He was very unimpressive against FAU. He had two good drives against UF, and did nothing the rest of the game. This team has been winning in SPITE of him.

If this doesnt get corrected ASAP, his issues are going to be a GLARING mess when we face FSU and VT. I think we have been lulled into a false sense of security by the schedule so far, but that is going to change very soon.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.

I would say that 4 picks against a horrible defense gets a QB benched on most teams. If this was South Carolina he would have sat in the second half. Golden is loyal to a fault when it comes to SM. JMHO
I just have to laugh at this ****.

Morris is exactly the same QB as he was last year. People need to stop commenting when he is playing at his worst. Everyone with a brain knows how ungodly streaky he is so quit being so ******* surprised. If you didn't call for Williams to be the starter at the beginning of the year, then shut your mouth because your Friday morning head corching thoughts are invalid.

Kid wasn't on last night and we still won. We'll be fine with Morris as long as we continue to run the ball like we did last night.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.

I would say that 4 picks against a horrible defense gets a QB benched on most teams. If this was South Carolina he would have sat in the second half. Golden is loyal to a fault when it comes to SM. JMHO

Or, he doesn't think Ryan Williams is good enough right now. And please don't bring up South Carolina. Spurrier rotates quarterbacks for the fun of it. In 1997 at UF he rotated 3 QBs every game.
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I just have to laugh at this ****.

Morris is exactly the same QB as he was last year. People need to stop commenting when he is playing at his worst. Everyone with a brain knows how ungodly streaky he is so quit being so ****ing surprised. If you didn't call for Williams to be the starter at the beginning of the year, then shut your mouth because your Friday morning head corching thoughts are invalid.

Kid wasn't on last night and we still won. We'll be fine with Morris as long as we continue to run the ball like we did last night.

Agree w/ both of you
as someone stated on another board, it's almost as if he's trying to show off his arm strength too much. I guarantee you walford is open so many times and could have 5 catches a game.

I dont agree. That pass where he missed Mo wide open for the TD was simply MIND boggling. He over threw him by a mile and he was looking right at him. Its like he has totally lost control of his throwing velocity. Im not sure if its his footwork, or what, but he seems to just fire the ball wherever he thinks a receiver SHOULD be, not where they actually are, even if he is looking right at them. Its like his brain doesnt process the fact that he needs to adjust the throw, he pre programs the throw into his head, and that is what he fires, regardless of where the receiver is.
I'm just thankful that we have coaches with level heads that won't even entertain the idea of benching Morris.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.

I would say that 4 picks against a horrible defense gets a QB benched on most teams. If this was South Carolina he would have sat in the second half. Golden is loyal to a fault when it comes to SM. JMHO

Or, he doesn't think Ryan Williams is good enough right now. And please don't bring up South Carolina. Spurrier rotates quarterbacks for the fun of it. In 1997 at UF he rotated 3 QBs every game.

I referenced the ole ball coach as complete extreme opposite of Golden.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.

Defined "benched". Im not saying I want him demoted and Williams named the starter. BUT, Id like AG to give serious thought to sitting SM for a half, or even a whole game. For one thing, it is not unheard of in the LEAST for a coach to bench a player who is seriously underperforming to try to motivate him. Secondly, Morris HAS been HURT, and its clearly not totally healed. To what extent that is affecting him, I dont think anyone can say with certainty, but it certainly bears consideration, and gives a coach all the reason he needs to sit that player for a bit.

I dont think anyone should be "booing" Morris, but he is simply having an aweful year so far. I understand that Morris has more talent, and can make some amazing throws that Williams cant, but at what point is that outweighed by the major mistakes that Morris keeps making? What good does it do you to throw a 40 yard laser to a WR and get in the redzone, and then throw a boneheaded pick the next play and come away with nothing, and force your D back on the field? If Williams can march the offense down the field with a more steady, simpler approach, going mid range and underneath, while executing the offense efficiently and a good running game, he should be able to put points on the board, and limit mistakes. To me, that is preferable to the rocket arm that is going to throw 2-3 picks a game including costing us scores in the redzone. Ive said it before, but that is the recipie that helped Dorsey lose 1 game in 3 years here. And that is NOT to say that Williams is Dorsey, or anything close, BUT if he can be that TYPE of QB for us, I think it may be better in the long run.

In the end, I trust AG. If they feel that Williams is not good enough to get it done, then so be it. But I would give it serious thought if it was me. I dont believe in having "annointed" players. Not even QBs.
Duke went down early.

Morris tried to do too much as a result.

Then played like ****.

But made some big throws, because god****, that arm.

Needs to get his head right. Ankle may be a part of the mental problem, but I didn't see limping or a tender ankle out there last night.

Will play huge against Wake Forest, big confidence boost going into FSU.

Against FSU, who knows.
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When Morris followed through on the ball the way he should, he threw a good ball. Three of the INT's he was backpedaling, the 4th, he should have never thrown, bouncing it of Henderson's head, but the DE was standing right there anyway.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.

Defined "benched". Im not saying I want him demoted and Williams named the starter. BUT, Id like AG to give serious thought to sitting SM for a half, or even a whole game. For one thing, it is not unheard of in the LEAST for a coach to bench a player who is seriously underperforming to try to motivate him. Secondly, Morris HAS been HURT, and its clearly not totally healed. To what extent that is affecting him, I dont think anyone can say with certainty, but it certainly bears consideration, and gives a coach all the reason he needs to sit that player for a bit.

I dont think anyone should be "booing" Morris, but he is simply having an aweful year so far. I understand that Morris has more talent, and can make some amazing throws that Williams cant, but at what point is that outweighed by the major mistakes that Morris keeps making? What good does it do you to throw a 40 yard laser to a WR and get in the redzone, and then throw a boneheaded pick the next play and come away with nothing, and force your D back on the field? If Williams can march the offense down the field with a more steady, simpler approach, going mid range and underneath, while executing the offense efficiently and a good running game, he should be able to put points on the board, and limit mistakes. To me, that is preferable to the rocket arm that is going to throw 2-3 picks a game including costing us scores in the redzone. Ive said it before, but that is the recipie that helped Dorsey lose 1 game in 3 years here. And that is NOT to say that Williams is Dorsey, or anything close, BUT if he can be that TYPE of QB for us, I think it may be better in the long run.

In the end, I trust AG. If they feel that Williams is not good enough to get it done, then so be it. But I would give it serious thought if it was me. I dont believe in having "annointed" players. Not even QBs.

Some people want Williams to start. I'd define that as benching Morris. Giving Williams a series or 2 is, in my mind, not benching.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.

Defined "benched". Im not saying I want him demoted and Williams named the starter. BUT, Id like AG to give serious thought to sitting SM for a half, or even a whole game. For one thing, it is not unheard of in the LEAST for a coach to bench a player who is seriously underperforming to try to motivate him. Secondly, Morris HAS been HURT, and its clearly not totally healed. To what extent that is affecting him, I dont think anyone can say with certainty, but it certainly bears consideration, and gives a coach all the reason he needs to sit that player for a bit.

I dont think anyone should be "booing" Morris, but he is simply having an aweful year so far. I understand that Morris has more talent, and can make some amazing throws that Williams cant, but at what point is that outweighed by the major mistakes that Morris keeps making? What good does it do you to throw a 40 yard laser to a WR and get in the redzone, and then throw a boneheaded pick the next play and come away with nothing, and force your D back on the field? If Williams can march the offense down the field with a more steady, simpler approach, going mid range and underneath, while executing the offense efficiently and a good running game, he should be able to put points on the board, and limit mistakes. To me, that is preferable to the rocket arm that is going to throw 2-3 picks a game including costing us scores in the redzone. Ive said it before, but that is the recipie that helped Dorsey lose 1 game in 3 years here. And that is NOT to say that Williams is Dorsey, or anything close, BUT if he can be that TYPE of QB for us, I think it may be better in the long run.

In the end, I trust AG. If they feel that Williams is not good enough to get it done, then so be it. But I would give it serious thought if it was me. I dont believe in having "annointed" players. Not even QBs.

You can't have rational discussion with some of our fans. If you're saying Williams should be put in then they automatically make it out to mean that your dissing Morris and never want to see him on the field ever again. They don't get that sometimes when one QB is having a bad game that it's ok to try another QB on your roster who may have a hot hand. Obviously you have to play the gimpy Morris who is completely off so their isn't a QB controversy among the village idiots. Why on earth would you ever allow the backup to come in and try a few series and relieve your injured starter who is having a bad game? I mean after all Williams only red hot when he got his chance but it was against _________ so it doesn't count.
Duke went down early.

Morris tried to do too much as a result.

Then played like ****.

But made some big throws, because god****, that arm.

Needs to get his head right. Ankle may be a part of the mental problem, but I didn't see limping or a tender ankle out there last night.

Will play huge against Wake Forest, big confidence boost going into FSU.

Against FSU, who knows.

I saw him limping. Espn pointed it out 2 or 3 times. After plays he was clearly limping or favoring one ankle/leg heading back to the sideline.
no one was serious about benching morris. only an idiot would want to bench morris. if he's cleared to play, he starts. end of story.

You know very well that's not true. You know very well a lot of Miami fans want him benched. They're the same fans that will attack him on twitter and boo him next Saturday.

Defined "benched". Im not saying I want him demoted and Williams named the starter. BUT, Id like AG to give serious thought to sitting SM for a half, or even a whole game. For one thing, it is not unheard of in the LEAST for a coach to bench a player who is seriously underperforming to try to motivate him. Secondly, Morris HAS been HURT, and its clearly not totally healed. To what extent that is affecting him, I dont think anyone can say with certainty, but it certainly bears consideration, and gives a coach all the reason he needs to sit that player for a bit.

I dont think anyone should be "booing" Morris, but he is simply having an aweful year so far. I understand that Morris has more talent, and can make some amazing throws that Williams cant, but at what point is that outweighed by the major mistakes that Morris keeps making? What good does it do you to throw a 40 yard laser to a WR and get in the redzone, and then throw a boneheaded pick the next play and come away with nothing, and force your D back on the field? If Williams can march the offense down the field with a more steady, simpler approach, going mid range and underneath, while executing the offense efficiently and a good running game, he should be able to put points on the board, and limit mistakes. To me, that is preferable to the rocket arm that is going to throw 2-3 picks a game including costing us scores in the redzone. Ive said it before, but that is the recipie that helped Dorsey lose 1 game in 3 years here. And that is NOT to say that Williams is Dorsey, or anything close, BUT if he can be that TYPE of QB for us, I think it may be better in the long run.

In the end, I trust AG. If they feel that Williams is not good enough to get it done, then so be it. But I would give it serious thought if it was me. I dont believe in having "annointed" players. Not even QBs.

You can't have rational discussion with some of our fans. If you're saying Williams should be put in then they automatically make it out to mean that your dissing Morris and never want to see him on the field ever again. They don't get that sometimes when one QB is having a bad game that it's ok to try another QB on your roster who may have a hot hand. Obviously you have to play the gimpy Morris who is completely off so their isn't a QB controversy among the village idiots. Why on earth would you ever allow the backup to come in and try a few series and relieve your injured starter who is having a bad game? I mean after all Williams only red hot when he got his chance but it was against _________ so it doesn't count.

You better not be talks about me, because you can have a rational discussion with me on the topic. I'll go with the coach's decision though.