The official unofficial predict what you think is about to

best case
times served on Bowls...

17 schollys over over 3 years


coaches hammered

Worst case
2 more bowl bands
30 schollys over 3 years
Huge Fine
coaches hammered

I lean in the middle..but something tells me the NCAA will hit us with a bowl ban just to make a point and look for schollys to be at least 15 for 3 years

your best case is not best case.

best case is time served. period

I am hoping for less than 10 lost schollys over 3 years but around 15 is probably our realistic bad case scenario IMO

i really doubt that we get hammered a la USC and i highly doubt that we get another bowl ban.

Ok, don't shoot the messenger, but here is a realistic perspective on what to expect based on precedent as well as latest tenor/approach to infractions cases coming from Indy . . . broken down by general athletic department sanctions, which impact all sports, and then specifically football and men's basketball

General athletic program, to include all sports, though specifically citing violations within the football and men's basketball, as well as possibly women's basketball
-- 5 years probation (way to keep Miami under watch and at risk of dreaded repeat offender status)
-- citation for lack of institutional control (sorry, hard to argue administrators were on top of things, starting with the late Paul Dee)
-- required upgrades to compliance, including reporting/monitoring structure, so that the Pee Wees and Nevins of the world don't go undetected. Also don't be surprised by mention that Miami in the past poorly monitored secondary things such as possible sale and dispersion of jerseys and other items from the equipment department (something which apparently has been recently addressed in-house by staff moves)
-- required semi or annual reports to be filed with the NCAA detailing educational efforts and progress reports - required to be signed off by the university president
-- required educational programs related to compliance/rules for athletic administrators/coaches
-- possible show-cause restrictions for former AD Holcutt, or at least citation for being asleep at the wheel
-- recommendation of more oversight by the president's office of the athletic department

-- Scholarship reduction of 30 over 3 years (Identical to USC. Though Miami cooperated as opposed to SC, there are far more potential violations and thus the infractions committee will also remember Paul Dee's fateful words about a high-profile program needing to police itself)
-- 1 additional post-season ban (Miami has self-imposed 2, but won't get additional credit for taking self out of ACC title game. NCAA won't be impressed by 2011 self-imposing as it was of little potential merit and could be argued saved the school money)
-- Reduction in the number of official on-campus visits over the next 3 years (Paying for past failure to monitor)
-- Show-cause restrictions to include limitations on recruiting, etc. for several current and former coaches - among possible candidates: Barrow, Hurtt, Hill and Stoutland/Pannunzio, though this depends to a degree on the ex-coaches willingness to sing to the NCAA. Will be worth following to see who cooperated.
-- Likely citation for multiple secondary violations, perhaps even a slight slap on the wrist for Golden. Likely not a big deal.
-- Possible vacated wins, titles and erasure to the record book. The NCAA will undoubtly cite the failure of former players to accept its invitation to cooperate with the investigation. The question is how far they deem violations to go back and whether they'll try to make a case that Miami used ineligible players, etc. Again, unless you are a historian this isn't a program killer and who knows what numbers/games the NCAA will come up with.
-- Penalties may be harsher than some might expect as the NCAA won't be able to nail down all the alleged violations, but in the end Miami will be punished for its perceived Miami-ness.

Men's Basketball
-- Scholarship reduction over 3 years - possibly 3 total
-- At least one-year postseason ban
-- Recruiting restrictions, including the number of official on-campus visits
-- Show-cause restrictions against former coaches, Morton and possibly Haith
-- Possible vacated wins

that is murder and we probably would lose our coaching staff. night night

If we get hit with the above, I think I will go into immediate cardiac arrest

Where's dapperslapper?
You guys must have some of the most cavernous asses in the world to be able to pull numbers like "30 over 3 years" out of your asses. There is absolutely no way in **** that will happen. That is an *** raping - no nice way to put it - that is an *** raping in the league of Jerry Sandusky. It won't happen.

The NCAA clearly doesn't have anything on Miami but the word of a convicted scammer. Why else would they blackmail former players into talking to them?

Anything over 9-12 schollies over three years would be, in my humble opinion, an unwarranted and malicious *** raping on the part of the NCAA. They have almost nothing to go on (as far as any of us can tell), and we have cooperated to the maximum. We've already imposed a ban of THREE postseason games (which is as much as anyone has gotten recently), so we've already had to bear a lot because of this. I think with the NCAA's recent move to punish coaches rather than programs, we're going to get off with something similar to Ohio State.

And for the love of God, can we please get over the "we're Miami and everyone hates us" horse****? This isn't the Miami of old; the roll into town, humiliate your team, rape your women, and plunder your villages Miami. This is the Al Golden, do things the right way, Miami. We're not going to get ****ed because there is some kind of universally inherent bias against Miami the way some of you asshats think. We're going to be fine.
You guys must have some of the most cavernous asses in the world to be able to pull numbers like "30 over 3 years" out of your asses. There is absolutely no way in **** that will happen. That is an *** raping - no nice way to put it - that is an *** raping in the league of Jerry Sandusky. It won't happen.

The NCAA clearly doesn't have anything on Miami but the word of a convicted scammer. Why else would they blackmail former players into talking to them?

Anything over 9-12 schollies over three years would be, in my humble opinion, an unwarranted and malicious *** raping on the part of the NCAA. They have almost nothing to go on (as far as any of us can tell), and we have cooperated to the maximum. We've already imposed a ban of THREE postseason games (which is as much as anyone has gotten recently), so we've already had to bear a lot because of this. I think with the NCAA's recent move to punish coaches rather than programs, we're going to get off with something similar to Ohio State.

And for the love of God, can we please get over the "we're Miami and everyone hates us" horse****? This isn't the Miami of old; the roll into town, humiliate your team, rape your women, and plunder your villages Miami. This is the Al Golden, do things the right way, Miami. We're not going to get ****ed because there is some kind of universally inherent bias against Miami the way some of you asshats think. We're going to be fine.

this is pretty much where I'm at.

the 30 scholly talk folks fall into either one of these categories IMO:

1. Cane hater
2. have no idea what kind of destruction that is to a program
You guys must have some of the most cavernous asses in the world to be able to pull numbers like "30 over 3 years" out of your asses. There is absolutely no way in **** that will happen. That is an *** raping - no nice way to put it - that is an *** raping in the league of Jerry Sandusky. It won't happen.

The NCAA clearly doesn't have anything on Miami but the word of a convicted scammer. Why else would they blackmail former players into talking to them?

Anything over 9-12 schollies over three years would be, in my humble opinion, an unwarranted and malicious *** raping on the part of the NCAA. They have almost nothing to go on (as far as any of us can tell), and we have cooperated to the maximum. We've already imposed a ban of THREE postseason games (which is as much as anyone has gotten recently), so we've already had to bear a lot because of this. I think with the NCAA's recent move to punish coaches rather than programs, we're going to get off with something similar to Ohio State.

And for the love of God, can we please get over the "we're Miami and everyone hates us" horse****? This isn't the Miami of old; the roll into town, humiliate your team, rape your women, and plunder your villages Miami. This is the Al Golden, do things the right way, Miami. We're not going to get ****ed because there is some kind of universally inherent bias against Miami the way some of you asshats think. We're going to be fine.

this is pretty much where I'm at.

the 30 scholly talk folks fall into either one of these categories IMO:

1. Cane hater
2. have no idea what kind of destruction that is to a program

We know exactly what it will do to the program and that is what the NCAAs thought process is about to PUNISH the say CANE HATER is just childish.
Most of us commenting are long time season ticket holders and support the school with donations etc....I am sure WE all hope the NCAA waltz's in and says DONNA is GOD..YOU SKATE....time served, move on we are sorry, nothing to see here.

it was an opinion POST not concrete.

Back in 96 we had to take 31 schollys over a 4 yr span...some said we would skate then too....
The NOA has nothing to do with penalties, that's the committee on infractions at a later date. I believe Miami and the NCAA will reach an agreement for loss of scholarships, recruiting restrictions and perhaps one more post season bowl ban. I think Clint Hurtt could get the harshest penalty ever handed out on a show cause basis and Hill could get a 2 year show cause. Jorge Fernandez likely will get a show cause in basketball and Jake Morton could get one as well. My personal opinion is that Frank Haith is the main target of the NCAA? Time will tell.
We know exactly what it will do to the program and that is what the NCAAs thought process is about to PUNISH the say CANE HATER is just childish.
Most of us commenting are long time season ticket holders and support the school with donations etc....I am sure WE all hope the NCAA waltz's in and says DONNA is GOD..YOU SKATE....time served, move on we are sorry, nothing to see here.

it was an opinion POST not concrete.

Back in 96 we had to take 31 schollys over a 4 yr span...some said we would skate then too....

what would be the basis of the 30 scholly reduction? from what we know it doesn't seem that they NCAA has much dirt.

they really need a bomb shell to dish out that kind of punishment. I dont see the grounds for LOIC
LOIC - Yes
Probation - 5 years
Fines - Yes & Substantial
Show Cause - Yes for: Hill & Hurtt, possible for Barrow, Stout, and Panz
Scholarships - 5 per year for 4/5 years - starting with last year
Bowl Bans - 2 years - time served
Recruiting - Barrow can't recruit for a year, restricted visitis/calls for next two years.
Loss of wins - yes but who cares
Secondary violations - yes but who cares
Forget about vacating games. That;s why we self suspended and we made sure there were no further current athletes in question. That protects us during the investigation/self imposed penalty period. Who cares about before? The scholarship limitations should be 5 over 3 and if we get another bowl ban then the lesson to all other institutions is to lie to your last breath and hope you don't get caught, don't cooperate in any way and by all means don't self impose because they are going to ***** you anyway for current public purposes like making an example of you. Personally I think they are going to be very supportive of our cooperation while while at the same time pointing the finger of blame squarely at the administration including the president and the board for letting the fox get in the hen house. THey are going to report that our compliance procedures were consistant with NCAA standards but when it became neccessary to confront a significant and potentially a major donor about things that he could and could not do they looked the other way. I think we get no more bans and 5 for 3.
I think Frank Haith will be garrotted, Clint Hurtt will be castrated, and Aubrey Hill will be punished by being forced to live the rest of his life in Gainesville.

This... plus, we already took 2 bowl bans in the shorts, and 1 ACCCG on top of that.

10 schollies over 3 years since most of it was bullsh*t, new honest face of Golden's persona wins the day, gets leniency. I can dream can't I?
I would consider "skating" to be no more bowl bans served, a couple years probation and 12 schollies over 3 years. Anything more than that is going to hurt bigtime
18 over 3, 80 max, maybe one more bowl ban but I don't think so. Bunch of restrictions and such and probation. Rough but livable.
Ok, don't shoot the messenger, but here is a realistic perspective on what to expect based on precedent as well as latest tenor/approach to infractions cases coming from Indy . . . broken down by general athletic department sanctions, which impact all sports, and then specifically football and men's basketball

General athletic program, to include all sports, though specifically citing violations within the football and men's basketball, as well as possibly women's basketball
-- 5 years probation (way to keep Miami under watch and at risk of dreaded repeat offender status)
-- citation for lack of institutional control (sorry, hard to argue administrators were on top of things, starting with the late Paul Dee)
-- required upgrades to compliance, including reporting/monitoring structure, so that the Pee Wees and Nevins of the world don't go undetected. Also don't be surprised by mention that Miami in the past poorly monitored secondary things such as possible sale and dispersion of jerseys and other items from the equipment department (something which apparently has been recently addressed in-house by staff moves)
-- required semi or annual reports to be filed with the NCAA detailing educational efforts and progress reports - required to be signed off by the university president
-- required educational programs related to compliance/rules for athletic administrators/coaches
-- possible show-cause restrictions for former AD Holcutt, or at least citation for being asleep at the wheel
-- recommendation of more oversight by the president's office of the athletic department

-- Scholarship reduction of 30 over 3 years (Identical to USC. Though Miami cooperated as opposed to SC, there are far more potential violations and thus the infractions committee will also remember Paul Dee's fateful words about a high-profile program needing to police itself)
-- 1 additional post-season ban (Miami has self-imposed 2, but won't get additional credit for taking self out of ACC title game. NCAA won't be impressed by 2011 self-imposing as it was of little potential merit and could be argued saved the school money)
-- Reduction in the number of official on-campus visits over the next 3 years (Paying for past failure to monitor)
-- Show-cause restrictions to include limitations on recruiting, etc. for several current and former coaches - among possible candidates: Barrow, Hurtt, Hill and Stoutland/Pannunzio, though this depends to a degree on the ex-coaches willingness to sing to the NCAA. Will be worth following to see who cooperated.
-- Likely citation for multiple secondary violations, perhaps even a slight slap on the wrist for Golden. Likely not a big deal.
-- Possible vacated wins, titles and erasure to the record book. The NCAA will undoubtly cite the failure of former players to accept its invitation to cooperate with the investigation. The question is how far they deem violations to go back and whether they'll try to make a case that Miami used ineligible players, etc. Again, unless you are a historian this isn't a program killer and who knows what numbers/games the NCAA will come up with.
-- Penalties may be harsher than some might expect as the NCAA won't be able to nail down all the alleged violations, but in the end Miami will be punished for its perceived Miami-ness.

Men's Basketball
-- Scholarship reduction over 3 years - possibly 3 total
-- At least one-year postseason ban
-- Recruiting restrictions, including the number of official on-campus visits
-- Show-cause restrictions against former coaches, Morton and possibly Haith
-- Possible vacated wins

Neg this man and his "I have 15 posts because I signed up to troll a Miami site around signing day" ***gotry.