The OC Candidates Thread

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I said above average. Whipple was horrible while here. The progression of Jacory Harris between Whipple and Fisch was night and day.
That's a little unfair to say. Whipple had to suffer under Randy. Jedd at least had Al Golden under the helm who was a crappy fit but light years ahead of Randy. It's hard to look good when the head man in charge has no business being there.

no one has answered my question. isn't arroyo available? he checks all the boxes.


I've said it too. He's available...and yet...he doesn't seem to be the guy...

Or, to put it a different way...Arroyo is probably the ONE GUY...that if Mario hired him 60 seconds after firing STILL couldn't convince a court that there was a pre-determination that UM would fire Gattis...

Mario has history with Arroyo, no doubt. Nobody can question WHY he'd hire Arroyo, and nobody is expecting Mario to need a multi-day interview with Arroyo...

And yet, it still hasn't happened...
WOW there are some soft shouldered ***gons on here!

this "ME" microwave generation wants the NC delivered by Amazon Prime! wetting their short pants cause its taking too long....its been a year Nancy!

just as bad as the crying Canes message boards in 1998/1999 calling for Butch to be fired
Ludwig runs a "bro style" type offense for all those clamoring for speed, space, and pace

Very similar formations to Arroyo, Gattis, etc...

I do think he is a solid OC

Lumping Ludwig in with Arroyo and Gattis is inaccurate and lazy. He’s the one of the few guys that are equally creative in the run and passing game

They averaged 39ppg in 2022 ; 36.5ppg in 2021

Both years they were approx 50% on 3rd down conversion

If Miami lands him, I will be the President of the “I told you so” club in October
The Simpsons Reaction GIF
Naw, man. I'm not against "bringing up Arroyo's name".

I'm against the CONSTANT HYPERBOLIC use of his name as a talisman.

Anytime someone cuts you off in traffic, it's "God**** you, Arroyo!"

I've said it before, for the mopers, a lot of this stuff is proxy, a lot of this stuff is code. For the guys who wanted Kiffin, they will rip on Mario indirectly, but they won't say what they really want to say.

There's plenty of valid criticism on this board. But it's a somewhat smaller subset that are moping 24-7-365. Have I ever given YOU a hard time when you criticize or say something negative? And that's because I know where you are coming from, and you articulate yourself with phrases other than "ARROYO SUCKS DONKEY ****S" (and that is a DIRECT QUOTE from one particular mopey porster).

Let’s start with the exact thing you quoted, which led me to quote you:

Why do people keep bringing this man’s name up lol

Everything else you said, fine. All good. But the first part is what wears me out, because at this point there is nothing that says Arroyo isn’t in the candidate pool. Not a single thing, set against multiple reasons why you could say he’s a reasonable choice given that we’ve been told Mario doesn’t want to change from his scheme. Yet when his name is brought up, people respond with “why is his name even being brought up?”

Arroyo may be candidate number five (which Mario almost got to last year), he may be number ten. But until we hear otherwise, he could still be a candidate. If some ****ant is saying “he’s the guy and Mario sucks balls” then yeah, they’re just random sticking words in front of their real point: Mario sucks balls.
Let’s start with the exact thing you quoted, which led me to quote you:

Everything else you said, fine. All good. But the first part is what wears me out, because at this point there is nothing that says Arroyo isn’t in the candidate pool. Not a single thing, set against multiple reasons why you could say he’s a reasonable choice given that we’ve been told Mario doesn’t want to change from his scheme. Yet when his name is brought up, people respond with “why is his name even being brought up?”

Arroyo may be candidate number five (which Mario almost got to last year), he may be number ten. But until we hear otherwise, he could still be a candidate. If some ****ant is saying “he’s the guy and Mario sucks balls” then yeah, they’re just random sticking words in front of their real point: Mario sucks balls.

All good, all fair. I focuse on the word "keep". As in "keep bringing him up", which I felt was a question on repetitiveness.

Also, keep in mind...when people first started talking about how much of a "disaster" Arroyo would be, I asked the question why. I cited statistics. I pointed out how Arroyo-haters were being selective with the things they chose to highlight.

I've never said Arroyo is not a candidate, he is lower on the list for me as well. But I read the question to be "why is Arroyo repeatedly coming up", hence my response.

Until we can have a calm discussion thread on Arroyo, without reference to whether the man fellates beasts of burden, this is still going to be a subject that invites the He-Man Mario Haters Club to respond repetitively.

Anyone that is on here claiming that they know who the front runner is, is very likely lying with how buttoned up Mario and UM handle these bigger hirings

I know some names that Mario has interviewed but don’t know the pecking order

I’m still hopeful Andy Ludwig is the guy. It recently was made public that Mario interviewed him last year and I know Mario reached out to him again now

I’m guessing Mario would have to pay $2mm +/- to sway him, but in my opinion he’d be one of the few guys worth it

Me and you both are hopeful. I wanted him here back when we got Enos. He would definitely know how to utilize our talent at TE.
Ludwig runs a "bro style" type offense for all those clamoring for speed, space, and pace

Very similar formations to Arroyo, Gattis, etc...

I do think he is a solid OC

He does, a lot of 11 and 12 sets, heavy run and TE usage as well. There is a good bit of explosive dynamic to Utah’s game though, they just set it up with their 5+ YPC and usage of Dalton Kincaid (TE). He also is a pretty **** good play caller and QB Coach as well and Arroyo would be the happiest kid in South Florida if that happened cause he’d be a rich man in 12-24 months.

My biggest concern with him is Wittingham has his blueprint all over that team. The type of kids that he recruits, the culture he instills, all plays a part into their success and toughness specifically for that offense. Would Ludwig have that here? Remains to be seen but in terms of that offensive philosophy, not sure who would be a better candidate off the top of my head. We could (and probably will) do much worse obviously but we would rarely be outcoached with him running the show.
Let’s start with the exact thing you quoted, which led me to quote you:

Everything else you said, fine. All good. But the first part is what wears me out, because at this point there is nothing that says Arroyo isn’t in the candidate pool. Not a single thing, set against multiple reasons why you could say he’s a reasonable choice given that we’ve been told Mario doesn’t want to change from his scheme. Yet when his name is brought up, people respond with “why is his name even being brought up?”

Arroyo may be candidate number five (which Mario almost got to last year), he may be number ten. But until we hear otherwise, he could still be a candidate. If some ****ant is saying “he’s the guy and Mario sucks balls” then yeah, they’re just random sticking words in front of their real point: Mario sucks balls.

And sorry if you think I went too far. There's just soooo much passive-aggressive (and aggressive-aggressive) Mario hating going on:

He does, a lot of 11 and 12 sets, heavy run and TE usage as well. There is a good bit of explosive dynamic to Utah’s game though, they just set it up with their 5+ YPC and usage of Dalton Kincaid (TE). He also is a pretty **** good play caller and QB Coach as well and Arroyo would be the happiest kid in South Florida if that happened cause he’d be a rich man in 12-24 months.

My biggest concern with him is Wittingham has his blueprint all over that team. The type of kids that he recruits, the culture he instills, all plays a part into their success and toughness specifically for that offense. Would Ludwig have that here? Remains to be seen but in terms of that offensive philosophy, not sure who would be a better candidate off the top of my head. We could (and probably will) do much worse obviously but we would rarely be outcoached with him running the show.

All good points

My biggest appeal for Ludwig is that he adapts

He coached David Carr at Fresno in a passing first offense

Coached at Wisc that was run first with MGordon and James White

Coaches a very well balanced offense at Utah
I hate UM because I think Cristobal is probably interested in hiring his former OC who led Oregon to a near top 15 offense and a 12 win season, who runs the system Cristobal is most comfortable with, and who also now has a few years of D1 HC experience under his belt?
Oh My God Wow GIF by reactionseditor
Oregon fans hated Arroyo just saying. We ignored the Gattis warnings from Michigan fans, we going to do it again?
He does, a lot of 11 and 12 sets, heavy run and TE usage as well. There is a good bit of explosive dynamic to Utah’s game though, they just set it up with their 5+ YPC and usage of Dalton Kincaid (TE). He also is a pretty **** good play caller and QB Coach as well and Arroyo would be the happiest kid in South Florida if that happened cause he’d be a rich man in 12-24 months.

My biggest concern with him is Wittingham has his blueprint all over that team. The type of kids that he recruits, the culture he instills, all plays a part into their success and toughness specifically for that offense. Would Ludwig have that here? Remains to be seen but in terms of that offensive philosophy, not sure who would be a better candidate off the top of my head. We could (and probably will) do much worse obviously but we would rarely be outcoached with him running the show.
While I agree with your post wholeheartedly, in the future please put (TE) next to Arroyo to keep the blood thirsty hounds at bay
He does, a lot of 11 and 12 sets, heavy run and TE usage as well. There is a good bit of explosive dynamic to Utah’s game though, they just set it up with their 5+ YPC and usage of Dalton Kincaid (TE). He also is a pretty **** good play caller and QB Coach as well and Arroyo would be the happiest kid in South Florida if that happened cause he’d be a rich man in 12-24 months.

My biggest concern with him is Wittingham has his blueprint all over that team. The type of kids that he recruits, the culture he instills, all plays a part into their success and toughness specifically for that offense. Would Ludwig have that here? Remains to be seen but in terms of that offensive philosophy, not sure who would be a better candidate off the top of my head. We could (and probably will) do much worse obviously but we would rarely be outcoached with him running the show.
Bro style is not the reason our offense was ineffective
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