The OC Candidates Thread

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I trust both Mario and the athletic department/administration (especially with what Gattis did) to thoroughly vet Frost. Last thing this program needs is more attention for misbehaviors and such, given it’s already in the limelight for poor football play with a large budget, and a loud-mouth booster that loves spending money on kids / the whole NIL look (not my perspective, just what the national perception is).

If Frost is OC, I expect they did their full diligence on his background and got the ok from multiple external sources as well.
I don’t think Zo had anything to do with Gattis getting hired. But having him in the room helps as well too. I’m not going to blindly believe Mario can control him if he had the issues he did with Gattis. But Zo being a pro FO guy definitely helps in a situation like this.
Unless the poster thought Frost was the ****?
I Guess If You Say So GIF
Mario sees Kirby winning two championships back to back and sees no reason to stray from his formula.

He just better hope he and Ruiz can stock the kind of a First Day talent that UGA has been since Kirby has been there.

Gonna take at least 3 more years Top 5 recruiting to get to that level.
BTW, if the Frost rumors were true, I would think Nebraska would have fired him with cause and get out of that crazy contract. Which means, MIAMI WOULD GET HIM SUPER ******* CHEAP.
Pretty logical

I heard Candle from a few people yesterday but it’s possible he said no again

I remember reading the Frost stuff a while back and man, it was cringe inducing. Not the stuff Frost allegedly did, but the pathetic behavior and rumors of some people ****ing on his grave afterwards

It’s been a horrible program and the whole thing stunk. Not saying Frost is a victim or didn’t do anything wrong but I didn’t put much stock into what was said after he left to be honest
Mario sees Kirby winning two championships back to back and sees no reason to stray from his formula.

He just better hope he and Ruiz can stock the kind of a First Day talent that UGA has been since Kirby has been there.

Gonna take at least 3 more years Top 5 recruiting to get to that level.
What dude? Last I checked, Frost and Candle weren’t bro guys but you do you.
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