Naw, man. I'm not against "bringing up Arroyo's name".
I'm against the CONSTANT HYPERBOLIC use of his name as a talisman.
Anytime someone cuts you off in traffic, it's "God**** you, Arroyo!"
I've said it before, for the mopers, a lot of this stuff is proxy, a lot of this stuff is code. For the guys who wanted Kiffin, they will rip on Mario indirectly, but they won't say what they really want to say.
There's plenty of valid criticism on this board. But it's a somewhat smaller subset that are moping 24-7-365. Have I ever given YOU a hard time when you criticize or say something negative? And that's because I know where you are coming from, and you articulate yourself with phrases other than "ARROYO SUCKS DONKEY ****S" (and that is a DIRECT QUOTE from one particular mopey porster).