The OC Candidates Thread

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His buyout in his 2019 contract was $450K so even if it doubled with the new deals it is nowhere near the $4 million Blake paid to "snag" Manny. Did read one comment saying Candle's wife wanted nothing to do with South Florida ... but no idea if that was a genuine fact.
I hate to go 1930s on this one but if true, the wife can come or she can stay...up to her lol we need our OFF

That’s your support for Candle as OC? Because he is a HC? ****, man
So i cant have my feelings? I know u man on here have gotten into attacking each other. But thats my feeling. He was the one running their offense and Cristobal is not a schematic guy, which is why he couldnt reign Gattis in. I value having a guy who im sure was in total command of his scheme in that scenario. Like whoever u like for whatever reason. Tf i care
I’m convinced Hydro is Beetlejuice.

beetlejuice GIF
sooo, on this glorious Thursday morning... is this the correct tracker??

1) Candle (based on a too obvious tweet by a guy that use to be cool but is now too caught up with sensationalism and bits)
2) Andy Lugwig (based on buzzlightyear tweet)
3) Frost (just because he was the hot name 2 days ago)
4) Littrell (not sure the connection but we ran with it)
sooo, on this glorious Thursday morning... is this the correct tracker??

1) Candle (based on a too obvious tweet by a guy that use to be cool but is now too caught up with sensationalism and bits)
2) Andy Lugwig (based on buzzlightyear tweet)
3) Frost (just because he was the hot name 2 days ago)
4) Littrell (not sure the connection but we ran with it)
I thought Ludwig is headed to KSU?
Here is why i like Candle. He is a HC, there is no question he was in charge. Unlike Gattis who apparently was shadowing Harbaugh. Im with Candle or Ludwig. Dont care for them other man. The guy from Texas Tech i would liked as someone young and coming up. No way Cristobal can stretch this into another week.....can he?
didn't candle just sign an extension? how can he be a possibility?
A few pages back when I pointed out Toledo’s horrific offensive rankings the last 5 years, one defense of that by some posters was that Candle wasn’t the OC during those sh*t years, so it wasn’t “his” offense.

If that’s the case, there’s no need for Beard to come along.

In the end, if your offense is so complicated you need to bring in help to get kids to learn it, you shouldn’t be the OC.
You and I are normally on the same page but I'm definitely more open to Candle than you seem to be. I'm not sure why the advanced metrics hate his offenses because his Toledo teams have ranked pretty well in total offense aside from last season (source - Sports Reference):

'16: 19
‘17: 16
‘18: 9
‘19: 75
‘20: 21
‘21: 27
‘22: 46
For those worried about whether Ludwig is Mormon or not remember the LDS church plays a huge part in the Poly community which is a pipeline we are trying to build. There’s plenty of diversity here for everyone
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