The problem with our Oline is much much more than a few top rated guys going elsewhere. There's AAC and lower P5 programs with better Olines than us with much bigger recruiting issues.
Our issue with Oline has been identifying the wrong players, recruiting players with skillsets that do not mesh together, poor coaching, what looks like poor film study and poor offensive calls that put these guys in their worst possible positions.
Most of our starting linemen have bad feet or poor athleticism. They get beat by edge speed or blitzers up the middle. They are not good in space or pulling, are slow on stretch plays allowing the backside to crash down, and get knocked off balance too often in pass pro. That part is recruiting the wrong guy/skillset and not doing enough in the gym/practice to improve their balance and footwork. F the sled work.
Far too often our Oline blocks air on pass downs. They hit guys then hand them off to nobody. They block down and double guys while letting and outside rushers or A gap blitzes go unblocked. They look around their zone but don't step over to help others engages. They seem completely lost on who their assignment is. How is it that other schools can get freshmen/sophomores ready to play together but we can't? Is it coaching? Is it film study and not going through situations in practice to prepare them? Is it not recruiting cerebral enough Olinemen to pick up the mental game quick enough?
Demeanor - the line is not a physical line. They haven't been in years which is why we've seen all those stuffs on 3rd/4th and short. There's no push and on pass downs i see too much reaching/pawing and not enough punching. This is recruiting AND setting a tone/expectation in the Oline room, gym and on the field.