The OC Candidates Thread

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wouldn’t mind candle at all.
But those years that Toledo had a really good offense it was also due to the fact that Woodside was really good and had Cody Thompson and Diontae Johnson to throw to.
If Mario recruits the way we think, then it will be a “problem” we have every year.
You will never hear from me again until he's gone if he's the play calling OC. I'll sign a contract and everything

I tweeted out that I'm a candidate for the vacant Miami OC position as well. Rumor has it raises are going to be a bit tight this year with inflation and all and I need some kind of leverage over the manager's pretty boy Brian. That two-face rat ******* is the biggest suck up.
Doug Nussmier makes Marus Arroyo look like Andy Reid. Well at least our expectations won't be that high anymore, we could hire Arroyo and 95% of the fan base will be happy because it's not Nussmier.
Who the **** do you think you are talking to here? This fanbase is never happy.
Throw in Jehovah’s Witnesses in this, since their teachings & foundation is a spin off of the architect of the Great Disappointment & Adventist movement, William Miller.

End of the world groups who failed miserably prediction after prediction, started by one man who claimed divinity, to gather a following. These r now all considered religions b/c their eschatologies have been changed, history has been covered, and successors who came to power sympathizing with their predecessors (e.g: stating the founders were correct, but things happened “invisibly”, & they didn’t have the true understanding of their prophecy’s greater fulfillment in the future), while being registered as a 501(c)(3) under the IRS.
I see them riding their bicycles through intersections around here with their ties and dress clothes on. They're uhh.. not exactly the most rational bunch.

They believe that only 144k of them are getting into heaven. There are like 8 million of them right now and they've been preaching the 144k number since the 1930's.

Their odds of getting into heaven are about as good as our chances of winning the playoffs.
Hey superfan! Sorry i hurt your feelings. Didnt realize people with testosterone are so sensitive these days.

so mario missed on his top candidates last season but that couldn't happen again. Yes if coaches turned mario down its a miss. Pretty ******* simple.

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You’re such a **** with a reading comprehension issue as I in no wqy am sucking Mario’s balls they way you blow
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